Aldrin (crater)

Crater on the Moon
Feature on the moon
1°24′N 22°06′E / 1.4°N 22.1°E / 1.4; 22.1Diameter3.4 kmDepth0.6 kmColongitude338° at sunriseEponymEdwin Buzz Aldrin

Aldrin is a small impact crater located on the southern part of the Mare Tranquillitatis, to the east of Sabine. It is located about 50 kilometers to the northwest of the Apollo 11 landing site, Tranquility Base. Named after Edwin Buzz Aldrin,[1] the crater is the westernmost of a row of three craters named in honor of the Apollo 11 crew members. About 30 kilometers to the east is the landing site of the Surveyor 5 lunar probe.

This crater was previously identified as Sabine B before being named by the IAU.[2] Sabine itself is to the west of Aldrin.

Annotated oblique view from Apollo 16 showing the vicinity of the Apollo 11 landing site (A11) with the craters Aldrin (Al), Collins (C), Armstrong (Ar), and Moltke (M), facing north.

See also

  • 6470 Aldrin
  • Armstrong (crater)
  • Collins (crater)


  1. ^ "Aldrin". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.
  2. ^ McElheny, Victor K. (August 15, 1970). "Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins on Moon again–as Names". The Boston Globe. Boston, Massachusetts. p. 16 – via
  • Staff (2006-02-05). "SMART-1 postcard of Apollo 11 landing site". ESA. Retrieved 2008-06-16.
  • Andersson, L. E.; Whitaker, E. A. (1982). NASA Catalogue of Lunar Nomenclature. NASA RP-1097.
  • Bussey, B.; Spudis, P. (2004). The Clementine Atlas of the Moon. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-81528-4.
  • Cocks, Elijah E.; Cocks, Josiah C. (1995). Who's Who on the Moon: A Biographical Dictionary of Lunar Nomenclature. Tudor Publishers. ISBN 978-0-936389-27-1.
  • McDowell, Jonathan (July 15, 2007). "Lunar Nomenclature". Jonathan's Space Report. Retrieved 2007-10-24.
  • Menzel, D. H.; Minnaert, M.; Levin, B.; Dollfus, A.; Bell, B. (1971). "Report on Lunar Nomenclature by the Working Group of Commission 17 of the IAU". Space Science Reviews. 12 (2): 136–186. Bibcode:1971SSRv...12..136M. doi:10.1007/BF00171763. S2CID 122125855.
  • Moore, Patrick (2001). On the Moon. Sterling Publishing Co. ISBN 978-0-304-35469-6.
  • Price, Fred W. (1988). The Moon Observer's Handbook. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-33500-3.
  • Rükl, Antonín (1990). Atlas of the Moon. Kalmbach Books. ISBN 978-0-913135-17-4.
  • Webb, Rev. T. W. (1962). Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes (6th revised ed.). Dover. ISBN 978-0-486-20917-3.
  • Whitaker, Ewen A. (1999). Mapping and Naming the Moon. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-62248-6.
  • Wlasuk, Peter T. (2000). Observing the Moon. Springer. ISBN 978-1-85233-193-1.
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