Human values

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  • Value (ethics and social sciences)

Human values are the need of hour in this world. Truth, Right conduct, love, peace, non-violence. These are basics for a golden age of the planet earth. All religions come under this basic foundation. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2011 DORAI Foundation involved in working for a social transformation, mobilizing agents for change and informed prevention actors to help create public awareness and support

1. Corporal punishment 2. Sexual abuse 3. Bullying 4. Neglect 5. Child labor 6. Child soldiers 7. Sale of children 8. Child prostitution 9. Child pornography 10. Child trafficking 11. Child sex tourism 12. Harmful cultural practices 13. Sexually transmitted infections 14. Street children 15. Substance abuse 16. Hunger and malnutrition 17. Internet 18. Television, movies and advertising 19. Video games and mobile phones