Khön clan of Sakya

Khön clan of Sakya (Tibetan: འཁོན) is a Tibetan clan and nobility originally based in Sa'gya. The clan traces its history to the time of Bod Chen Po. The Sakya Trizin of Sakya school was exclusively chosen from members of this clan.[1] The current head of Khön clan is Gyana Vajra Rinpoche.

Since the reign of Tsenpo Trisong Detsen, Khön clansmen had actively participated in the political and religious affairs of the Tibetan empire.[2] The founder of Sakya school Khön Könchok Gyalpo was a prominent member of this clan and the one who settled the clan in Sa'gya. Khöns had ruled the region of Sa'gya for centuries. Clansmen of Khön were appointed imperial preceptors of Yuan dynasty.[3] Yuan emperors entrusted Tibet's power to this clan. During Yuan's rule, Khön clan was the de facto ruling house of Tibet.[4] The top administrative official of Yuan's Tibet---Benchin(本欽) were either from Khön clan or closely related to it.[4] In addition, the "Imperial preceptor" was the head of the Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs. Out of political interests, many marriages were arranged between the Khön clan and Borjigin. Three members of Khön clan were given the title "Prince Bailan"(白蘭王). [5]

Prominent members


  1. ^ Ngawang Kunga Sonam (2005). Sakya Genealogy. 北京大方弘文图书发行有限公司. ISBN 9787800577178.
  2. ^ "薩迦・創立者・昆‧貢卻傑布". 中華民國密宗薩迦文殊佛學會. Archived from the original on 23 September 2017. Retrieved 22 Sep 2017.
  3. ^ Bao, Guizhen (2015). 中国少数民族宗教. 中国民主法制出版社. ISBN 9787516209790.
  4. ^ a b Tibetan studies. Social science academy of Tibet. 2008. p. 47.
  5. ^ Yang, Jianxin (2009). 中国西北少数民族通史: 蒙, 元卷. 民族出版社. p. 113. ISBN 9787105099252.
  • v
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Sakya Trizin
  1. Khön Könchok Gyalpo
  2. Rinchen Drag
  3. Sachen Kunga Nyingpo
  4. Sonam Tsemo
  5. Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen
  6. Sakya Pandita
  7. Drogön Chögyal Phagpa
  8. Rinchen Gyaltsen
  9. Dharmapala Raksita
  10. Jamyang Rinchen Gyaltsen
  11. Zangpo Pal
  12. Khatsun Namkha Lekpa Gyaltsen
  13. Jamyang Donyo Gyaltsen
  14. Lama Dampa Sonam Gyaltsen
  15. Tawen Lodrö Gyaltsen
  16. Tawen Kunga Rinchen
  17. Lopön Chenpo Gushri Lodrö Gyaltsen
  18. Jamyang Namkha Gyaltsen
  19. Kunga Wangchuk
  20. Gyagar Sherab Gyaltsen
  21. Dagchen Lodrö Gyaltsen
  22. Kunga Sönam
  23. Ngagchang Kunga Rinchen
  24. Jamyang Sönam Sangpo
  25. Dragpa Lodrö
  26. Ngawang Kunga Wangyal
  27. Ngawang Kunga Sönam
  28. Ngawang Sönam Wangchuk
  29. Ngawang Kunga Tashi
  30. Sönam Rinchen
  31. Kunga Lodrö
  32. Wangdu Nyingpo
  33. Pema Dudul Wangchuk
  34. Dorje Rinchen
  35. Tashi Rinchen
  36. Kunga Sönam
  37. Kunga Nyingpo
  38. Dzamling Chegu Wangdu
  39. Dragshul Trinle Rinchen
  40. Ngawang Thutob Wangdrag
  41. Ngawang Kunga Tegchen Palbar
  42. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche
  • Sakya
  • Sakyapa dynasty
  • Khön clan of Sakya
  • Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs