List of American Enterprise Institute scholars and fellows

The following notable persons are or have in the past been scholars, fellows, or staff members affiliated with the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI). If known, titles and dates of affiliation are included.

Politicians and government officials

  • William J. Baroody Jr., executive vice president (1977–78), president (1978–1986)
  • Richard Bolling, visiting fellow (1984–1991)
  • John R. Bolton, senior vice president (1999–2001), senior fellow (2006– )
  • Clarence J. Brown Jr., senior fellow (1983)
  • Lynne V. Cheney, senior fellow (1993– )
  • Richard B. Cheney, senior fellow (1993–1995), trustee (1995–2000)
  • Barber Conable, senior fellow (1985–86)
  • Bùi Diễm, visiting scholar (1984– )
  • Gerald R. Ford, distinguished fellow (1977–2006)
  • Malcolm Fraser, distinguished international fellow (1984–1986)
  • David Gergen, resident fellow (1978–1981)
  • Newt Gingrich, senior fellow (1999–2011)
  • Robert P. Griffin, senior fellow (1979– )
  • Philip Habib, senior fellow (1983–1986)
  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali, resident fellow (2006– )
  • Alan Keyes, resident scholar (1987–1989)
  • Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, resident scholar, senior fellow (1977–1981, 1985–2006)
  • James R. Lilley, senior fellow (1993–2009) (Deceased)
  • Lawrence B. Lindsey, Arthur F. Burns Fellow in Economic Policy Studies (1997–2001), visiting scholar (2003– )
  • Roger F. Noriega, visiting fellow (2005– )
  • Mark McClellan, visiting senior fellow (2006–2008)
  • Daniel Patrick Moynihan, member, Council of Academic Advisers (2001–2003)
  • Richard Perle, resident fellow (1987– )
  • Radek Sikorski, resident fellow and director, New Atlantic Initiative (2002–2005)
  • John W. Snow, visiting fellow (1977–1980), trustee (1995–2003)
  • Bill Thomas, visiting fellow (2007– )
  • Fred Thompson, visiting fellow (2003–2007)
  • Peter J. Wallison, resident fellow (1999–2007), Arthur F. Burns Fellow in Financial Policy Studies (2007– )
  • Paul Wolfowitz, visiting scholar (2007– ), member, Council of Academic Advisers (1998–2001)


Authors and journalists


  • Conservatism
  • icon Economics
  • Listing of current AEI scholars and fellows