List of Ottoman calligraphers

The following is an incomplete list of Ottoman calligraphers:

15th–16th century

  • Hâfiz Osman
  • Seyyid Kasim Gubari
  • Ahmed Karahisari
  • Sheikh Hamdullah
  • Kahdi Mahmud Efendi (d. 1575)[1]
  • Ahmed Pasa (d. 1611) son of Kahdi Mahmud Efendi[2]
  • Mustafa Ali (d. 1600)[3]
  • Yûsuf Efendi (d. 1611)[4]
  • Abdullah Amâsi- 16th-century calligrapher[5]
  • Ahmed Şemseddin Karahisarî (d. 963/1556)[6]
  • Gâbârî Adurrahman (d. 974/1566)[7]
  • Rizâî Mahmud Baba Efendi (d. 987/1579)[8]
  • Mustafa Dede – son of Sheikh Hamdullah (d. 945/1538)[9]
  • Tâcîzâde Ca'fer Çelebi (1452–1515) poet, calligrapher and scholar[10]
  • Ibrahim Vahdi (d. 1714)[11]

17th–18th century

  • Ibrahim Afif (d. 1767)[12]
  • Egrikapili Mehmed Rasim Efendi
  • İsmail Zühdi Efendi
  • Mehmed Esad Yesari
  • Mehmed Rasim (1687–1755)[13]
  • Mustafa Kutahi (d. after 1785)[14]
  • Musa al-'Abidi
  • Yesarizade Mustafa Izzet Efendi
  • Derviş Ali
  • Veliyyuddin Efendi[15]
  • Mehmed Refi Efendi (d. 1769)[16]
  • Abdul Rahman Hilmi (d. 1805)
  • Yedikuleli Seyyid 'Abdullah Efendi (d. 1731)
  • Suyolcuzade Mustafa Eyyubi (1619–1686)
  • Mahmud Celaleddin Efendi (c. 1750–1829)
  • Esmâ Ibret Hanim (b. 1780) wife of Mahmud Celâleddin Efendi
  • Halid Erzurumi (d. 1651)[17]
  • Dede Mehmed Efendi (d. 1734)[18]
  • Şâbanzâde Mehmed Efendi(d. 1120/1708)[19]
  • Dede Mehmed Efendi (d. 1147/1734)[20]
  • Adülbâkî -i Tebrîzî (d. 1039/1629-30)[21]
  • Kâtibzâde Mehmed Refî (d. 1183/1769)[22]
  • Hasan Üsküdârî (d. 1023/1614)[23]
  • Hüseyin Hablî (d. 1157/1744)[24]
  • İbrâhim Rodosî (d. 1201/1787)[25]
  • Eski İsmâil Zühdü (d. 1144/1731)[26]
  • Eğrikapılı Mehmed Râsim (d. 1169/1756)[27]
  • Ramazan b. İsmâil رمضان بن إسماعيل (d. 1091/1680)[28]
  • Tophâneli Mahmued Nûri,(d. 1080/1669)[29]

19th–20th century

  • Ali Alparslan (1925–2006)[30]
  • Şefik Bey (Mehmed Şefik, 1819–1880)[31]
  • Abdullah Zuhudi Effendi (1835–1879)[32]
  • Muhsinzade Abdullah Bey (1832–1899)[33]
  • Hasan Çelebi (b. 1937)[34]
  • Hasan Riza Effendi (1849–1920)[35]
  • Kazasker Mustafa Izzet Efendi
  • Mehmed Şevkî Efendi (1829–1887)[36]
  • Mehmet Şefik (1818–1890)[37]
  • Mehmed Sami Efendi (1838–1912)
  • Hattat Aziz Efendi
  • Mustafa Râkim
  • Kayışzâde Hâfız Osman Efendi[38]
  • Hulusi Yazgan [tr][39]
  • Necmeddîn Okyay (Necmeddîn Üsküdari Efendi, 1883–1976)[40] tr:Necmeddin Okyay
  • Bakkal Arif Efendi[41]
  • Kâmil Akdik[42]
  • Neyzen Emîn Efendi[43]
  • Halîm Özyazıcı (1898–1964)[44]
  • Bekir Pektin (b. 1913)[45]
  • Hamid Aytaç
  • Ismail Hakkı Altunbezer (1873–1946)[46]
  • Mustafa Râkim (Mustafa Raq'im, 1757–1826)[47]
  • Çömez Mustafa Vasif (d. 1853)[48]
  • Hafız Hasan Tahsin Hilmi Efendi (1847–1912)[49][50]
  • Mustafa Halim Özyazici (alternate spelling: Oyazici) (1898–1964)[51]
  • Mustafa Uğur Derman (b. 1935)[52]
  • Hafız Mehmed Fehmi Efendi (1860–1915)[53]
  • Abdülkadir Şürki Efendi 19th-century calligrapher[54]
  • Şeref Adkik (1899–1972)[55]
  • Şeyh Ali Bedevî (1868–1943)[56]
  • Şeref Akdik (1899–1972)[57]
  • Hasan Rizâ Efendi (d. 1890)[58]
  • Esad Muhis Paşa (1780–1850)[59]
  • Mehmed Hâşim Efendi (d. 1845)[60]
  • Mehmed Nazif Bey (1846–1913)[61]
  • Kebecizâde Mehmed Vasfi, (d. 1831)[62]
  • Çemşîr Hâfız Sâlîh Efendi, (d. 1236/1820–21)[63]
  • Laz Ömer Efendi (d. 1240/1825)[64]
  • Mehmed Şevket Vahdetî (1833–1871)[65]

See also


  1. ^ Uğur Derman, M., Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998 , p. 60
  2. ^ Uğur Derman, M., Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998 , p. 60
  3. ^ Behrens-Abouseif, D. and Vernoit, S. (es), Islamic Art in the 19th Century: Tradition, Innovation, And Eclecticism, BRILL, 2006, p.90
  4. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:; Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 1079
  5. ^ Mansour, N., Sacred Script: Muhaqqaq in Islamic Calligraphy, I.B. Tauris, 2011, p. 164;Islam Encyclopedia, 16th-century Online:
  6. ^ Mansour, N., Sacred Script: Muhaqqaq in Islamic Calligraphy, I.B. Tauris, 2011, p. 200;Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  7. ^ Islam Encyclopedia
  8. ^ Islam Encyclopedia
  9. ^ Akin-Kivanç, E., Mustafa Âli's Epic Deeds of Artists: A Critical Edition of the Earliest Ottoman Text about the Calligraphers and Painters of the Islamic World, Brill, 2011, p. 95; Islam Encyclopedia,Online:
  10. ^ Brill Online Reference Works, Online:
  11. ^ Rado, S., Türk Hattatlari: XV [Turkish Calligraphers], Istanbul: Yayin Matbaacilik Ticaret, 1983
  12. ^ Rado, S., Türk Hattatlari: XV, (yüzyildan günümüze kadar gelmis ünlü hattatlarin hayatlari ve yazilarindan örnekler), Istanbul, Yayin Matbaacilik Ticaret, 1983
  13. ^ Bloom, G and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 474
  14. ^ Habibeh Rahim, Inscription as Art in the World of Islam: Unity in Diversity: at the Emily Lowe Gallery,Hofstra University, 1996, p. 21
  15. ^ Saleh, W.A., The Formation of the Classical Tafsīr Tradition: The Qurʼān Commentary of Al-Thaʻlabī (d. 427/1035), Brill, 2004, p. 251; Thomas, D. and Chesworth, J.A., Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History, Volume 7, Brill, 2004, p. 630
  16. ^ Ayvansaray-i, H.H., The Garden of the Mosques: Hafiz Hüseyin Al-Ayvansarayî's Guide to the Muslim Monuments of Ottoman Istanbul, Brill, 2000, p. 25; Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 844
  17. ^ Bayani, M., The Decorated Word: Qurʼans of the 17th to 19th Centuries, Volume 4, Part 1, Nour Foundation, 1999, p. 77
  18. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  19. ^ Islam Encyclopedia,Online:
  20. ^ Islam Encyclopedia,Online:
  21. ^ Islam Encyclopedia,Online:
  22. ^ Islam Encyclopedia,Online:
  23. ^ Uğur Derman, M., Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998 , p. 62 and p, 64; "Hasan Üsküdârî" [Biography], Islam Encyclopedia, Online:; Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 1079
  24. ^ Uğur Derman, M., Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998 , p. 187; Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 488; "Hüseyin Hablî" [Biography] in: Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  25. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  26. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  27. ^ Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 316;Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  28. ^ Roper, G. (ed.), The History of the Book in the Middle East, Routledge, 2017, [E-book edition], n.p.; Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  29. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  30. ^ Bloom, G and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 361
  31. ^ Bloom, G and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 474; Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 940
  32. ^ Bloom, G and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 39; Uğur Derman, Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, N.Y., Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998, p. 118
  33. ^ M. Uğur Derman, Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, N.Y., Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998, p. 118; Traditional Turkish Arts: Calligraphy, Volume 5, Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Fine Arts, n.d. p. 21
  34. ^ Bloom, G and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 361
  35. ^ M. Uğur Derman, Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, N.Y., Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998, p. 118
  36. ^ M. Uğur Derman, Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, N.Y., Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998, p. 19
  37. ^ Bloom, J. and Blair, S.S. (eds), Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art & Architecture, Volume 1, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 475
  38. ^ Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 769
  39. ^ Selçuk Mülayim and İlhan Akşit, Turkish Art and Architecture in Anatolia & Mimar Sinan, Akşit, 2005, p.262
  40. ^ Bloom, G and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 65; Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 757
  41. ^ Murat Ocak, The Turks: Ottomans vol. 2, Yeni Türkiye, 2002 [E-book edition], n.p
  42. ^ Traditional Turkish Arts: Calligraphy, Volume 5, Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Fine Arts, n.d. p. 51
  43. ^ Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 151
  44. ^ Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 785
  45. ^ Bloom, G and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 361
  46. ^ Shaw, W. K. M., Ottoman Painting: Reflections of Western Art from the Ottoman Empire to the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic, I.B. Taurus, 2011, p. 57, p. 111, p. 169; Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 785
  47. ^ Bloom, G and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. xvi
  48. ^ Bloom, G and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 39; Uğur Derman, Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, N.Y., Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998, p. 114
  49. ^ Selçuk Mülayim and İlhan Akşit, Turkish Art and Architecture in Anatolia & Mimar Sinan, Akşit, 2005, p. 262; Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 463
  50. ^ TDV Islamic Encyclopedia, Istanbul in 2010, volume 39, page 431.
  51. ^ Bloom, G. and Blair, S.S., "Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture", Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 89
  52. ^ Oxford Index, Online:
  53. ^ [bare URL PDF]
  54. ^ [bare URL PDF]
  55. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  56. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  57. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  58. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:; M. Uğur Derman, Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, N.Y., Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998, p. 118
  59. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  60. ^ Schmidt, J., Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and Other Collections in the Netherlands, BRILL, 2012, p. 406; Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 464; Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  61. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  62. ^ Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  63. ^ Bayani, M., The Decorated Word: Qurʼans of the 17th to 19th Centuries, Volume 4, Part 1, Nour Foundation, 1999, p. 122 and 269; Islam Encyclopedia, Online:
  64. ^ Behrens-Abouseif, F. and Vernoit, S., Islamic Art in the 19th Century: Tradition, Innovation, And Eclecticism, BRILL, 2006, p. 99; Uğur Derman, M., Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998 , p. 23; Islam Encyclopedia, [1]
  65. ^ Turkish Biographical Index, Walter de Gruyter, 2011, p. 1035;Islam Encyclopedia, Online: