List of the orchids of Ireland

This is an annotated list of the orchids found in Ireland.

Genus Anacamptis Rich.

  • Anacamptis morio (Linnaeus) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase.

Distribution. Southern half of Ireland but not Southwest Map[1] Status. Endangered.[2]

  • Anacamptis morio Habitat
    Anacamptis morio Habitat
  • EOL images of Anacamptis morio
  • Anacamptis pyramidalis (Linnaeus) Richard.

Distribution. Most of Ireland.Map [1]

  • Anacamptis pyramidalis Habitat
    Anacamptis pyramidalis Habitat
  • Anacamptis pyramidalis Donegal
    Anacamptis pyramidalis Donegal
  • EOL images of Anacamptis pyramidalis

Genus Cephalanthera L.C.M. Richard

  • Cephalanthera longifolia (Linnaeus) Fritsch.

Distribution.Scattered over Ireland. Extinct Northern Ireland Map[1] Status.Endangered.[2]

  • EOL images of Cephalanthera longifolia

Genus Coeloglossum Hartm.

valid combination Dactylorhiza viridis

Genus Dactylorhiza Necker ex Nevski

  • Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó.

Distribution. All of Ireland Map[1]

  • Dactylorhiza fuchsii Habitat
    Dactylorhiza fuchsii Habitat
  • Dactylorhiza fuchsii
    Dactylorhiza fuchsii
  • EOL images of Dactylorhiza fuchsii
  • Dactylorhiza fuchsii subspecies hebridensis (Wilmott) Soó
  • Dactylorhiza fuchsii subspecies fuchsii (Druce) Soó
  • Dactylorhiza fuchsii subspecies okellyi (Druce) Soó
  • Dactylorhiza incarnata (Linnaeus) Soó.

Distribution.All of Ireland Map[1]

  • Dactylorhiza incarnata subspecies cruenta (O.F. Müller) Soó See Kew World Checklist

Distribution Map

  • Dactylorhiza incarnata Habitat
    Dactylorhiza incarnata Habitat
  • Dactylorhiza incarnata
    Dactylorhiza incarnata
  • EOL images of Dactylorhiza incarnata
  • Dactylorhiza incarnata subspecies coccinea (Pugsley) Soó
  • Dactylorhiza incarnata subspecies incarnata (Linnaeus)
  • Dactylorhiza incarnata forma rosea
    Dactylorhiza incarnata forma rosea
  • Dactylorhiza incarnata subspecies pulchella (Druce) Soó
  • Dactylorhiza maculata auctorum hibernicorum.

Distribution. All of Ireland Map

  • Dactylorhiza maculata Habitat
    Dactylorhiza maculata Habitat
  • Dactylorhiza maculata
    Dactylorhiza maculata
  • EOL images of Dactylorhiza maculata
  • Dactylorhiza majalis (Reichenb.) Hunt & Summerhayes.

Distribution. Widespread Map[3]

  • Dactylorhiza majalis Habitat
    Dactylorhiza majalis Habitat
  • Dactylorhiza majalis
    Dactylorhiza majalis
  • EOL images of Dactylorhiza majalis
  • Dactylorhiza majalis subspecies occidentalis (Pugsley) P. Delforge Synonym of Dactylorhiza kerryensis (Wilmott) P.F. Hunt & Summerhayes. See Kew World Checklist and [1]

Distribution. Western, Northern and Central Ireland Map[1]

  • Dactylorhiza occidentalis Burren Habitus
    Dactylorhiza occidentalis Burren Habitus
  • Dactylorhiza occidentalis inflorescence
    Dactylorhiza occidentalis inflorescence
  • Dactylorhiza purpurella (T. Stephenson & T.A. Stephenson) Soó

Distribution. All Ireland. Mainly North Map[1]

  • Dactylorhiza purpurella Habitat
    Dactylorhiza purpurella Habitat
  • Dactylorhiza purpurella Inflorescence
    Dactylorhiza purpurella Inflorescence
  • EOL images of Dactylorhiza purpurella
  • Dactylorhiza traunsteineri (Sauter) Soó. Distribution. All Ireland.Scattered.Map
  • Dactylorhiza traunsteineri. Habitus
    Dactylorhiza traunsteineri. Habitus
  • Dactylorhiza traunsteineri Inflorescence
    Dactylorhiza traunsteineri Inflorescence
  • EOL images of Dactylorhiza traunsteineri
  • Dactylorhiza viridis (Linnaeus) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase synonym Coeloglossum viride (Linnaeus) Hartman.

Distribution. All Ireland.Map[1]

  • Dactylorhiza viridis Habitat
    Dactylorhiza viridis Habitat
  • Dactylorhiza viridis Habitus
    Dactylorhiza viridis Habitus
  • Dactylorhiza viridis
    Dactylorhiza viridis
  • EOL images of Dactylorhiza viridis

nothosubspecies of = Dactylorhiza (hybrid subspecies)

  • x braunii (Halácsy) Borsos & Soó
  • x claudiopolitana (Soó) Soó
  • x formosa (T. & T.A. Stephenson) Soó
  • x jenensis (Brand.) Soó
  • x kellerana P.F. Hunt
  • x kernerorum (Soó) Soó
  • x townsendiana (Rouy) Soó
  • x transiens (Druce) Soó
  • x venusta (T. & T.A. Stephenson) Soó
  • Dactylorhiza fuchsii x incarnata subsp. cruenta

Genus Epipactis Zinn

  • Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser.

Distribution. Western Ireland. Map[1]

  • Epipactis atrorubens. Habitus
    Epipactis atrorubens. Habitus
  • Epipactis atrorubens. Inflorescence
    Epipactis atrorubens. Inflorescence

Distribution. All Ireland. Map[1]

  • Epipactis helleborine Habitus
    Epipactis helleborine Habitus
  • Epipactis helleborine Inflorescence
    Epipactis helleborine Inflorescence

Distribution. All Ireland. Map[1]

  • Habitat
  • Inflorescence
  • Flower

Distribution.Confined to North and coastal East Map[1]

  • Epipactis phyllanthes
    Epipactis phyllanthes
  • EOL images of Epipactis phyllanthes

Genus Gymnadenia R. Brown

Distribution. Restricted. Map

  • Gymnadenia borealis Keen of Hamar NNR Scotland
    Gymnadenia borealis Keen of Hamar NNR Scotland

Distribution.All Ireland Map[1]

  • Gymnadenia conopsea. Habitat
    Gymnadenia conopsea. Habitat
  • Gymnadenia conopsea Habitus
    Gymnadenia conopsea Habitus
  • EOL images of Gymnadenia conopsea
  • Gymnadenia densiflora (Wahlenb.) A. Dietr. = Gymnadenia × densiflora (Wahlenb.) A.Dietr., Allg. Gartenzeitung 7: 170 (1839) only this hybrid name is accepted. Hybrid Formula: G. conopsea × G. odoratissima

Distribution. Restricted. North map

nothosubspecies of Gymnadenia (hybrid subspecies)

  • x Dactylogymnadenia cookei (H. Harrison fil.) Soó
  • x Dactylogymnadenia legrandiana (Camus) Soó
  • x Dactylogymnadenia varia (T. & T.A. Stephenson) Soó

Genus Hammarbya O. Kuntze

Distribution.All Ireland.Coastal Map Status.Endangered.[2]

  • Hammarbya paludosa. Habitus
    Hammarbya paludosa. Habitus
  • Hammarbya paludosa Infloresecence
    Hammarbya paludosa Infloresecence
  • Hammarbya paludosa Infloresecence
    Hammarbya paludosa Infloresecence
  • EOL images of Hammarbya paludosa

Genus Leucorchis E. Mey

valid combination Pseudorchis albida (Linnaeus) A. Löve & D. Löve. See below

Genus Listera R. Brown

Valid combination Neottia cordata (L.) Rich. Valid combination Neottia ovata (Linnaeus) Bluff & Fingerh.

Genus Neotinea Reichb. f.

Distribution. WesternIreland (24 Hectads) Map[1]

  • Neotinea maculata
    Neotinea maculata
  • EOL images of Neotinea maculata

Genus Neottia Ludwig

Distribution. All Ireland. Fewer records Midland Map[1]

  • Listera cordata Habitat (Alpine Biotope)
    Listera cordata Habitat (Alpine Biotope)
  • Listera cordata Habitus
    Listera cordata Habitus
  • Listera cordata Inflorescence
    Listera cordata Inflorescence
  • EOL images of Neottia cordata
  • Neottia ovata (Linnaeus) Bluff & Fingerh.

Distribution. All Ireland.Map[1]

  • Neottia ovata Habitus
    Neottia ovata Habitus
  • Neottia ovata Inflorescence
    Neottia ovata Inflorescence

Distribution.All Ireland. Map[1]

  • Neottia nidus-avis Habitus
    Neottia nidus-avis Habitus
  • Neottia nidus-avis Inflorescence
    Neottia nidus-avis Inflorescence
  • EOL images of Neottia nidus-avis

Genus Ophrys Linnaeus

Distribution.All Ireland. Map[1]

  • Ophrys apifera Habitus
    Ophrys apifera Habitus
  • Ophrys apifera Inflorescence
    Ophrys apifera Inflorescence

Distribution.Central and West Ireland (karst). Map[1]

  • Ophrys insectifera Habitat
    Ophrys insectifera Habitat
  • Ophrys insectifera Habitus
    Ophrys insectifera Habitus
  • Ophrys insectifera Inflorescence
    Ophrys insectifera Inflorescence
  • Ophrys insectifera Flower
    Ophrys insectifera Flower
  • EOL images of Ophrys insectifera

Genus Orchis

Distribution.All Ireland. Map[1]

  • Orchis mascula Habitus
    Orchis mascula Habitus
  • Orchis mascula Inflorescence
    Orchis mascula Inflorescence
  • EOL images of Orchis mascula

Genus Platanthera L.C.M. Richard

Distribution.All Ireland. Map[1]

  • Platanthera bifolia Habitat
    Platanthera bifolia Habitat
  • Platanthera bifolia Habitus
    Platanthera bifolia Habitus
  • Platanthera bifolia Flower
    Platanthera bifolia Flower

Distribution.All Ireland. Map[1]

  • Platanthera chlorantha Habitus
    Platanthera chlorantha Habitus
  • Platanthera chlorantha Inflorescence
    Platanthera chlorantha Inflorescence
  • EOL images of Platanthera chlorantha

Genus Pseudorchis Séguier

Distribution.All Ireland. Map[1] Status.Endangered[4]

  • Pseudorchis albida Habitat (Italy)
    Pseudorchis albida Habitat (Italy)
  • Pseudorchis albida
    Pseudorchis albida
  • EOL images of Pseudorchis albida

Genus Spiranthes Rich.

Distribution. South Ireland. Map[1]

  • Spiranthes spiralis Habitus
    Spiranthes spiralis Habitus
  • Spiranthes spiralis Flower
    Spiranthes spiralis Flower

Distribution.North, Galway Mayo Buttress and Southwest Map[1] Status. Endangered.[4]

  • Spiranthes romanzoffiana Habitus
    Spiranthes romanzoffiana Habitus
  • Spiranthes romanzoffiana Flower
    Spiranthes romanzoffiana Flower
  • EOL images of Spiranthes romanzoffiana


See WCSP 2012. World Checklist of selected plant families. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2012-October-24.

See also

National Biodiversity Network Maps and data


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Scannell, M.J.P. & Synnott, D.M. ,1987. Census catalogue of the flora of Ireland. A list of Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae and Angiospermae including all the native plants and established aliens known to occur in Ireland with the distribution of each species, and recommended Irish and English names pp. [i]-xxvii, 1-171, Map. Dublin: Stationery Office
  2. ^ a b c "Endangered plants in Ireland". Glasnevin Botanic Gardens.
  3. ^ Webb, D.A. & Scannell, M.J.P., 1983. Flora of Connemara and the Burren. pp. i-xlv, 1-322, 4 colour pls; 25 black and white illustrations. Dublin & Cambridge: Royal Dublin Society & Cambridge University Press.
  4. ^ a b "Endangered plants in Ireland". Glasnevin Botanic Gardens.
  • Bateman, R.M., Pridgeon, A.M. & Chase, M.W. (1997). Phylogenetics of subtribe Orchidinae (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae) based on nuclear its sequences. 2. Infrageneric relationships and reclassification to achieve monophyly of Orchis sensu stricto. Lindleyana 12: 113-141.
  • Bateman, Richard M, 2011 Glacial progress: do we finally understand thenarrow-leaved marsh-orchids? New Journal of Botany Volume 1, Number 1, June 2011, pp. 2–15(14) pdf
  • O'Reilly, P. & Parker, S. (2007). The first nature guide to wild orchids in the Burren. pp. [1]-67. Lladdysul: First Nature.
  • Scannell, M.J.P. & Synnott, D.M. (1987). Census catalogue of the flora of Ireland. A list of Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae and Angiospermae including all the native plants and established aliens known to occur in Ireland with the distribution of each species, and recommended Irish and English names. pp. [i]-xxvii, 1-171, Map. Dublin: Stationery Office.
  • Sayers, B. & Sex, S. (2008). Ireland's wild orchids a field guide. pp. [i-iii], i-x, 1-109. Galway: Propeller.
  • Kingston, N.. (2009). Checklist of protected & rare species in Ireland. pp. 1–15.
  • Turner Ettlinger, D.M. (1976). British and Irish orchids a field guide. pp. [i]-vi, 1-141. London & Basignstoke: The Macmillan Press Ltd. ISBN 0333182626
  • Webb, D.A. & Scannell, M.J.P. (1983). Flora of Connemara and the Burren. pp. i-xlv, 1-322, 4 colour pls; 25 black and white illustrations. Dublin & Cambridge: Royal Dublin Society & Cambridge University Press.
  • Harrap, Anne & Simon Harrap (2009) Orchids of Britain & Ireland: A Field and Site Guide, 2nd ed., A & C Black, London. ISBN 978-1-4081-0571-9.
  • Lang, David (1980) Orchids of Britain: a field guide. Oxford University Press ISBN 0192176927
  • Pierre Delforge, 2006 Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East Portland, Or. : Timber Press 3rd Edition ISBN 9780881927542
  • Karl-Peter Buttler, 1986 Orchideen, die wildwachsenden Arten Europas. Mosaik Verlag ISBN 3-570-04403-3
  • H. Baumann, S. Künkele, 1982 Die wildwachsenden Orchideen Europas. Frankh ISBN 3-440-05068-8
  • Robert L. Dressler,1996 Die Orchideen - Biologie und Systematik der Orchidaceae.
  • Hans Sundermann, 1975 Europäische und mediterrane Orchideen. Brücke-Verlag, 2. Auflage ISBN 3-871-05010-5
  • J. G. Williams, Orchideen Europas mit Nordafrika und Kleinasien. BLV Verlag, ISBN 3-405-11901-4
  • Kreutz, C.A.J., 2004 Kompendium der Europäischen Orchideen Landgraaf Kreutz ISBN 908066264X Lists all subspecies, forma and other names.
  • Preston C. D., Pearman D. A. and Dines T.D., 2002 New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-851067-5 Verified and standardised maps.
  • Biodiversity Ireland includes datasets and maps
  • Online Atlas of the British and Irish flora Biological Records Centre Information organised under :- Photos, Maps, Habitats, Life Form, Distribution, Conservation Status, Other Accounts, References.
  • Orchids of France Pierre Delforge, 2000 .