List of universities and colleges in Latvia

This is a list of universities and colleges in Latvia. The accrediting body for universities and colleges in Latvia is the 'Council of Higher Education' (Augstākās izglītības padome).

Institutions are divided into 'first-level vocational schools or colleges' (pirmā līmeņa profesionālās izglītības iestādes jeb koledžas) and Augstskola, a Latvian language term roughly translated as 'high school' or 'higher school', which covers institutions generally referred to as universities or tertiary colleges in English. Each category is further subdivided as follows:


State universities (Valsts universitātes)

State colleges (Valsts augstskolas)

Non-university type colleges (Neuniversitātes tipa augstskolas)

Vocational schools and colleges

State colleges (Valsts koledžas)

  • Daugavpils Medical College (lv) (integrated into the University of Daugavpils from March 2018)
  • Fire Safety and Civil Defence College
  • Jēkabpils Agribusiness College
  • Latvian Cultural College at the Latvian Academy of Culture
  • Liepāja Maritime College
  • Malnava College (lv)
  • Olaine Mechanics and Technology College
  • Red Cross Medical College at Riga Stradiņš University (lv)
  • Riga 1st Medical College (lv)
  • Riga Building College
  • Riga Business College at the BA School of Business and Finance
  • Riga Medical College at the University of Latvia (lv)
  • Riga Technical College (lv)
  • State Agency for Social Integration College
  • State Border Guard College
  • State Police College (lv)
  • Stradiņš Medical College at the University of Latvia (lv)
  • European Skill Training Institute
  • Albert College
  • Christian Leadership College
  • College of Accounting and Finance
  • College of Business Administration (lv)
  • College of Law
  • Cosmetology College
  • Latvian College of Business (lv)
  • Novikontas Maritime College

Foreign university affiliates (Ārvalstu augstskolu filiāles)

See also

  • Links to Latvian colleges and universities at Council for Higher Education website