Neuro Dubel

Belarusian punk rock band

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Neuro Dubel (Russian: Нейро Дюбель, Belarusian: Нейра Дзюбель) is a Belarusian punk rock band originating from Minsk signed by West Records.[1][2][3][4] It was founded by Alaksandar Kulinkovič (born 18 May 1972, died 4 August 2018) and his brother-in-law Hienadź Ahiejčyk on 17 July 1989. The band was recognized as Rock-Kings twice at the Rock Coronation Belarusian Music Awards.[5]


The band currently features only one original member: Andrej Ściepaniuk (aka. Stepashka) as a drummer. The other three members are guitarists, which include Vital Abramovič, Uładzimier Sachončyk and bass player Jaŭhien Broŭka (all three joined in 2003). Notable former members include Alaksandar Kulinkovič (lead vocalist, 1989–2018), Jury Navumaŭ (backing vocals, 1991–2020), Maksim Paravy (guitars, 1994–2003), Stanisłaŭ Papłaŭski (bass guitar, 1993–2003) and Maksim Ivašyn (keyboards, 1993–2004).[6]


Neuro Dubel's first studio album Умные вещи (Clever Things) was released in 1995. By 2013, 8 studio albums followed.

Studio discography

Participation in collections


  1. ^ Войтович, Мария (23 September 2020). "Нет Куллинковича, нет Паскуды: что ждёт Neuro Dubel без вокалистов" (in Russian). European Radio for Belarus. Archived from the original on 25 September 2020. Retrieved 25 September 2020.
  2. ^ Вайтовіч, Марыя (23 September 2020). "Няма Кулінковіча, няма Паскуды: што чакае Neuro Dubel без вакалістаў" (in Belarusian). European Radio for Belarus. Archived from the original on 25 September 2020. Retrieved 25 September 2020.
  3. ^ Стрыжак, Натальля (1 October 2014). "Гісторыя Neuro Dubel у 25-ці эпізодах (шмат фота!)". Archived from the original on 6 April 2020. Retrieved 6 April 2020.
  4. ^ Скопинов, Артем (30 December 2007). "West Records подводит итоги года" (in Russian). Archived from the original on 11 September 2018. Retrieved 19 February 2020.
  5. ^ ЕЎРАРАДЫЁ (4 March 2008). "Рок-каралі засталіся без FM-эфіру" (in Belarusian). European Radio for Belarus. Archived from the original on 23 December 2020. Retrieved 23 December 2020.
  6. ^ Климов, Олег; Шаруба, Сергей (2004). "Убить N.R.M., или К неутешительным итогам музыкального года". Muzykalnaya Gazeta (in Russian) (4). Archived from the original on 11 September 2020. Retrieved 11 September 2020.

Further reading