Road signs in Canada

Signage used on roads and highways in Canada

Road signs in Canada may conform to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (MUTCDC)[1][2] by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)[3] for use by Canadian jurisdictions. Although it serves a similar role to the MUTCD from the US Federal Highway Administration, it has been independently developed and has a number of key differences with its American counterpart, most notably the inclusion of bilingual (English/French) signage for jurisdictions such as New Brunswick with significant anglophone and francophone population, and a heavier reliance on symbols rather than text legends.


Signs for the most part employ one or two languages: English, French or both. However, some signs are trilingual, incorporating English, French and an indigenous language.

Stop sign

Octagonal stop sign reading STOP / ARRÊT
Bilingual (English and French) stop sign on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
Octagonal stop sign reading STOP / NUTQARRIT
Bilingual (English and Inuinnaqtun) in Cambridge Bay.

In Quebec, modern signs read either Arrêt or Stop.[4] Both stop and arrêt are considered valid French words and the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) notes that the use of "stop" on stop signs is attested in French since 1927.[5] In practice, however, it can be empirically observed (for instance, with Google Street View) that arrêt predominates in French-speaking areas (i.e., most of the geographic extent of Quebec), while stop can be found in majority English-speaking areas such as Montreal's West Island suburbs. At the time of the debates surrounding the adoption of the Charter of the French Language ("Bill 101") in 1977, the usage of stop on the older dual-word signs was considered to be English and therefore controversial; some signs were occasionally vandalized with red spray paint to turn the word stop into "101".[6] However, it was later officially determined by the OQLF that stop is a valid French word in this context, and the older dual arrêt + stop usage is therefore not considered bilingual but merely redundant and therefore deprecated (à éviter). All newly installed signs thus use either one word or the other, but not both.

The province of New Brunswick has bilingual stop arrêt in English-speaking areas. Acadian regions of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island also have bilingual signs. Some areas in Manitoba and Ontario also have bilingual signs. Entry points to the country through Canada Customs and other federally-regulated sites (including airports) also have bilingual stop signs. On First Nations or Inuit territories, stop signs sometimes use the local aboriginal language in addition to or instead of English and/or French. Other parts of Canada use stop.

Canadian road signs

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada.

The following are samples of Canadian road signs.

  • Stop (English)
    Stop (English)
  • Stop (French)
    Stop (French)
  • Stop (English and French)
    Stop (English and French)
  • Stop (French and English)
    Stop (French and English)
  • Stop (Inuktitut and English)
    Stop (Inuktitut and English)
  • Stop (Cree)
    Stop (Cree)
  • Stop (Cree and French)
    Stop (Cree and French)
  • Stop (Cree and English and French)
    Stop (Cree and English and French)

Alphanumeric reference IDs from the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada are included.

  • RA-2 Yield
  • RA-3 School Crossing
    School Crossing
  • RA-4 Pedestrian Crossing
    Pedestrian Crossing
  • RA-5 Pedestrian Crossing
    Pedestrian Crossing
  • RA-6 Railway Crossing
    Railway Crossing
  • RB-1 Maximum Speed Limit (ex: 50 km/h)
    Maximum Speed Limit
    (ex: 50 km/h)
  • RB-10 Do not proceed straight ahead
    Do not proceed straight ahead
  • RB-14L Left turn required
    Left turn required
  • RB-14R Right turn required
    Right turn required
  • RB-14b Turn left or right
    Turn left or right
  • RB-15 Must proceed straight only, turns prohibited
    Must proceed straight only, turns prohibited
  • RB-16 No U-Turn
    No U-Turn
  • RB-17 No right turn on red
    No right turn on red
  • RB-21 One Way
    One Way
  • RB-23 No entry
    No entry
  • RB-24 Two-way traffic
    Two-way traffic
  • RB-25 Keep right
    Keep right
  • RB-33 Motorists must not pass cyclists
    Motorists must not pass cyclists
  • RB-53 Parking Permitted (24/7 variant)
    Parking Permitted (24/7 variant)
  • RB-55 No stopping
    No stopping
  • RB-61 Truck route
    Truck route
  • RB-64 Snowmobile trail.
    Snowmobile trail.
  • RB-66 No pedestrians
    No pedestrians
  • RB-67 No bicycles
    No bicycles
  • RB-69 Hazardous material route
    Hazardous material route
  • RB-79 Cyclists must dismount their bikes and walk
    Cyclists must dismount their bikes and walk
  • RB-81 Bus Lane In Quebec, taxis are often included and thus shown and as well as time periods in force. In Quebec bus and taxi are spelled out & the arrow at bottom left is not shown
    Bus Lane
    In Quebec, taxis are often included and thus shown and as well as time periods in force. In Quebec bus and taxi are spelled out & the arrow at bottom left is not shown
  • RB-91 Bike Lane
    Bike Lane
  • RB-93 Shared Path for Pedestrians and Cyclists
    Shared Path for Pedestrians and Cyclists
  • RC-5 No Littering
    No Littering
  • IB-23 Bicycle route marker
    Bicycle route marker
  • IC-13 Parking
  • IC-19 Bicycle parking
    Bicycle parking
  • ID-23 Passing lane
    Passing lane
  • ID-31 Dead end
    Dead end
  • ID-32 Traffic-Calmed Neighbourhood
    Traffic-Calmed Neighbourhood
  • TC-21 Traffic control flagger ahead
    Traffic control flagger ahead
  • WA-7S Advisory speed tab
    Advisory speed tab
  • WA-8 End of road
    End of road
  • WA-11 Approaching an intersection
    Approaching an intersection
  • WA-18 Railway crossing ahead
    Railway crossing ahead
  • WA-23 Road narrows ahead
    Road narrows ahead
  • WA-24 Narrow structure ahead (usually a bridge)
    Narrow structure ahead (usually a bridge)
  • WA-25 Rough pavement ahead
    Rough pavement ahead
  • WA-26 Height restriction ahead
    Height restriction ahead
  • WA-39 Roundabout ahead
    Roundabout ahead
  • WB-1 Stop sign ahead
    Stop sign ahead
  • WB-2 Yield sign ahead
    Yield sign ahead
  • WB-4 Traffic signal ahead
    Traffic signal ahead
  • WC-1 School zone
    School zone
  • WC-2 Pedestrian crosswalk ahead
    Pedestrian crosswalk ahead
  • WC-5 Road surface slippery when wet
    Road surface slippery when wet
  • WC-7 Bicycle crossing ahead
    Bicycle crossing ahead
  • WC-11 Drawbridge ahead
    Drawbridge ahead
  • WC-16 School crosswalk ahead
    School crosswalk ahead
  • WC-43 Two-way bicycle lane crossing.
    Two-way bicycle lane crossing.

British Columbia road signs

Wikimedia Commons has media related to British Columbia road signs.
  • Trans-Canada Highway marker.
    Trans-Canada Highway marker.
  • Generic highway shield.
    Generic highway shield.
  • This sign is posted after the Canada–US border to remind US drivers that Canada uses the metric system. The imperial speed limit (left) is a BC-style sign, rather than an MUTCD-standard one as would be used in the US.
    This sign is posted after the Canada–US border to remind US drivers that Canada uses the metric system.
    The imperial speed limit (left) is a BC-style sign, rather than an MUTCD-standard one as would be used in the US.
  • Disaster response route. All non-emergency vehicles must refrain from using such a route if a major disaster occurs.
    Disaster response route. All non-emergency vehicles must refrain from using such a route if a major disaster occurs.
  • School zone.
    School zone.
  • Crosswalk ahead.
    Crosswalk ahead.
  • Crosswalk with flashing lights ahead.
    Crosswalk with flashing lights ahead.
  • School bus stop ahead.
    School bus stop ahead.
  • Keep left of obstacle.
    Keep left of obstacle.
  • Keep right of obstacle.
    Keep right of obstacle.
  • Gentle curve ahead.
    Gentle curve ahead.
  • Sharp curve ahead.
    Sharp curve ahead.
  • Double curve ahead.
    Double curve ahead.
  • Hairpin curve ahead.
    Hairpin curve ahead.
  • Multiple curves ahead.
    Multiple curves ahead.
  • Stop sign ahead.
    Stop sign ahead.
  • Traffic signal ahead.
    Traffic signal ahead.
  • Yield ahead.
    Yield ahead.
  • Height restriction ahead.
    Height restriction ahead.
  • Slow.
  • This sign is posted when there is a history of vehicles taking a curve too quickly and losing control. The sunburst emphasizes that drivers need to take extra caution when going through the curve.[7]
    This sign is posted when there is a history of vehicles taking a curve too quickly and losing control. The sunburst emphasizes that drivers need to take extra caution when going through the curve.[7]
  • Road narrows.
    Road narrows.
  • Road surface slippery when wet.
    Road surface slippery when wet.
  • Watch for fallen/falling rocks and other debris.
    Watch for fallen/falling rocks and other debris.
  • End of pavement.
    End of pavement.
  • Deer area.
    Deer area.
  • Moose area.
    Moose area.
  • Elk area.
    Elk area.
  • Caribou area.
    Caribou area.
  • Bighorn sheep area.
    Bighorn sheep area.
  • Ram area.
    Ram area.
  • Mountain goat area.
    Mountain goat area.
  • Bison area.
    Bison area.
  • Wild horse area.
    Wild horse area.
  • Cattle area.
    Cattle area.
  • Bear area.
    Bear area.
  • Drawbridge.

Ontario road signs

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ontario road signs.

The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) also has historically used its own MUTCD which bore many similarities to the TAC MUTCDC. However, as of approximately 2000, MTO has been developing the Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM), a series of smaller volumes each covering different aspects of traffic control (e.g., sign design principles).

Sign classification

The Ontario Traffic Manual Committee categorizes all road signs into two main categories: freeway and non-freeway sign types. Signs are then subcategorized into two additional groups: urban and rural.[8]

Examples of Ontario regulatory and warning road signs

  • Ontario Rb-1A maximum speed sign.
    Some Ontario maximum speed signs have an additional tab at the bottom of the speed limit, reminding motorists that the unit of speed is kilometres per hour. The "km/h" tab sign (Rb-7t) is mandatory on all King's Highways because of the likelihood of unfamiliar interprovincial and international travellers.[8]
  • Ontario Rb-3 maximum speed sign with both "km/h" and "BEGINS" tabs.
    Where there is a change in the legal speed limit, the first maximum speed sign in the new zone must be accompanied by a "BEGINS" tab sign (Rb-84t).[8]
  • RC-4 No Littering
    No Littering
  • No right turn or straight ahead
    No right turn or straight ahead
  • No left turn or straight ahead
    No left turn or straight ahead
  • Keep right
    Keep right
  • "Vehicles Over 5 Tonnes Must Have Valid Transponder" sign, located before entrance ramps to hwy. 407, also known as the ETR.
    The purpose of the VEHICLES OVER 5 TONNES MUST HAVE VALID TRANSPONDER sign is to indicate to heavy vehicles that they are required to have valid toll devices known as transponders when travelling on toll roads. Specifically, the sign above is located before entrance ramps to the 407 ETR (Express Toll Route).[8]
  • FASTEN SEAT BELT sign (Rc-13)
    The purpose of the FASTEN SEAT BELT sign is to remind passengers in vehicles to ensure that their seat belts are fastened while the vehicle is travelling. The sign is placed at exits from locations which generate a large percentage of foreign or tourist traffic, where drivers may be unfamiliar with Ontario seat belt laws.[8]
  • A blue metric reminder signage used in Ontario, Canada is seen near the US borders.
    A blue metric reminder signage used in Ontario, Canada is seen near the US borders.
  • WA-8 End of road
    End of road
  • WA-11 Intersection
  • WA-24 Narrow passage
    Narrow passage
  • WA-25 Rough pavement ahead
    Rough pavement ahead
  • WA-28 Road narrows ahead
    Road narrows ahead
  • WA-30 Drawbridge ahead
    Drawbridge ahead
  • WA-39 Roundabout ahead
    Roundabout ahead
  • WB-1 Stop sign ahead
    Stop sign ahead
  • WB-1A Yield sign ahead
    Yield sign ahead
  • WB-2 Traffic signal ahead
    Traffic signal ahead
  • WC-1 School crosswalk ahead
    School crosswalk ahead
  • WC-4 Railway level crossing ahead
    Railway level crossing ahead
  • WC-7 Pedestrian crosswalk ahead
    Pedestrian crosswalk ahead
  • Temporary no stopping (Unofficial)
    Temporary no stopping (Unofficial)

Quebec road signs

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Road signs of Quebec.

The following are samples of Quebec road signs.[9][10][11] A notable difference between Quebec road signs and those of the rest of Canada is Quebec's use of a white chevron on a red background to mark road alignment around a curve, whereas the remainder of the country employs a black chevron on a yellow background.

  • The logo for Le ministère des Transports du Québec (English: Ministry of Transportation of Quebec).
    The logo for Le ministère des Transports du Québec (English: Ministry of Transportation of Quebec).
  • Metric signage reminder in Quebec, posted near US border and at major airports The imperial speed limit (left) is a Quebec-style sign, rather than an MUTCD-standard one as would be used in the US
    Metric signage reminder in Quebec, posted near US border and at major airports
    The imperial speed limit (left) is a Quebec-style sign, rather than an MUTCD-standard one as would be used in the US
  • Québec stop sign
    ARRÊT (Translation: STOP)
  • Yield sign
    Yield sign
  • Yield at roundabout
    Yield at roundabout
  • Do not enter
    Do not enter
  • Left or right turn required
    Left or right turn required
  • French-language version of do not enter (plate type)
    French-language version of do not enter (plate type)
  • Maximum speed (50 km/h)
    Maximum speed (50 km/h)
  • No left turn
    No left turn
  • No right turn
    No right turn
  • Route for dangerous goods vehicles
    Route for dangerous goods vehicles
  • Shared path
    Shared path
  • Dangerous goods vehicles prohibited
    Dangerous goods vehicles prohibited
  • No overtaking
    No overtaking
  • No parking
    No parking
  • Parking permitted for 2 hours
    Parking permitted
    for 2 hours
  • No stopping
    No stopping
  • Keep right
    Keep right
  • Keep left
    Keep left
  • No littering
    No littering
  • Stop ahead
    Stop ahead
  • Yield ahead
    Yield ahead
  • Traffic signal ahead
    Traffic signal ahead
  • Roundabout ahead
    Roundabout ahead
  • School bus stop ahead
    School bus stop ahead
  • Deer crossing
    Deer crossing
  • Moose crossing
    Moose crossing
  • Reindeer crossing
    Reindeer crossing
  • Cattle crossing
    Cattle crossing
  • Skier crossing
    Skier crossing
  • Dogsled crossing
    Dogsled crossing
  • End of road
    End of road
  • Slippery surface, often accompanied by 0 °C
    Slippery surface, often accompanied by 0 °C
  • Pavement ends
    Pavement ends
  • Uneven surface
    Uneven surface
  • Bump
  • Dip
  • Dangerous Crosswinds (Some variants include a pictogram of snowflakes, while others include flashing lights and a plaque that says "Reduced Visibility" or "When The Lights Flash")
    Dangerous Crosswinds (Some variants include a pictogram of snowflakes, while others include flashing lights and a plaque that says "Reduced Visibility" or "When The Lights Flash")
  • Road closed
    Road closed
  • Example of autoroute shield
    Example of autoroute shield
  • Example of provincial highway shield
  • Minimum Speed Limit sign posted on Quebec highways, where the maximum speed is 100 km/h.
    MAXIMUM SPEED signs along Quebec autoroutes are accompanied by a MINIMUM SPEED sign. The minimum sign is positioned directly below the maximum speed sign on the same post.
  • Steep downgrade, with slope given as a percentage. Used on Quebec Route 138 between Quebec City and La Malbaie and elsewhere
    Steep downgrade, with slope given as a percentage. Used on Quebec Route 138 between Quebec City and La Malbaie and elsewhere
  • This sign is used at all entry points to the island of Montreal to remind drivers that turning right on red is prohibited within the entire island.
    This sign is used at all entry points to the island of Montreal to remind drivers that turning right on red is prohibited within the entire island.
  • Turning right on red is prohibited within Quebec at specific intersections. Otherwise it is permitted.
    Turning right on red is prohibited within Quebec at specific intersections. Otherwise it is permitted.
  • One way, sens unique
    One way, sens unique
  • Chevron marker
    Chevron marker

Superseded signs

These signs have been superseded but can still be seen in some places.

  • Yield (1954–1961)
    Yield (1954–1961)
  • Yield (1961-1971)
    Yield (1961-1971)
  • Yield (1954–1961) (Quebec)
    Yield (1954–1961) (Quebec)
  • Yield (1961-1971) (Quebec)
    Yield (1961-1971) (Quebec)
  • Railway Crossing
    Railway Crossing
  • Railway Crossing (Quebec)
    Railway Crossing (Quebec)
  • Railway level crossing ahead
    Railway level crossing ahead
  • Crosswalk Ahead
    Crosswalk Ahead
  • Playground Zone
    Playground Zone
  • School zone (1966-1980)
    School zone (1966-1980)
  • School zone (1980-2007)
    School zone (1980-2007)
  • School crosswalk (1966-1995)
    School crosswalk (1966-1995)
  • Pedestrian crosswalk (1966-1995)
    Pedestrian crosswalk (1966-1995)

See also


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Road signs in Canada.
  1. ^ MUTCDC
  2. ^ Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (Fifth ed.). Ottawa: Transportation Association of Canada. 2014. PTM-MUTCD14-E (English ed.).
  3. ^ TAC
  4. ^ "Répertoire des dispositifs de signalisation routière du Québec". Transports Québec. Archived from the original on 2012-02-22. Retrieved 2012-03-11.
  5. ^ Office québécois de la langue française, No direct link: look up panneau STOP under Recherche and then click on either route or transport under the resulting Index listing
  6. ^ Photo by user "imagesdistributioncanada"
  7. ^, page 3.9
  8. ^ a b c d e Ontario Traffic Manual - Book 2 - Sign Design, Fabrication and Patterns. March 2005.
  9. ^ Tous les dispositifs de signalisation
  10. ^ Road_signs_of_Quebec
  11. ^ Road_signs_of_Quebec
  • Government of Quebec traffic control devices library - Extensive list of all road signs and signals from the Quebec Transport Ministry (in English and French)
  • Road Signs in Ontario, from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
  • Traffic Signs & Pavement Marking, from the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
  • v
  • t
  • e
Priority signs
Vienna Convention Groups
By country
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South America
Former countries
LightsTypefacesInternational conventionsNational standardsComparisons
  • v
  • t
  • e
Road signs in North America
Sovereign states
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  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Canada
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  • Dominican Republic
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  • Panama
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • United States
Dependencies and
other territories