Selenite (ion)

Anion composed of selenium and oxygen
Structure of selenite
Space-filling model of selenite
Mn, Fe(III), Ni, Co, Cu selenites

Selenite refers to the anion with the chemical formula SeO2−3. It is the oxyanion of selenium. It is the selenium analog of the sulfite ion, SO2−3. Thus selenite is pyramidal and selenium is assigned oxidation state +4. Selenite also refers to compounds that contains this ion, for example sodium selenite Na2SeO3 which is a common source of selenite.[1] Selenite also refers to the esters of selenous acid, for example dimethyl selenite (CH3)2SeO3.

Synthesis and reactions

Selenite salts can be prepared by neutralizing solutions of selenous acid, which is generated by dissolving selenium dioxide in water. The process proceeds via the hydrogenselenite ion, HSeO3.

Selenite reacts with elemental sulfur to form thioselenate:[2]

SeO2−3 + S → SSeO2−3

Most selenite salts can be formed by heating the metal oxide with selenium dioxide, e.g.:

Na2O + SeO2 → Na2SeO3


  1. ^ F. Fehér (1963). "Sodium Selenite (IV)". In G. Brauer (ed.). Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Ed. Vol. 1pages=431. NY, NY: Academic Press.
  2. ^ Ball, Sheila; Milne, John (1995). "Studies on the Interaction of Selenite and Selenium with Sulfur Donors. Part 3. Sulfite". Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 73 (5): 716–724. doi:10.1139/v95-091.
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Salts and covalent derivatives of the selenite ion
H2SeO3 He
Li Be BxSexOx C +NO3 O +F Ne
Na2SeO3 Mg Al Si P +SO4 Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr MnSeO3 Fe2(SeO3)3 Co Ni CuSeO3
ZnSeO3 Ga Ge As +SeO4 Br Kr
RbHSeO3 Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag2SeO3 Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
CsHSeO3 Ba * Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra ** Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
* La Ce2(SeO3)3 Pr2(SeO3)3 Nd2(SeO3)3 Pm Sm2(SeO3)3 Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb
** Ac Th(SeO3)2 Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No
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Selenium compounds
  • Se2−
  • H2Se
  • Al2Se3
  • Sb2Se3
  • As2Se3
  • Bi2Se3
  • CdSe
  • CaSe
  • CSe2
  • OCSe
  • CrSe
  • CoSe
  • CuSe
  • (CH3)2Se
  • GaSe
  • Ga2Se3
  • GeSe
  • In2Se3
  • FeSe
  • PbSe
  • MgSe
  • MnSe
  • MnSe2
  • HgSe
  • MoSe2
  • NiSe
  • NbSe2
  • NbSe3
  • PxSey
  • PuSe
  • ReSe2
  • Sm2Se3
  • Ag2Se
  • Na2Se
  • SnSe
  • TiSe2
  • WSe2
  • USe2
  • ZnSe
  • Se3S5
  • Se2S6
  • Se2Cl2
  • C3H7NO2Se
  • SeBr2
  • SeCl2
  • SeS2
  • SeO2−3
  • SeBr4
  • SeCl4
  • SeF4
  • SeO2
  • SeS2
  • SeOF2
  • SeOCl2
  • SeOBr2
  • H2SeO3
  • SeO2−4
  • SeF6
  • SeO3
  • SeO2F2
  • H2SeO4
  • SeO2−4 + SeO2−3

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