Split interval

In topology, the split interval, or double arrow space, is a topological space that results from splitting each point in a closed interval into two adjacent points and giving the resulting ordered set the order topology. It satisfies various interesting properties and serves as a useful counterexample in general topology.


The split interval can be defined as the lexicographic product [ 0 , 1 ] × { 0 , 1 } {\displaystyle [0,1]\times \{0,1\}} equipped with the order topology.[1] Equivalently, the space can be constructed by taking the closed interval [ 0 , 1 ] {\displaystyle [0,1]} with its usual order, splitting each point a {\displaystyle a} into two adjacent points a < a + {\displaystyle a^{-}<a^{+}} , and giving the resulting linearly ordered set the order topology.[2] The space is also known as the double arrow space,[3][4] Alexandrov double arrow space or two arrows space.

The space above is a linearly ordered topological space with two isolated points, ( 0 , 0 ) {\displaystyle (0,0)} and ( 1 , 1 ) {\displaystyle (1,1)} in the lexicographic product. Some authors[5][6] take as definition the same space without the two isolated points. (In the point splitting description this corresponds to not splitting the endpoints 0 {\displaystyle 0} and 1 {\displaystyle 1} of the interval.) The resulting space has essentially the same properties.

The double arrow space is a subspace of the lexicographically ordered unit square. If we ignore the isolated points, a base for the double arrow space topology consists of all sets of the form ( ( a , b ] × { 0 } ) ( [ a , b ) × { 1 } ) {\displaystyle ((a,b]\times \{0\})\cup ([a,b)\times \{1\})} with a < b {\displaystyle a<b} . (In the point splitting description these are the clopen intervals of the form [ a + , b ] = ( a , b + ) {\displaystyle [a^{+},b^{-}]=(a^{-},b^{+})} , which are simultaneously closed intervals and open intervals.) The lower subspace ( 0 , 1 ] × { 0 } {\displaystyle (0,1]\times \{0\}} is homeomorphic to the Sorgenfrey line with half-open intervals to the left as a base for the topology, and the upper subspace [ 0 , 1 ) × { 1 } {\displaystyle [0,1)\times \{1\}} is homeomorphic to the Sorgenfrey line with half-open intervals to the right as a base, like two parallel arrows going in opposite directions, hence the name.


The split interval X {\displaystyle X} is a zero-dimensional compact Hausdorff space. It is a linearly ordered topological space that is separable but not second countable, hence not metrizable; its metrizable subspaces are all countable.

It is hereditarily Lindelöf, hereditarily separable, and perfectly normal (T6). But the product X × X {\displaystyle X\times X} of the space with itself is not even hereditarily normal (T5), as it contains a copy of the Sorgenfrey plane, which is not normal.

All compact, separable ordered spaces are order-isomorphic to a subset of the split interval.[7]

See also


  1. ^ Todorcevic, Stevo (6 July 1999), "Compact subsets of the first Baire class", Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 12: 1179–1212, doi:10.1090/S0894-0347-99-00312-4
  2. ^ Fremlin, section 419L
  3. ^ Arhangel'skii, p. 39
  4. ^ Ma, Dan. "The Lexicographic Order and The Double Arrow Space".
  5. ^ Steen & Seebach, counterexample #95, under the name of weak parallel line topology
  6. ^ Engelking, example 3.10.C
  7. ^ Ostaszewski, A. J. (February 1974), "A Characterization of Compact, Separable, Ordered Spaces", Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-7 (4): 758–760, doi:10.1112/jlms/s2-7.4.758
