Te slăvim, Românie

Former national anthem of Romania (1953–1975)
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Instrumental recording of the anthem

"Te slăvim, Românie" ("We Glorify Thee, Romania") was the national anthem of the Romanian People's Republic, and later Socialist Republic of Romania between 1953 and 1975. The lyrics were written by Eugen Frunză [ro] and Dan Deșliu, the music by Matei Socor. It mentions Romania's brotherhood with the Soviet Union and praises Leninist ideology.

In the 1960s, in line with Romania's de-satellization, the reference to the "Soviet liberators" in the anthem was dropped.[1][2]

It was replaced by "E scris pe tricolor Unire" in 1975, which only lasted until 1977 as Romania's anthem.[3]


National anthems of Romania
"Marș triumfal" 1862–1884
"Trăiască Regele" 1884–1948
"Zdrobite cătușe" 1948–1953
"Te slăvim, Românie" 1953–1975
"E scris pe tricolor Unire" 1975–1977
"Trei culori" 1977–1990
"Deșteaptă-te, române!" 1990–present
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Romanian original English translation

Te slăvim, Românie, pământ părintesc
Mândre plaiuri sub cerul tău pașnic rodesc
E zdrobit al trecutului jug blestemat
Nu zadarnic, străbunii eroi au luptat
Astăzi noi împlinim visul lor minunat.

Puternică, liberă,
Pe soartă stăpână
Trăiască Republica
Populară Română!

Înfrățit fi-va veșnic al nostru popor
Cu poporul sovietic eliberator.
Leninismul ni-e far și tărie si avânt
Noi urmăm cu credință Partidul ne-nfrânt,
Făurim socialismul pe-al țării pământ.


Noi uzine clădim, rodul holdei sporim
Vrem în pace cu orice popor să trăim
Dar dușmanii de-ar fi să ne calce în prag
Îi vom frânge în numele a tot ce ni-e drag
Înălța-vom spre glorie al patriei steag


We glorify thee, Romania, our Fatherland
Yielding are the proud lands under thy peaceful sky
Smashed is the cursed yoke of the past
'Twas not in vain that our heroic forebears fought;
Today we fulfill their wonderful thought.

Powerful, liberated,
Master of thy fate
Long live the Romanian
People's Republic!

May our people be brothers forever
With the Soviet people our savior
Leninism's our lighthouse, our force and momentum
We follow with faith our invincible Party
We create on our homeland socialism.


We build new factories, the land's yield we increase
We want to live with all peoples in peace
But if our enemies come to trample us
We'll defeat them in the name of everything we love
And we'll rise to glorify our Fatherland's flag.


  • Sound file (mp3) Archived 2015-02-24 at the Wayback Machine


  1. ^ John Sweeney, Hutchinson, 1991, The Life and Evil Times of Nicolae Ceausescu, p. 89
  2. ^ Michael Shafir, Pinter, 1985, Romania: Politics, Economics and Society: Political Stagnation and Simulated Change, p. 36
  3. ^ Petru Bălan, Cristian (2008). Imnurile de stat ale țărilor din Uniunea Europeană (in Romanian). p. 112. ISBN 978-9737400949.[permanent dead link]
Further reading
  • "Cinci regimuri, cinci imnuri". Evenimentul Zilei (in Romanian). 15 October 2005. Archived from the original on 16 April 2013.
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Former anthems of Europe
Former Russian Empire,
the Soviet Union or
their successor states