
Time zone
Time zone
UTC offset
Current time
05:50, 4 September 2024 UTC+09:45 [refresh]
Central meridian
Date-time group

UTC+09:45 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of +09:45.


UTC+09:45 had been used as a time in Australia (Central Western Daylight Time, or CWDT). It was used by some roadhouses along the Eyre Highway in South Australia and Western Australia during summer while South Australia is on daylight saving time. Although it is not an official, government mandated time zone, the boundaries where it commences and ends are clearly defined and are usually shown on road maps of the area.

UTC+09:45 has been used in 5 places in Australia, including Border Village, Caiguna, Eucla, Madura and Mundrabilla. At the moment, these areas use UTC+08:45 because Western Australia does not use daylight saving time.

As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer)

Primary town: Eucla


Pacific Ocean

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UTC offset for standard time and Daylight saving time (DST)

Italics: historical or unofficial
180° to 90°W
  • −12:00
  • −11:00
  • −10:30
  • −10:00
  • −09:30
  • −09:00
  • −08:30
  • −08:00
  • −07:00
90°W to
  • −06:00
  • −05:00
  • −04:30
  • −04:00
  • −03:30
  • −03:00
  • −02:30
  • −02:00
  • −01:00
  • −00:44
  • −00:25:21
to 90°E
  • +00:00
  • +00:20
  • +00:30
  • +01:00
  • +01:24
  • +01:30
  • +02:00
  • +02:30
  • +03:00
  • +03:30
  • +04:00
  • +04:30
  • +04:51
  • +05:00
  • +05:30
  • +05:40
  • +05:45
90°E to 180°
  • +06:00
  • +06:30
  • +07:00
  • +07:20
  • +07:30
  • +08:00
  • +08:30
  • +08:45
  • +09:00
  • +09:30
  • +09:45
  • +10:00
  • +10:30
  • +11:00
  • +11:30
180° to 90°W
  • +12:00
  • +12:45
  • +13:00
  • +13:45
  • +14:00
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