The Vampire Lovers

 The Vampire Lovers
IzenburuaThe Vampire Lovers
Jatorrizko hizkuntzaingelesa
Jatorrizko herrialdeaErresuma Batua
Genero artistikoavampire film (en) Itzuli, beldurrezko zinema, Film erotikoa, LGBTeei buruzko filma eta lan literario batean oinarritutako filma
Iraupena87 minutu
TelesailaThe Karnstein Trilogy (en) Itzuli
Zuzendaritza eta gidoia
Zuzendaria(k)Roy Ward Baker (en) Itzuli
[[Kategoria:Roy Ward Baker (en) Itzuli zuzendutako filmak]]
Gidoigilea(k)Tudor Gates (en) Itzuli
[[Kategoria:Tudor Gates (en) Itzuli idatzitako filmak]]
George Cole
Kate O'Mara (en) Itzuli
Peter Cushing
Dawn Addams
Jon Finch (en) Itzuli
Douglas Wilmer
Ferdy Mayne
John Forbes-Robertson
Ingrid Pitt (Countess Mircalla Karnstein (en) Itzuli)
Pippa Steel (en) Itzuli
Madeline Smith

[[Kategoria:Kate O'Mara (en) Itzuli antzeztutako filmak]]

[[Kategoria:Jon Finch (en) Itzuli antzeztutako filmak]]

[[Kategoria:Pippa Steel (en) Itzuli antzeztutako filmak]]
Konpainia ekoizleaHammer Film Productions
EdizioaJames Needs (en) Itzuli
Bestelako lanak
MusikagileaHarry Robertson (en) Itzuli
Argazki-zuzendariaMoray Grant (en) Itzuli
Kontakizunaren tokiaAustria
  • Countess Mircalla Karnstein (en) Itzuli

IMDB: tt0066518 Filmaffinity: 957206 Allocine: 8475 Rottentomatoes: m/vampire_lovers Allmovie: v52172 movies/the-vampire-lovers Edit the value on Wikidata

The Vampire Lovers (euskaraz Banpiro Maitaleak), 1970eko Roy Ward Baker ingeles zinema zuzendaria eta Hammer Film Productions ekoiztetxearen beldurrezko film bat da. Sheridan Le Fanu irlandar idazlearen Carmilla (1872) eleberrian oinarritua dago. Peter Cushing, Ingrid Pitt, Madeline Smith, Kate O'Mara eta Jon Finch aktoreek antzeztu zuten.

Karnstein Trilogia osatzen duten filmeetako lehena da, Lust for a Vampire (1971) eta Twins of Evil (1972) filmeekin batera. Hiruek ere banpiroen gaiaz gain lesbianismoa ukitzen dute.


Oharra: Atal honek istorio osoa edo amaiera argitzen du.

1790eko hamarkada, Austria, Estiria. Hartog (Douglas Wilmer) zaldun gaztea bere arreba (Kirsten Lindholm) mendekatzeko asmoz Karnsteindarren gaztelura joan da, banpiroek hil baizuten. Bertan, banpiroetako baten hil-ohiala bereganatu ostean berarengana erakarriko du. Baina izuak geldiarazi, eta bere lepoan zintzilik daraman gurutzeak bakarrik salabatu ahal izango du. Orduan, emakume banpiroaru burua moztuko dio...


  • Ingrid Pitt: Marcilla/Carmilla/Mircalla Karnstein
  • Peter Cushing: Spielsdorf jenerala
  • George Cole: Roger Morton
  • Dawn Addams: Kondesa
  • Pippa Steel: Laura
  • Madeline Smith: Emma Morton
  • Kate O'Mara: Perrodot andrea (gobernadorea)
  • Douglas Wilmer: Joachim von Hartog baroia
  • Jon Finch: Carl Ebhardt
  • Ferdy Mayne: Doktorea
  • Kirsten Lindholm: Lehen banpiroa
  • John Forbes-Robertson: Beltzezko gizona
  • Shelagh Wilcocks: Etxeko nagusia
  • Janet Key: Gretchin
  • Harvey Hall: Renton
  • Charles Farrell: Lurjabea

Kanpo estekak

  • IMDBko fitxa irakurgai (Ingelesez)
Autoritate kontrola
  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q1550340
  • Commonscat Multimedia: The Vampire Lovers / Q1550340

  • Wd Datuak: Q1550340
  • Commonscat Multimedia: The Vampire Lovers / Q1550340

  • i
  • e
  • a
Drakula filmak
Frankenstein filmak
  • The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
  • The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958)
  • The Evil of Frankenstein (1964)
  • Frankenstein Created Woman (1967)
  • Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1969)
  • The Horror of Frankenstein (1970)
  • Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974)
Momia filmak
  • The Mummy (1959)
  • The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (1964)
  • The Mummy's Shroud (1967)
  • Blood from the Mummy's Tomb (1971)
Karnstein Trilogia
Dick Barton filmak
  • Dick Barton: Special Agent (1948)
  • Dick Barton Strikes Back (1949)
  • Dick Barton at Bay (1950)
Quatermass filmak
Robin Hood filmak
  • The Men of Sherwood Forest (1954)
  • Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960)
  • A Challenge for Robin Hood (1967)
On the Buses filmak
  • On the Buses (1971)
  • Mutiny on the Buses (1972)
  • Holiday on the Buses (1973)
The Woman in Black filmak
  • The Woman in Black (2012)
  • The Woman in Black: Angel of Death (2014)
Ikus gainera
Hammer filmografia
Beldurrezko film gotikoak
  • The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
  • The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (1960)
  • The Curse of the Werewolf (1961)
  • The Shadow of the Cat (1961)
  • The Phantom of the Opera (1962)
  • The Kiss of the Vampire (1963)
  • The Gorgon (1964)
  • Rasputin the Mad Monk (1966)
  • The Plague of the Zombies (1966)
  • The Reptile (1966)
  • The Witches (1966)
  • The Devil Rides Out (1968)
  • Hands of the Ripper (1971)
  • Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde (1971)
  • Countess Dracula (1971)
  • Vampire Circus (1972)
  • Captain Kronos – Vampire Hunter (1974)
  • To the Devil a Daughter (1976)
Beldurrezko filmak
  • The Mystery of the Mary Celeste (1935)
  • Demons of the Mind (1972)
  • Beyond the Rave (2008)
  • Let Me In (2010)
  • Wake Wood (2011)
  • The Quiet Ones (2014)
Thriller filmak
  • The Man in Black (1949)
  • The Black Widow (1951)
  • The Snorkel (1958)
  • Hell Is a City (1960)
  • The Full Treatment (1960)
  • Taste of Fear (1961)
  • Cash on Demand (1961)
  • The Maniac (1963)
  • Paranoiac (1963)
  • Nightmare (1964)
  • Fanatic (1965)
  • Hysteria (1965)
  • The Nanny (1965)
  • Crescendo (1970)
  • Straight On till Morning (1972)
  • Fear in the Night (1972)
  • The Resident (2011)
Zientzia-fikziozko filmak
  • Four Sided Triangle (1953)
  • Spaceways (1953)
  • X the Unknown (1956)
  • The Abominable Snowman (1957)
  • The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959)
  • The Damned (1963)
  • The Lost Continent (1968)
  • Moon Zero Two (1969)
Misteriozko filmak
  • Death in High Heels (1947)
  • Dr. Morelle: The Case of the Missing Heiress (1949)
  • The Rossiter Case (1951)
  • Whispering Smith Hits London (1952)
  • Lady in the Fog (1952)
  • Mantrap (1953)
  • The Saint's Return (1953)
  • Blood Orange (1953)
  • The Glass Cage (1955)
  • The Lady Vanishes (1979)
Drama krimen filmak
  • Cloudburst (1951)
  • The Last Page (1952)
  • Wings of Danger (1952)
  • Stolen Face (1952)
  • The Gambler and the Lady (1953)
  • The Flanagan Boy (1953)
  • 36 Hours (1953)
  • Face the Music (1954)
  • The House Across the Lake (1954)
  • Murder by Proxy (1954)
  • Five Days (1954)
  • A Stranger Came Home (1954)
  • Third Party Risk (1954)
  • Women Without Men (1956)
Drama filmak
  • Song of Freedom (1936)
  • Never Look Back (1952)
  • Mask of Dust (1954)
  • Break in the Circle (1955)
  • Never Take Sweets from a Stranger (1960)
  • Captain Clegg (1962)
  • Man at the Top (1973)
  • The Resident (2011)
Ekintza filmak
Abentura filmak
  • The Jack of Diamonds (1949)
  • Passport to China (1961)
  • The Terror of the Tongs (1961)
  • The Pirates of Blood River (1962)
  • The Scarlet Blade (1963)
  • The Brigand of Kandahar (1965)
  • She (1965)
  • One Million Years B.C. (1966)
  • Prehistoric Women (1967)
  • The Viking Queen (1967)
  • The Vengeance of She (1968)
  • When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970)
  • Creatures the World Forgot (1971)
Komedia filmak
  • The Public Life of Henry the Ninth (1935)
  • Sporting Love (1936)
  • The Lady Craved Excitement (1950)
  • Someone at the Door (1950)
  • What the Butler Saw (1950)
  • Life with the Lyons (1954)
  • The Lyons in Paris (1955)
  • Up the Creek (1958)
  • I Only Arsked! (1958)
  • Further Up the Creek (1958)
  • Don't Panic Chaps! (1959)
  • The Ugly Duckling (1959)
  • Watch it, Sailor! (1961)
  • A Weekend with Lulu (1961)
  • The Old Dark House (1963)
  • The Anniversary (1968)
  • That's Your Funeral (1972)
  • Love Thy Neighbour (1973)
Gerra filmak
  • The Steel Bayonet (1957)
  • The Camp on Blood Island (1958)
  • Yesterday's Enemy (1959)
  • The Secret of Blood Island (1964)
Ikus gainera
Hammer filmografia