Vladimir Kovalionok

Vladimir Kovalionok

Irudi gehiago
member of the 12th convocation of the Supreme Soviet of the Byelorussian SSR (en) Itzuli

JaiotzaBielaje (en) Itzuli, 1942ko martxoaren 3a (82 urte)
Herrialdea Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna
HeziketaErrusiako Indar Armatuen Estatu Nagusiaren Akademia Militarra 1984)
Gagarin Aire Armadaren Akademia 1976)
Balashov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (en) Itzuli
(1959 - 1963)
Hezkuntza-mailaZientzia militarretan doktorea
Jarduerakhegazkinlaria, astronauta, militarra eta idazlea
Jasotako sariak
  • Leninen Ordena Leninen Ordena  (1978ko azaroaren 2a)
    Sobietar Batasuneko Heroia  (1978ko azaroaren 2a)
    Karl Marxen Ordena Karl Marxen Ordena  (1978ko azaroaren 2a)
    Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 3rd class Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 3rd class  (1996ko maiatzaren 16a)
    Order "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR", 3rd class Order "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR", 3rd class  (1991ko abuztuaren 12a)
    Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR
    Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow" Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow"
    Medal "For Merit in Space Exploration" Medal "For Merit in Space Exploration"  (2011ko apirilaren 12a)
    Gold Star medal  (1978ko azaroaren 2a)
    Leninen Ordena Leninen Ordena  (1981eko maiatzaren 26a)
    Sobietar Batasuneko Heroia  (1981eko maiatzaren 26a)
    Gold Star medal  (1981eko maiatzaren 26a)
    Leninen Ordena Leninen Ordena  (1977ko azaroaren 15a)
    Order of Military Merit Order of Military Merit  (2000)
    Gold medal with hero rank of GDR Gold medal with hero rank of GDR  (1978ko azaroaren 2a)
    Mongoliako Herri Errepublikaren Heroia  (1981eko urriaren 22a)
    Order of Sukhbaatar Order of Sukhbaatar  (1981eko urriaren 22a)
    Order of the Cross of Grunwald, 3rd class Order of the Cross of Grunwald, 3rd class  (1978)
    Order of the Homeland Service 2nd Class Order of the Homeland Service 2nd Class  (2002)
    Medal "Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR" Medal "Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
    Order of the Cross of Grunwald, 1st class Order of the Cross of Grunwald, 1st class
    Medal "For Impeccable Service", 3rd class Medal "For Impeccable Service", 3rd class
    Medal "For Impeccable Service", 2nd class Medal "For Impeccable Service", 2nd class
    Order "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" Order "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR"
    Jubilee Medal "300 Years of the Russian Navy" Jubilee Medal "300 Years of the Russian Navy"
    Jubilee Medal "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" Jubilee Medal "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"
    Jubilee Medal "Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" Jubilee Medal "Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945"
    Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
    Jubilee Medal "60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" Jubilee Medal "60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
    Jubilee Medal "70 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" Jubilee Medal "70 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
    Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Soviet Militia" Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Soviet Militia"
    medal for military valour medal for military valour
    Medal "For Strengthening of Brotherhood in Arms" Medal "For Strengthening of Brotherhood in Arms"
    Medal "For Impeccable Service" Medal "For Impeccable Service"
GraduaAir Force colonel general (en) Itzuli
MisioakSoyuz 25 (en) Itzuli Soyuz 29 (en) Itzuli Soyuz T-4 (en) Itzuli Soyuz 31 (en) Itzuli
Misioen entseina(k)Soyuz 25 Soyuz 29 Soyuz 31
Denbora espazioan311.588 minutu
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
Alderdi politikoa A Just Russia (en) Itzuli

Vladimir Vasilievitx Kovalionok (bielorrusieraz: Уладзімір Васільевіч Кавалёнак, errusieraz: Владимир Васильевич Ковалёнок; Krupkiko raiona, Bielorrusiako Sobietar Errepublika Sozialista, Sobietar Batasuna, 1942ko martxoaren 3a) sobietar kosmonauta ohia da.

1967ko uztailaren 5ean sartu zen Sobietar Batasuneko espazio-programan eta hiru misioetan komandantea izan da. 1984ko ekainaren 23an erretiroa hartu zuen kosmonauta bezala.

1990etik 1992ra Errusiako Federakundearen Defentsa Ministerioaren 30. Zientzia Ikerkuntza Institutu Zentralaren zuzendaria izan zen.


  • Soiuz 25
  • Soiuz 29
  • Soiuz T-4
Wikimedia Commonsen badira fitxategi gehiago, gai hau dutenak: Vladimir Kovalionok
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  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q314921
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Vladimir Kovalyonok / Q314921

  • Identifikadoreak
  • WorldCat
  • VIAF: 311251052
  • ISNI: 0000000374482455
  • LCCN: n84045442
  • Wd Datuak: Q314921
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Vladimir Kovalyonok / Q314921