Bloodvein First Nation

Ilmakuva of Bloodveinjoen intiaanireservaatin alueesta.

Bloodvein First Nation on First Nations -intiaanireservaatti Manitoban provinssissa Kanadassa. Se sijaitsee Bloodveinjoen suun pohjoisrannalla Winnipegjärven itärannalla, 210 kilometriä pohjoiseen Winnipegistä.[1]

Reservaatissa käytetään anishiinaben kieltä, siellä on 790 asukasta[2], ja sen keskus on pieni Bloodveinin kylä. Reservaatin pinta-ala on 1 522,2 hehtaaria, ja sen pääelinkeinot ovat kalastus ja ansastus.[3]

Reservaatissa on 914 metrin mittainen sorapintainen kiitotie, ja kesäisin sieltä on myös lauttayhteys järven itärannalle Matheson Islandiin sekä pohjoisessa sijaitsevaan Princess Harbouriin.


  1. Locations of First Nations in Manitoba Government of Canada, Viitattu 10.8.2017. (englanniksi)
  2. Community demographics: Bloodvein[vanhentunut linkki]
  3. Southeast Community Futures: Bloodvein (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)

First Nations -intiaanireservaatit Manitobassa
  • Barren Lands First Nation (Brochet)
  • Berens River First Nation
  • Birdtail Sioux First Nation (Beulah)
  • Black River First Nation
  • Bloodvein First Nation
  • Brokenhead First Nation (Scanterbury)
  • Buffalo Point First Nation
  • Bunibonibee (Oxford House First Nation)
  • Canupawakpa Dakota Nation (Oak Lake)
  • Chemawawin Cree Nation (Easterville)
  • Cross Lake
  • Dakota Plains First Nation
  • Dakota Tipi First Nation
  • Dauphin River First Nation
  • Ebb and Flow First Nation
  • Fisher River Cree Nation
  • Fox Lake First Nation
  • Gamblers First Nation
  • Garden Hill First Nation
  • God's Lake Narrows First Nation
  • Grand Rapids First Nation
  • Hollow Water First Nation
  • Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation
  • Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation (Jackhead)
  • Lake Manitoba First Nation
  • Lake St. Martin First Nation
  • Little Grand Rapids First Nation
  • Little Saskatchewan First Nation
  • Long Plain First Nation
  • Manto Sipi First Nation (Gods River)
  • Marcel Colomb First Nation (Black Sturgeon)
  • Mathias Colomb First Nation (Pukatawagan)
  • Mosakahiken Cree Nation (Moose Lake)
  • Nischawayasihk Cree Nation (Nelson House)
  • Northlands Denesuline First Nation (Lac Brochet)
  • Norway House Cree Nation
  • O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation (Crane River)
  • Okawamithikani First Nation (Pickeral Narrows)
  • Opaskwayak Cree Nation (The Pas)
  • O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation (South Indian Lake)
  • Pauingassi First Nation
  • Peguis First Nation
  • Pinaymootang First Nation (Fairford)
  • Pine Creek First Nation
  • Poplar River First Nation
  • Red Sucker Lake First Nation
  • Rolling River
  • Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation
  • Sagkeeng First Nation (Fort Alexander)
  • Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation
  • Sapotaweyak First Nation (Shoal River)
  • Sayisi Dene First Nation (Tadoule Lake, Manitoba)
  • Shamattawa First Nation
  • Sioux Valley Dakota Nation
  • Skownan First Nation
  • St. Theresa Point First Nation
  • Swan Lake First Nation
  • Tataskweyak Cree Nation (Split Lake)
  • Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve (Valley River)
  • War Lake First Nation
  • Wasagamack First Nation
  • Wayawayseecappo First Nation
  • Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation (Indian Birch)
  • York Factory First Nation (York Landing)
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