Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley (1954).
  • Brave New World
  • Island
  • Point Counter Point
  • The Doors of Perception
  • The Perennial Philosophy
  • Maria Nys
    (m. 1919⁠–⁠1955)
  • Laura Huxley
    (m. 1956⁠–⁠1963)
Tanda tangan

Aldous Leonard Huxley /ˈhʌksli/ (26 Juli 1894– 22 November 1963) adalah penulis, filsuf Inggris, dan anggota keluarga Huxley yang cukup terkenal.

Dia dikenal atas novel-novelnya seperti Brave New World yang berlatar di London era distopia , buku nonfiksinya seperti The Doors of Perception yang menjabarkan pengalaman setelah mengonsumsi obat psikedelik, dan serangkaian esainya, serta novel dengan tema serupa berjudul Island (1962).[1] Pada awal kariernya, Huxley menjadi penyunting majalah Oxford Poetry dan menulis cerpen dan puisi. Ia kemudian menulis catatan perjalanan, cerita dan naskah film. Ia menghabiskan separuh akhir hidupnya di Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat, sejak 1937 sampai meninggal dunia. Pada tahun 1962, setahun sebelum meninggal, ia diangkat sebagai Companion of Literature oleh Royal Society of Literature.[2]

Huxley adalah seorang humanis, pasifis, dan satiris. Huxley kemudian tertarik dengan hal-hal spiritual seperti parapsikologi dan mistisisme filosofis,[3][4] khususnya universalisme.[5] Menjelang akhir hidupnya, Huxley diakui secara luas sebagai salah satu intelek berpengaruh pada masa itu.[6]


Adaptasi film

  • 1968 Point Counter Point (miniseri BBC besutan Simon Raven)
  • 1971 The Devils (The Devils of Loudun diadaptasi oleh Ken Russell)
  • 1980 Brave New World (adaptasi TV A.S.)
  • 1998 Brave New World (adaptasi TV A.S.)

Karya pilihan


  • 1921 Crome Yellow
  • 1923 Antic Hay
  • 1925 Those Barren Leaves
  • 1928 Point Counter Point
  • 1932 Brave New World
  • 1936 Eyeless in Gaza
  • 1939 After Many a Summer
  • 1944 Time Must Have a Stop
  • 1948 Ape and Essence
  • 1955 The Genius and the Goddess
  • 1962 Island

Koleksi cerita pendek

  • 1920 Limbo
  • 1922 Mortal Coils
  • 1924 Little Mexican (judul A.S.: Young Archimedes)
  • 1926 Two or Three Graces
  • 1930 Brief Candles
  • 1944 Collected Short Stories
  • Jacob's Hands: A Fable (ditulis bersama Christopher Isherwood; ditemukan 1997)

Koleksi puisi

  • 1916 Oxford Poetry (editor majalah)
  • 1916 The Burning Wheel
  • 1917 Jonah
  • 1918 The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems
  • 1920 Leda
  • 1925 Selected Poems
  • 1929 Arabia Infelix and Other Poems
  • 1931 The Cicadas and Other Poems
  • 1971 Collected Poems

Koleksi esai

  • 1923 On the Margin
  • 1925 Along the Road
  • 1926 Essays New and Old
  • 1927 Proper Studies
  • 1929 Do What You Will
  • 1930 Vulgarity in Literature
  • 1931 Music at Night
  • 1932 Texts and Pretexts
  • 1936 The Olive Tree and other essays
  • 1937 Ends and Means
  • 1940 Words and their Meanings
  • 1942 The Art of Seeing
  • 1945 The Perennial Philosophy
  • 1946 Science, Liberty and Peace
  • 1950 Themes and Variations
  • 1954 The Doors of Perception
  • 1956 Heaven and Hell
  • 1956 Adonis and the Alphabet (judul A.S.: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow)
  • 1958 Collected Essays
  • 1958 Brave New World Revisited
  • 1963 Literature and Science
  • 1977 Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience 1931–63
  • 1977 The Human Situation: Lectures at Santa Barbara, 1959


  • Brave New World
  • Ape and Essence
  • 1940 Pride and Prejudice (kolaborasi)
  • 1943 Madame Curie (kolaborasi)
  • 1944 Jane Eyre (kolaborasi dengan John Houseman)
  • 1947 A Woman's Vengeance
  • 1950 Prelude to Fame
  • 1951 Naskah asli (ditolak) film animasi Disney, Alice in Wonderland[8]
  • 1971 Eyeless in Gaza (miniseri BBC bekerja sama dengan Robin Chapman)[9]

Buku perjalanan

  • 1925 Along The Road: Notes and essays of a tourist
  • 1926 Jesting Pilate: The Diary of a Journey
  • 1934 Beyond the Mexique Bay: A Traveller's Journey

Fiksi anak-anak

  • 1967 The Crows of Pearblossom


  • 1924 The Discovery (diadaptasi dari Francis Sheridan)
  • 1931 The World of Light
  • 1948 Mortal Coils – A Play (versi pentas The Gioconda Smile)
  • 1958 The Genius and the Goddess (versi pentas, ditulis bersama Betty Wendel)
  • 1967 The Ambassador of Captripedia
  • 2000 Now More Than Ever (lakon lama yang ditemukan kembali oleh Departemen Sastra Inggris, Universitas Münster, Jerman)

Artikel di Vedanta and the West

    • 1941  "Distractions"
    • "Distractions II"
    • "Action and Contemplation"
    • "An Appreciation"
    • "The Yellow Mustard"
    • "Lines"
    • "Some Reflections of the Lord's Prayer"
    • 1942  "Reflections of the Lord's Prayer"
    • "Reflections of the Lord's Prayer II"
    • "Words and Reality"
    • "Readings in Mysticism"
    • "Man and Reality"
    • "The Magical and the Spiritual"
    • 1943  "Religion and Time"
    • "Idolatry"
    • "Religion and Temperament"
    • "A Note on the Bhagavatam"
    • "Seven Meditations"
    • 1944  "On a Sentence From Shakespeare"
    • "The Minimum Working Hypothesis"
    • "From a Notebook"
    • "The Philosophy of the Saints"
    • 1945  "That Art Thou"
    • "That Art Thou II"
    • "The Nature of the Ground"
    • "The Nature of the Ground II"
    • "God in the World"
    • 1946  "Origins and Consequences of Some Contemporary Thought-Patterns"
    • "The Sixth Patriarch"
    • "Some Reflections on Time"
    • 1947  "Reflections on Progress"
    • "Further Reflections on Progress"
    • "William Law"
    • "Notes on Zen"
    • 1948  "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"
    • "A Note on Gandhi"
  • 1949  "Art and Religion
  • 1950  "Foreword to an Essay on the Indian Philosophy of Peace"
    • 1952  "A Note on Enlightenment"
    • "Substitutes for Liberation"
    • 1954  "The Desert"
    • "A Note on Patanjali"
  • 1955  "Who Are We?"
    • 1956  "Foreword to the Supreme Doctrine"
    • "Knowledge and Understanding"
  • 1957  "The "Inanimate" is Alive"
  • 1960  "Symbol and Immediate Experience"

Rekaman suara di CD

  • 1955 Knowledge and Understanding[10][11]
  • 1955 Who Are We?[11][12]


  • 1936 Pacifism and Philosophy
  • 1937 An Encyclopedia of Pacifism (editor)
  • 1941 Grey Eminence
  • 1953 The Devils of Loudun
  • 1962 The Politics of Ecology
  • 2007 Selected Letters

Lihat pula

  • Portal Biography
  • Daftar aktivis perdamaian


  1. ^ Kurnia, Anton (2019). Ensiklopedia Sastra Dunia. Yogyakarta: Diva Press. hlm. 27. ISBN 978-602-391-662-7.  Parameter |url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)
  2. ^ "Companions of Literature" Diarsipkan 2015-01-02 di Wayback Machine.. Royal Society of Literature. Retrieved 5 January 2015
  3. ^ Thody, Philipe (1973). Huxley: A Biographical Introduction. Scribner. ISBN 978-0-289-70188-1. 
  4. ^ David K. Dunaway (1995). Aldous Huxley Recollected: An Oral History. Rowman Altamira. hlm. 90. ISBN 978-0-7619-9065-9. 
  5. ^ Roy 2003.
  6. ^ Thody, Philipe (1973)
  7. ^ Chevalier, Tracy (1997). Encyclopedia of the Essay. Routldge. hlm. 416. ISBN 978-1-57958-342-2. 
  8. ^ Bradshaw, David (1993). "Introduction". Aldous Huxley's "Those Barren Leaves" (Vintage Classics, 2005). Vintage, Random House, 20 Vauxhall Brigade Road, London. xii. 
  9. ^ "Eyeless in Gaza" (1971)
  10. ^ "listing in". Diakses tanggal 8 March 2013. 
  11. ^ a b "Note on lecturing in Santa Barbara". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-01-16. Diakses tanggal 8 March 2013. 
  12. ^ "listing in". Diakses tanggal 8 March 2013. 


  • Roy, Sumita (2003), Aldous Huxley And Indian Thought, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd 
  • Anderson, Jack 1982. "Ballet: Suzanne Farrell in 'Variations' Premiere". New York Times (4 July).
  • Barnes Clive. 1966. "Ballet: Still Another Balanchine-Stravinsky Pearl; City Troupe Performs in Premiere Here 'Variations' for Huxley at State Theater". New York Times (1 April): 28.
  • Spies, Claudio. 1965. "Notes on Stravinsky's Variations". Perspectives of New Music 4, no. 1 (Fall-Winter): 62–74. Reprinted in Perspectives on Schoenberg and Stravinsky, revised edition, edited by Benjamin Boretz and Edward T. Cone, [pages]. New York:W. W. Norton, 1972.
  • White, Eric Walter. 1979. Stravinsky: The Composer and His Works, second edition. Berkeley and Los Angeles: The University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-03985-8.

Bacaan lanjutan

Sumber pustaka mengenai
Aldous Huxley
  • Buku daring
  • Sumber di perpustakaan Anda
  • Sumber di perpustakaan lain
By Aldous Huxley
  • Buku daring
  • Sumber di perpustakaan Anda
  • Sumber di perpustakaan lain
  • Atkins, John. Aldous Huxley: A Literary Study, J. Calder, 1956
  • Bedford, Sybille (2002). Aldous Huxley: A Biography. Ivan R Dee. ISBN 978-1-56663-454-0. 
  • David King Dunaway, PH.D. (1991). Huxley in Hollywood. Anchor. ISBN 978-0-385-41591-0. 
  • Firchow, Peter. Aldous Huxley: Satirist and Novelist, U of Minnesota P, 1972
  • Firchow, Peter. The End of Utopia: A Study of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Bucknell UP, 1984
  • Huxley, Aldous. The Human Situation: Aldous Huxley Lectures at Santa Barbara 1959, Flamingo Modern Classic, 1994, ISBN 0-00-654732-X
  • Huxley, Laura Archera. This Timeless Moment, Celestial Arts, 2001, ISBN 0-89087-968-0
  • Meckier, Jerome. Aldous Huxley: Modern Satirical Novelist of ideas, Firchow and Nugel editors, LIT Verlag Berlin-Hamburg-Münster, 2006, ISBN 3-8258-9668-4
  • Murray, Nicholas. Aldous Huxley, Macmillan, 2003, ISBN 0-312-30237-1
  • Rolo, Charles J. (ed.). The World of Aldous Huxley, Grosset Universal Library, 1947.
  • Sexton, James (ed.). Aldous Huxley: Selected Letters, Ivan R. Dee, 2007, ISBN 1-56663-629-9
  • Sawyer, Dana. Aldous Huxley, Crossroad Publishing Co., 2002, ISBN 0-8245-1987-6
  • Shaw, Jeffrey M. Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock. 2014. ISBN 978-1-62564-058-1.
  • Watt, Conrad (ed.). Aldous Huxley, Routledge, 1997, ISBN 0-415-15915-6

Pranala luar

Cari tahu mengenai Aldous Huxley pada proyek-proyek Wikimedia lainnya:
Gambar dan media dari Commons
Kutipan dari Wikiquote
Teks sumber dari Wikisource
  • "Huxley on Huxley". Dir. Mary Ann Braubach. Cinedigm, 2010. DVD. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-08-05. 
  • Raymond Fraser, George Wickes (Spring 1960). "Interview: Aldous Huxley: The Art of Fiction No. 24". The Paris Review. 
  • Portraits at the National Portrait Gallery
  • BBC discussion programme In our time: "Brave New World". Huxley and the novel. 9 April 2009. (Audio, 45 minutes)
  • BBC In their own words series. 12 October 1958. (Video, 12 mins).
  • "The Ultimate Revolution" (talk at UC Berkeley, 20 March 1962) Diarsipkan 2013-12-07 di Wayback Machine.
  • Huxley interviewed Diarsipkan 2014-11-26 di Wayback Machine. on The Mike Wallace Interview 18 May 1958. (Video)
  • Karya Aldous Huxley di Project Gutenberg
  • Karya oleh/tentang Aldous Huxley di Internet Archive (pencarian dioptimalkan untuk situs non-Beta)
  • Karya Aldous Huxley di LibriVox (buku suara domain umum)
  • Karya oleh Aldous Huxley di Open Library
  • Aldous Huxley di IMDb (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • Centre for Huxley Research
  • Aldous Huxley Papers Diarsipkan 2013-06-15 di at University of California, Los Angeles Library Special Collections.
  • Aldous Huxley, The Devils of Loudun. Appendix (1952)
  • l
  • b
  • s
Karya Aldous Huxley
  • Crome Yellow (1921)
  • Antic Hay (1923)
  • Those Barren Leaves (1925)
  • Point Counter Point (1928)
  • Brave New World (1932)
  • Eyeless in Gaza (1936)
  • After Many a Summer (1939)
  • Time Must Have a Stop (1944)
  • Ape and Essence (1948)
  • The Genius and the Goddess (1955)
  • Island (1962)
  • "Happily Ever After"
  • "Eupompus Gave Splendour to Art by Numbers"
  • "Cynthia"
  • "The Bookshop"
  • "The Death of Lully"
  • "Sir Hercules"
  • "The Gioconda Smile"
  • "The Tillotson Banquet"
  • "Green Tunnels"
  • "Nuns at Luncheon"
  • "Little Mexican"
  • "Hubert and Minnie"
  • "Fard"
  • "The Portrait"
  • "Young Archimedes"
  • "Half Holiday"
  • "The Monocle"
  • "Fairy Godmother"
  • "Chawdron"
  • "The Rest Cure"
  • "The Claxtons"
  • "After the Fireworks"
  • "Jacob's Hands: A Fable" (terbit 1997; bersama Christopher Isherwood)
  • Limbo (1920)
  • Mortal Coils (1922)
  • Little Mexican (judul A.S.: Young Archimedes) (1924)
  • Two or Three Graces (1926)
  • Brief Candles (1930)
  • Collected Short Stories (1957)
  • The Burning Wheel (1916)
  • Jonah (1917)
  • The Defeat of Youth (1918)
  • Leda (1920)
  • Arabia Infelix (1929)
  • The Cicadias and Other Poems (1931)
  • Collected Poetry (1971)
  • Along the Road (1925)
  • Jesting Pilate (1926)
  • Beyond the Mexique Bay (1934)
  • On the Margin (1923)
  • Essays New and Old (1926)
  • Proper Studies (1927)
  • Do What You Will (1929)
  • Vulgarity in Literature (1930)
  • Music at Night (1931)
  • Texts and Pretexts (1932)
  • The Olive Tree (1936)
  • Ends and Means (1937)
  • Words and their Meanings (1940)
  • Science, Liberty and Peace (1946)
  • Themes and Variations (1950)
  • The Doors of Perception (1954)
  • Adonis and the Alphabet (judul A.S.: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow) (1956)
  • Heaven and Hell (1956)
  • Collected Essays (1958)
  • Brave New World Revisited (1958)
  • Literature and Science (1963)
  • The Human Situation: 1959 Lectures at Santa Barbara (1977)
  • Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience (1999)
  • Pride and Prejudice (1940)
  • Madame Curie (tidak disebut, 1943)
  • Jane Eyre (1944)
  • A Woman's Vengeance (1947)
  • Prelude to Fame (1950)
  • Alice in Wonderland (tidak disebut, 1951)
  • The Perennial Philosophy (1945)
  • Grey Eminence (1941)
  • The Devils of Loudun (1952)
  • The Discovery (berdasarkan kisah Frances Sheridan) (1924)
  • The World of Light (1931)
  • The Gioconda Smile (diadaptasi dari cerita aslinya di Mortal Coils) (1948)
  • The Genius and the Goddess (versi lakon, bersama Betty Wendel) (1957)
  • The Ambassador of Captripedia (1965)
  • Now More Than Ever (1997)
Buku anak
  • The Crows of Pearblossom (1944, terbit 1967)
Buku lain
  • The Art of Seeing (1942)
  • Selected Letters (2007)
  • l
  • b
  • s
The Devils of Loudun karya Aldous Huxley
  • Urbain Grandier
  • Kerasukan Loudun
  • The Devils of Loudun (opera 1969)
  • The Devils (lakon 1961)
  • The Devils (film 1971)
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