Gelembung real estat Florida 1920-an

Gelembung real estat Florida 1920-an adalah gelembung real estat pertama di Florida. Era perintis spekulasi tanah Florida ini berlangsung dari tahun 1924 hingga 1926 dan menarik investor dari seluruh negara.[1]


  1. ^ Ballinger, Kenneth. Miami Millions: The Dance of the Dollars in the Great Florida Land Boom of 1925. Miami, Florida: The Franklin Press. hlm. 5. Diakses tanggal 17 July 2021. 


  • Evans, Jon S. (2011). Weathering the Storm: Florida Politics during the Administration of Spessard L. Holland in World War II (Tesis PhD dissertation). Florida State University. 

Bacaan lebih lanjut

  • Knowlton, Christopher (2020). Bubble in the Sun: The Florida Boom of the 1920s and How It Brought on the Great Depression (dalam bahasa Inggris). Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-9821-2837-1. 

Pranala luar

  • University of South Florida Libraries: Suniland Suniland (published between 1924 and 1926) was distributed across Florida and beyond. The magazine both promoted and documented the land boom in Florida.