
Kleusonite adalah anggota kelompok mineral crichtonite dengan rumus kimia (Pb,Sr)(U4+,U6+)(Fe2+,Zn)2(Ti,Fe2+,Fe3+)18(O,OH)38. Kelompok mineral ini mengandung sekitar tiga belas titanat logam kompleks. Struktur mineral kelompok ini diperumit oleh seringnya kembaran skala halus dan metamiktisasi karena unsur radioaktif.


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  • General Cleusonite Information (n.d). Retrieved on October 12th, 2009 from: http://webmineral.com/data/Cleusonite.shtml
  • Haggerty, S.E et al. (1983). Lindsleyite (Ba) and mathiasite (K): Two new chromium-titanates in the crichtonite series from the upper mantle. American Mineralogist, 1983; 68:494-505.
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  • Sabau, G & Alberico, A. (2007). What is CCZN-armalcolite? A crystal-chemical discussion and an ad hoc incursion in the crichtonite-minerals group. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia, 2007; 52 (2); 55-66.
  • Wülser, P.A et al. (2005). Cleusonite, (Pb, Sr)(U4+,U6+)(Fe2+,Zn)2(Ti,Fe2+,Fe3+)18(O,OH)38, a new mineral species of the crichtonite group from the western Swiss Alps. European Journal of Mineralogy, 17(6), 933-942 (10).
  • Grey, I.E, Lloyd, D.J & White, J.S. Jr. (1976). The structure of crichtonite and its relationship to senaite. American Mineralogist, 1976; 61: 1203-1212