
32°12′20.30″N 35°14′04.58″E / 32.2056389°N 35.2346056°E / 32.2056389; 35.2346056Grid Palestina172/181NegaraNegara PalestinaKegubernuranNablusArti nama"Kafir"[1]

Rafidia atau Rafidiya (bahasa Arab: رفيديا) adalah sebuah wilayah di bagian barat kota Palestina Nablus. Wilayah tersebut adalah sebuah desa terpisah sampai wilayah tersebut digabung menjadi munisipalitas pada 1966.[2] Saat ini, terdapat tiga keluarga Kristen Palestina dan satu keluarga Muslim, meskipun jumlah Kristen hanya sekitar 700.[3] Pada 1961, Rafidia memiliki 923 penduduk, meningkat menjadi 1.200 pada 1983.[4]


  1. ^ according to Palmer, 1881, p. 189 See also Rafida
  2. ^ Nablus Diarsipkan 2007-12-08 di Wayback Machine. Nablus-City.
  3. ^ Saadeh, Youssef Jubran. Christianity in Nablus Diarsipkan 2010-12-02 di Wayback Machine. An-Najah National University - Zajel. 27 June 2004.
  4. ^ Welcome to Rafidiya

Daftar pustaka

  • Barron, J.B., ed. (1923). Palestine: Report and General Abstracts of the Census of 1922. Government of Palestine. 
  • Conder, C.R.; Kitchener, H.H. (1882). The Survey of Western Palestine: Memoirs of the Topography, Orography, Hydrography, and Archaeology. 2. London: Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund. 
  • Ellenblum, Ronnie (2003). Frankish Rural Settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521521871.  (pp. 125 n. 17, 224, 248, 250)
  • Government of Jordan, Department of Statistics (1964). First Census of Population and Housing. Volume I: Final Tables; General Characteristics of the Population (PDF). 
  • Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics (1945). Village Statistics, April, 1945. 
  • Guérin, V. (1875). Description Géographique Historique et Archéologique de la Palestine (dalam bahasa French). 2: Samarie, pt. 2. Paris: L'Imprimerie Nationale. Pemeliharaan CS1: Bahasa yang tidak diketahui (link) (p. 184)
  • Hadawi, S. (1970). Village Statistics of 1945: A Classification of Land and Area ownership in Palestine. Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center. 
  • Hütteroth, Wolf-Dieter; Abdulfattah, Kamal (1977). Historical Geography of Palestine, Transjordan and Southern Syria in the Late 16th Century. Erlanger Geographische Arbeiten, Sonderband 5. Erlangen, Germany: Vorstand der Fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft. ISBN 3-920405-41-2. 
  • Karmon, Y. (1960). "An Analysis of Jacotin's Map of Palestine" (PDF). Israel Exploration Journal. 10 (3,4): 155–173; 244–253. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2018-09-05. Diakses tanggal 2019-12-26. 
  • Mills, E., ed. (1932). Census of Palestine 1931. Population of Villages, Towns and Administrative Areas. Jerusalem: Government of Palestine. 
  • Palmer, E.H. (1881). The Survey of Western Palestine: Arabic and English Name Lists Collected During the Survey by Lieutenants Conder and Kitchener, R. E. Transliterated and Explained by E.H. Palmer. Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund. 
  • Petersen, Andrew (2005). The Towns of Palestine Under Muslim Rule. British Archaeological Reports. ISBN 1841718211. 
  • Pringle, Denys (1997). Secular buildings in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: an archaeological Gazetter. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Pringle, Denys (1998). The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: Volume II L-Z (excluding Tyre). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0 521 39037 0. 
  • Robinson, E.; Smith, E. (1841). Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea: A Journal of Travels in the year 1838. 3. Boston: Crocker & Brewster. 

Pranala luar

  • Welcome to Rafidiya
  • Survey of Western Palestine, Map 11: IAA, Wikimedia commons
  • l
  • b
  • s
Kegubernuran Nablus
  • Nablus (Balata al-Balad • Juneid • Rafidia)
Kegubernuran Nablus
Negara Palestina
  • Aqraba (Yanun)
  • Asira al-Shamaliya
  • Beita
  • Beit Furik
  • Huwara
  • Jamma'in
  • Qabalan
  • Sebastia (Nisf Jubeil)
  • al-Aqrabaniya
  • Asira al-Qibliya
  • Awarta
  • Azmut
  • al-Badhan
  • Beit Dajan
  • Beit Hasan
  • Beit Iba
  • Beit Imrin
  • Beit Wazan
  • Bizzariya
  • Burin
  • Burqa
  • Deir al-Hatab
  • Deir Sharaf
  • Duma
  • Einabus
  • Ein Shibli
  • Furush Beit Dajan
  • Ijnisinya
  • Iraq Burin
  • Jurish
  • Kafr Qallil
  • al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya (Ammuriya)
  • Madama
  • Majdal Bani Fadil
  • an-Naqura
  • an-Naseriya
  • Odala
  • Osarin
  • Qaryut (Jalud)
  • Qusin
  • Qusra
  • Rujeib
  • Salim
  • Sarra
  • as-Sawiya
  • Talfit
  • Talluza
  • Tell
  • Urif
  • Yasid
  • Yatma
  • Zawata
  • Zeita Jamma'in
Kamp pengungsi
  • Askar
  • Balata
  • Ein Beit al-Ma'