Terjatuh (kecelakaan)

Jatuh adalah pengalaman normal bagi anak-anak, namun jatuh dari ketinggian signifikan atau pada permukaan keras dapat menjadi berbahaya.
Informasi umum
Distribusi dan frekuensi
Prevalensi226 juta (2015)[2]
Kematian527.000 (2015)[1]

Jatuh adalah sebab utama kedua dari kecelakaan mematikan di seluruh dunia dan sebab besar cedera personal, khususnya bagi lansia.[3] Jatuh pada lansia adalah kelas cedera penting yang patut dihindari. Tenaga kerja bangunan, tukang listrik, tukang tambang dan pelukis adalah pekerjaan dengan kerentanan cedera jatuh yang tinggi.


  1. ^ GBD 2015 Mortality and Causes of Death, Collaborators. (8 October 2016). "Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015". Lancet. 388 (10053): 1459–1544. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(16)31012-1. PMC 5388903 alt=Dapat diakses gratis. PMID 27733281. 
  2. ^ GBD 2015 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence, Collaborators. (8 October 2016). "Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015". Lancet. 388 (10053): 1545–1602. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31678-6. PMC 5055577 alt=Dapat diakses gratis. PMID 27733282. 
  3. ^ "Fact sheet 344: Falls". World Health Organization. October 2012. Diakses tanggal 3 December 2012. 

Pranala luar

  • ICD-10: W00-W19, X80, X81
  • Falls Among Older Adults: Brochures and Posters (in English, Spanish, and Chinese) US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Falls Among Older Adults: An Overview US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Costs of Falls Among Older Adults US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Hip Fractures Among Older Adults US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Falls in Nursing Homes US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • CDC Fall Prevention Activities US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Preventing Falls: What Works―A CDC Compendium of Effective Community-based Interventions from Around the World US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (PDF)
  • Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Public Health Grand Rounds: Help Older Adults Live Better, Longer: Prevent Falls and Traumatic Brain Injuries Diarsipkan 2008-11-20 di Wayback Machine. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • CDC's Division of Unintentional Injury – Podcasts US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention