

BBK バークベック・カレッジ
CUL シティ大学ロンドン
GCUL ゴールドスミス・カレッジ
HEY en:Heythrop College
ICL インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン
ICS en:Institute of Computer Science
KCL キングス・カレッジ・ロンドン
LI en:Lister Institute for Preventive Medicine
LBS ロンドン・ビジネス・スクール
LSE ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス
QMUL クイーン・メアリー (ロンドン大学)
RAM 王立音楽アカデミー
RHUL ロイヤル・ホロウェイ
SGUL en:St George's, University of London
SOAS 東洋アフリカ研究学院
UCL ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン
ULIP en:University of London International Programmes


There are a total of 74 Nobel Laureates who were either students or staff members at the University of London. Their respective college or colleges is shown in the parenthesis. The following table shows the number of Nobel Laureates from each college:

University College London 26
London School of Economics 17
Imperial College London 15
King's College London 12
University of London International Programmes 7
Queen Mary, University of London 7
Birkbeck, University of London 4
Lister Institute for Preventive Medicine 3
School of Oriental and African Studies 1



  • Tuanku Jaafar – マレーシア国王, 1994–1999 (LSE)
  • レツィエ3世 - レソト国王
  • マルグレーテ2世 – デンマーク女王、1972年–現在 (LSE)
  • Sultan Salahuddin – マレーシア国王 1999–2001 (SOAS)


  • Hossein Ala' – Prime Minister of Iran
  • A・N・R・ロビンソン – トリニダード・トバゴ首相, 1986-1981, and President of Trinidad and Tobago, 1997–2003
  • Natalia Gherman - Acting Prime Minister of Moldova, 2015 (KCL)
  • Harmodio Arias – President of Panama, 1932–1936 (LSE)
  • オスカル・アリアス・サンチェス – President of Costa Rica, 1986 – 1990, 2006 – Present (LSE)
  • Marouf al-Bakhit – Prime Minister of Jordan, 2005–2007 (KCL)
  • Errol Walton Barrow – Prime Minister of Barbados, 1962–1966, 1966–1976, 1986–1987 (LSE)
  • スフバータル・バトボルド – Prime Minister of Mongolia, 2009–present (LBS)
  • アブドッラフマーン・アル=バッザーズ – Prime Minister of Iraq, 1965–1966 (KCL)
  • Marek Belka – Prime Minister of Poland, 2004–2005 (LSE)
  • ゴッドフリー・ビナイサ – President of Uganda, 1979–1980 (KCL)
  • ハインリヒ・ブリューニング – Chancellor of Germany, 1930–1932 (LSE)
  • キム・キャンベル – カナダ首相, June–November 1993 (LSE)
  • ユージェニア・チャールズ – Prime Minister of Dominica, 1980–1995 (LSE)
  • エリス・クラーク – トリニダード・トバゴ首相, 1976–1987 (UCL)
  • ジョン・コンプトン – Premier of Saint Lucia, 1964–1979, and Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, February–July 1979 & 1982–1996 (LSE)
  • Sher Bahadur Deuba – Prime Minister of Nepal, 1995–1997, 2001–2002, 2004–2005 (LSE)
  • Luisa Diogo – Prime Minister of Mozambique, 1991–1992 (SOAS)
  • Bülent Ecevit – Former Prime Minister of Turkey (SOAS)
  • Pedro Beltrán Espantoso – Prime Minister of Peru, 1959–1961 (LSE)
  • ロベルト・フィツォ – Current Prime Minister of Slovakia (UCL)
  • ラジーヴ・ガンディー – インド首相 1984–1989 (ICL)
  • ハイム・ヘルツォーグ – イスラエル大統領 1983–1993 (UCL)
  • 伊藤博文内閣総理大臣 1885–1888, 1892–1896, 1898, 1900–1901 (UCL)
  • ジョン・F・ケネディ – President of the United States of America 1961–1963 (LSE)
  • Jomo Kenyatta – First President of Kenya, 1964–1978 (LSE)
  • Mwai Kibaki – President of Kenya, 2002–present (LSE)
  • Glafcos Klerides, President of Cyprus, 1993–2003 (KCL)
  • Junichiro Koizumi – Prime Minister of Japan, 2001–2006 ( UCL)
  • Thanin Kraivichien – Prime Minister of Thailand, 1976–1977 (LSE)
  • 俞國華 – Premier of Taiwan, 1984–1989 (LSE)
  • Hilla Limann – ガーナ大統領, 1979–1981 (LSE)
  • Alfonso López Pumarejo – President of Colombia, 1934–1938, 1942–1945 (LSE)
  • Ramsay MacDonald – Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1924, 1929–1935 (BBK)
  • Michael Manley – Prime Minister of Jamaica, 1972–1980, 1989–1992 (LSE)
  • Kamisese Mara – Prime Minister of Fiji 1970–1992, President of Fiji 1994–2000 (LSE)
  • Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud – President of Somaliland (LSE)
  • Sir Lee Moore – Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, 1979–1980 (KCL)
  • Robert Mugabe – President of Zimbabwe (ULIP)
  • Kocheril Raman Narayanan – President of India, 1997–2002 (LSE)
  • Kwame Nkrumah – ガーナ大統領, 1960–1966 (LSE)
  • Basdeo Panday – トリニダード・トバゴ首相, 1995–2001
  • Tassos Papadopoulos, President of Cyprus, 2003–2008 (KCL)
  • P・J・パターソン – Prime Minister of Jamaica, 1992–2006 (LSE)
  • Sir Lynden Pindling, Prime Minister of the Bahamas, 1969–1992 (KCL)
  • Romano Prodi – Prime Minister of Italy, 1996–1998, 2006–present, President of the European Commission, 1999–2004 (LSE)
  • Navinchandra Ramgoolam – Prime Minister of Mauritius, 1995–2000 (LSE)
  • France-Albert René, Prime Minister of Seychelles 1976–1977, and President of Seychelles 1977–2004 (KCL)
  • Sir Veerasamy Ringadoo – First President of Mauritius, March–June 1992 (LSE)
  • Moshe Sharett – Prime Minister of Israel, 1953–1955 (LSE)
  • Constantine Simitis – Prime Minister of Greece, 1996–2004 (LSE)
  • Anote Tong – President of Kiribati, 2003–present (LSE)
  • ピエール・トルドー – カナダ首相, 1968–1979, 1980–1984 (LSE)
  • アウンサンスーチー - ミャンマー国家最高顧問
  • ティンチョー - 第9代ミャンマー大統領

Other prominent political figures

  • Elliott Abrams – American politician (LSE)
  • Christopher Addison, 1st Viscount Addison – British minister (QMUL)
  • B. R. Ambedkar – Architect Indian Constitution, Indian independence leader, minister and anti-caste system activist (LSE)
  • Obed Asamoah – Ghanaian Foreign Minister (KCL)
  • Ziad Bahaa-Eldin – Deputy Prime Minister of Egypt (KCL)
  • Cherie Booth – wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair (LSE)
  • Martin Bourke – Governor of The Turks and Caicos Islands (KCL)
  • Ed Broadbent – Canadian political leader (LSE)
  • Dame Lois Browne-Evans – Bermudian opposition leader (KCL)
  • Maragatham Chandrasekhar – Indian Cabinet Minister (KCL)
  • Michael Collins – Irish independence leader (KCL)
  • Sir John Cockburn – Premier of South Australia
  • Abdulai Conteh – Vice President of Sierra Leone (KCL)
  • Sir Stafford Cripps – Former Chancellor of the Exchequer (UCL)
  • Edwina Currie – British minister (LSE)
  • Hugh Dalton – Chancellor of the Exchequer (LSE)
  • Joseph B. Dauda – Sierra Leonean Finance Minister (KCL)
  • Kemal Derviş – Turkish politician and senior UN administrator
  • Frank Dobson – British minister (LSE)
  • Marlene Malahoo Forte – Jamaican Foreign Minister (KCL)
  • Natalia Gherman – Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova (KCL)
  • Mahatma Gandhi – Indian Independence Leader (UCL)
  • Marc Grossman – American Under Secretary of State
  • Sir Sydney Gun-Munro – Governor-General of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (KCL)
  • Peter Hain – British minister and anti-apartheid campaigner (QMUL)
  • Farrer Herschell, 1st Baron Herschell – Lord Chancellor (UCL)
  • Ruth Kelly – British minister (LSE)
  • Horace Maybray King, Baron Maybray-King Speaker of the House of Commons (KCL)
  • Tessa Jowell – British minister (GCUL)
  • William Joyce – wartime propagandist (BBK)
  • Muhammad Zafrulla Khan – Pakistani Foreign Minister (KCL)
  • ロバート・F・ケネディ・ジュニア – son of US Senator Robert Kennedy and environmental activist (LSE)
  • デイヴィッド・ラミー – British minister (SOAS)
  • 劉慧卿(エミリー・ラウ) – Hong Kong political leader (LSE)
  • 劉漢銓(アンブローズ・ラウ) – Hong Kong political leader
  • 第5代リストーウェル伯爵ウィリアム・ヘア – Governor General of Ghana (KCL)
  • James Lowther, 1st Viscount Ullswater Speaker of the House of Commons (KCL)
  • John MacGregor, Baron MacGregor of Pulham Market – Leader of the House of Commons (KCL)
  • Ann Dore McLaughlin – U.S. Secretary of Labor
  • Anne McLellan – Deputy カナダ首相 (KCL)
  • Ken Michael – governor of Western Australia (ICL)
  • Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner – British Cabinet Minister (KCL)
  • フランシス・ミナー – Vice President of Sierra Leone (KCL)
  • Nikolay Mladenov – Bulgarian Foreign Minister (KCL)
  • James Nyamweya – Kenyan Foreign Minister (KCL)
  • David Owen, Baron Owen of Plymouth – British Foreign Secretary (KCL)
  • Alice Paul – American suffragist (LSE)
  • Jacques Parizeau – Premier of Quebec (LSE)
  • Richard Perle – American political advisor (LSE)
  • Enoch Powell – British minister and right-wing politician (SOAS)
  • S. Rajaratnam – Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Cabinet minister (KCL)
  • Sir Shridath Ramphal – Commonwealth Secretary-General and Guyanan Foreign Minister (KCL)
  • Paul Robeson – American athlete, actor, singer and civil rights activist (SOAS)
  • Walter Rodney – Guyanese activist (SOAS)
  • Robert Rubin – U.S. Treasury Secretary
  • Sir Ernest Satow – British diplomat (UCL)
  • Stephen Smith – Australian politician
  • Robert Sobukwe – South African political dissident
  • Marie Stopes – family planning and eugenics campaigner (UCL)
  • Gisela Stuart – Member of Parliament, England (Birmingham Edgbaston) (ULIP)
  • Goh Keng Swee – deputy Prime Minister of Singapore (LSE)
  • 林董 – Japanese Foreign Minister (KCL)
  • Teo Chee Hean – Singaporean minister (ICL)
  • Harold Watkinson, 1st Viscount Watkinson – Minister of Defence (KCL)
  • David Welch – American Assistant Secretary of State
  • Frederick Wills – Guyanan Foreign Minister (KCL)
  • David Wilson – Governor of Hong Kong
  • Lord Woolf – Chief Justice of England and Wales (UCL)
  • Abdi Yusuf Hassan – Somali politician and diplomat
  • Rais Yatim – Malaysian Foreign Minister (KCL)
  • Winston Set Aung - Politician, Economist and Management Consultant , incumbent Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar
  • Rafiq Zakaria – Indian politician

Other Prominent Royalty

  • ナポレオン・ウジェーヌ・ルイ・ボナパルト - son of Emperor Napolean III (KCL)
  • Haakon Magnus – Crown Prince of Norway (LSE)
  • メッテ=マリット - ノルウェー王太子妃 (SOAS)
  • Abdulaziz bin Turki al Faisal– Grandson of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia (SOAS)
  • Prince Prisdang - member of the Thai royal family (KCL)


  • Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel - Catholic cardinal and Archbishop of Addis Abeba
  • Mirza Tahir Ahmad- Khalifatul Masih IV, Caliph(Imam)IV of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
  • Alan Campbell – controversial Pentecostal pastor
  • George Carey, Baron Carey of Clifton – Archbishop of Canterbury (KCL)
  • Robert William Dale – Nonconformist church leader
  • Mark Elvins – Capuchin friar (HEY)
  • Philip Edgecumbe Hughes, New Testament scholar, Professor at Westminster Theological Seminary
  • Bernard Lonergan – theologian, philosopher and economist (HEY)
  • Michael Anthony Moxon – Dean of Truro Cathedral (HEY)
  • John Anthony McGuckin – Orthodox priest and poet (HEY)
  • Njongonkulu Ndungane – Archbishop of Cape Town (KCL)
  • Sir Jonathan Sacks – Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth (KCL)
  • Lindsay Urwin – Bishop of Horsham (HEY)
  • Oliver D. Crisp (KCL)

Other religious figures

  • Heidi Baker - Christian missionary (KCL)
  • Muhammad Abdul Bari – Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain (KCL)
  • Shaw Clifton – General of The Salvation Army (KCL)
  • Richard Coles – priest, musician and journalist (KCL)
  • Leonard Coulshaw - Chaplain of the Fleet (KCL)
  • Frank Curtis – Provost of Sheffield (KCL)
  • Thomas Pelham Dale – Ritualist clergyman (KCL)
  • Rob Frost - Methodist evangelist (KCL)
  • Robert Gandell - biblical scholar (KCL)
  • Donald Clifford Gray – clergyman (KCL)
  • Walter Homolka – rabbi (KCL)
  • Donald Howard – Provost of St Andrew's Cathedral, Aberdeen (KCL)
  • Lawrence Jackson - Provost of Blackburn (KCL)
  • Eric James – Chaplain Extraordinary to HM the Queen (KCL)
  • George Jack Kinnell – Provost of St Andrew's Cathedral, Aberdeen (KCL)
  • Kenneth Leech - priest (KCL)
  • Peter Mallett - Chaplain-General to the Forces (KCL)
  • Michael Nott – Provost of Portsmouth (KCL)
  • Hugh Smith - Chaplain-General of Prisons (KCL)
  • Frederick Spurrell – priest and archaeologist (KCL)








  • Sir William Anderson (KCL)
  • ラザフォード・アリス
  • Ayodele Awojobi (ICL)
  • リチャード・ビーチング (ICL)
  • アレクサンダー・グラハム・ベル (UCL)
  • Henry Brogden (KCL)
  • Henry Marc Brunel (KCL)
  • William Clark (KCL)
  • Donald Watts Davies (ICL)
  • Henry Deane (KCL)
  • James H. Ellis (ICL)
  • Tommy Flowers
  • Sir Douglas Fox (KCL)
  • Sir Stanley Hooker (ICL)
  • Sir Alec Issigonis (ULIP)
  • Walter Katte (KCL)
  • Frederick William Lanchester (ICL)
  • Sir William Henry Preece (KCL)
  • Alec Reeves (ICL)
  • Bill Strang (KCL)
  • Thomas Walker (KCL)
  • Sir Charles Wheatstone (KCL)
  • Mark Whitby (KCL)
  • Sir John Wolfe-Barry (KCL)


  • George Barrow (KCL)
  • Henry William Bristow (KCL)
  • David Edgar Cartwright (KCL)
  • ジョージ・ディーコン (KCL)
  • Archibald Thomas John Dollar (KCL)
  • William Fyfe (ICL)
  • アーサー・ホームズ (ICL)
  • デイヴィット・ラリー (KCL)
  • デイヴィット・リントン (KCL)
  • Sir Charles Lyell (KCL)
  • ハルフォード・マッキンダー (LSE) - 地政学者
  • Charles F. Newcombe
  • Sir Dudley Stamp (KCL)
  • Sir Gilbert Walker (ICL)
  • Sidney Wooldridge (KCL)
  • John Anthony Allan (SOAS and KCL)
  • ジョン・ミルン地震計発明者、東京帝国大学名誉教授 (KCL)
  • James Haward Taylor (KCL)
  • エロール・ホワイト (KCL)


  • Anne O'Garra (UCL)
  • Noreen Murray – molecular geneticist who helped develop a vaccine against Hepatitis B (KCL)
  • Max Theiler – 1951 Nobel laureate who developed a vaccine against yellow fever (KCL)


  • Sir David Cox (BBK & ICL)
  • Sir Arthur Lyon Bowley (LSE)
  • Simon Donaldson (ICL)
  • Patrick du Val (ULIP)
  • Louis Mordell (BBK)
  • Klaus Roth (UCL & ICL)
  • Tom Willmore (KCL)
  • David Acheson (KCL)
  • Colin Bushnell (KCL)
  • Keith Devlin (KCL)
  • Graham Everest (KCL)
  • Aubrey William Ingleton (KCL)
  • Leon Mirsky (KCL)
  • Sir Martin Taylor (KCL)
  • Henry William Watson (KCL)


  • ハヴロック・エリス (KCL)
  • ユタ・フリス (KCL)
  • Dinesh Bhugra (KCL)
  • Akbar S. Ahmed (SOAS)
  • Fei Xiaotong (LSE)
  • Anthony Giddens (LSE)
  • David Hirsh
  • サトシ・カナザワ (LSE)
  • Bronislaw Malinowski (LSE)
  • Karl Mannheim (LSE)
  • Z.K. Mathews (LSE)
  • Humphry Osmond (KCL)
  • Talcott Parsons (LSE)
  • J. Philippe Rushton (BBK)
  • Arthur Waley (SOAS)
  • Ulrike Schmidt (KCL)
  • Raymond Cattell (KCL)


  • Edgar Crookshank (KCL)
  • Ara Darzi, Baron Darzi of Denham (ICL)
  • David Blow (ICL)
  • Dr Thomas Bond (KCL)
  • Segun Toyin Dawodu,Physician and Attorney (ULIP/QMUL)
  • Michael Foster (UCL)
  • Henry Gray (SGUL)
  • Thomas Hodgkin (KCL)
  • John Hunter (SGUL)
  • William Hunter (SGUL)
  • Edward Jenner (SGUL)
  • Joseph Lister (KCL)
  • Sir Victor Ewings Negus (KCL)
  • Patrick Steptoe (SGUL)
  • Robert Winston, Baron Winston (ICL)
  • Francis Anstie (KCL)
  • Simon Baron-Cohen (KCL)
  • Thomas Gregor Brodie (KCL)



  • Sir Edward Appleton (KCL)
  • Charles Barkla (KCL)
  • J・D・バナール (BBK)
  • Patrick Blackett, Baron Blackett (ICL)
  • ヘンリー・ブラッグ (UCL)
  • Jocelyn Burnell (UCL)
  • Louis Essen
  • ジョン・フレミング (UCL)
  • Dennis Gabor (ICL)
  • Raymond Gosling (KCL)
  • Peter Higgs (KCL)
  • Charles K. Kao (UCL/ICL)
  • Geraint F. Lewis
  • Kathleen Lonsdale (RHUL & UCL)
  • Robert May, Baron May of Oxford (ICL)
  • ジェームズ・クラーク・マクスウェル (KCL)
  • David Pearson, Computer Scientist (ICL)
  • William George Penney (ICL)
  • Sir Owen Richardson (KCL)
  • Abdus Salam (ICL)
  • Simon Singh (ICL)
  • Duncan Steel
  • Edward Teller (UCL)
  • Sir George Paget Thomson (ICL)
  • Edward James Stone (KCL)
  • Michael Fisher (KCL)
  • Thomas Young (SGUL)
  • Andrew Fabian (KCL)
  • Claudio Maccone (KCL)
  • Marcelo Gleiser (KCL)
  • Louis Slotin (KCL)
  • John Edwin Midwinter (KCL)

The arts


  • ダニー・アブセ (KCL)
  • John Adair (KCL)
  • Alfred Ainger (KCL)
  • リチャード・オールディントン (UCL)
  • Mulk Raj Anand (UCL)
  • Alfred Austin
  • James Graham Ballard
  • Arnold Bennett
  • Alain de Botton (KCL)
  • Sir Malcolm Bradbury (QMUL)
  • Raymond Briggs (UCL)
  • Anita Brookner (KCL)
  • Robert Browning (UCL)
  • G・K・チェスタトン (UCL)
  • Arthur C. Clarke (KCL)
  • Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett (RHUL)
  • Bernard Cornwell
  • Richmal Crompton (RHUL)
  • ジョージ・エリオット (RHUL)
  • T. S. Eliot (BBK)
  • Nissim Ezekiel (BBK)
  • C. S. Forester (KCL)
  • Sir W. S. Gilbert (KCL)
  • Ann Granger
  • Michael Grothaus (CUL)
  • Radclyffe Hall (KCL)
  • Thomas Hardy (KCL)
  • Susan Hill (KCL)
  • Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (QMUL)
  • John Keats (KCL)
  • Charles Kingsley (KCL)
  • Hanif Kureishi (KCL)
  • サマセット・モーム (KCL)
  • Michael Morpurgo (KCL)
  • Andrew Motion (RHUL)
  • China Miéville (LSE)
  • Gladys Mitchell (GCUL)
  • John Ruskin (KCL)
  • 老舎 (SOAS)
  • 藤沢文翁 (GUL)
  • Sir Leslie Stephen (KCL)
  • H. G. Wells (ICL & ULIP)
  • Virginia Woolf (KCL)
  • Samir El-Youssef


  • Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (KCL)
  • Sir David Attenborough (LSE)
  • Rory Bremner (KCL)
  • グレアム・チャップマン (QMUL)
  • Julian Clary (GCUL)
  • Nazia Hassan (GCUL)
  • Zoheb Hassan (GCUL)
  • Greer Garson (KCL)
  • Ricky Gervais (UCL)
  • Lloyd Grossman (LSE)
  • Harry Hill (SGUL)
  • Emma Freud (RHUL)
  • Dom Joly (SOAS)
  • Boris Karloff
  • Robert Kilroy-Silk (LSE)
  • Bill O'Reilly (QMUL)
  • Devika Rani (RAM)
  • Mark Strong (RHUL)
  • Bree Turner (KCL)
  • Sir Charles Wyndham (KCL)



  • Filiz Ali - pianist and musicologist (KCL)
  • Peter Asher – musician and record producer (KCL)
  • Sir John Barbirolli – conductor (RAM)
  • Arnold Bax – composer (RAM)
  • リチャード・ロドニー・ベネット – composer (RAM)
  • Sir Harrison Birtwistle – composer (RAM & KCL)
  • Fiona Brice - violinist (KCL)
  • Dennis Brain – French hornist (RAM)
  • Ming Bridges - singer (KCL)
  • David Bruce – composer (KCL)
  • Steven Burke - video game music composer and sound designer (KCL)
  • バーナード・バトラー – Suede (QMUL)
  • John CaleThe Velvet Underground (GCUL)
  • Coldplay members Chris Martin, Will Champion, and Jon Buckland (UCL)
  • Sir Clifford Curzon – pianist (RAM)
  • John Dankworth – jazz composer (RAM)
  • ジョン・ディーコン – Queen (KCL)
  • Suzi Digby – conductor and musician (KCL)
  • Pete Doherty – The Libertines (QMUL)
  • Adam Dick – Two Crown King (LSE)
  • Bruce Dickinson – Iron Maiden (QMUL)
  • John Evan – keyboardist for Jethro Tull (KCL)
  • Lesley Garrett – soprano (RAM)
  • Sir John Eliot Gardiner – conductor (KCL)
  • Sir W. S. Gilbert – one half of Gilbert and Sullivan (KCL)
  • Evelyn Glennie – percussionist (RAM)
  • Dame Myra Hess – pianist (RAM)
  • Joe Jackson (RAM)
  • ミック・ジャガーThe Rolling Stones (LSE)
  • Alex James – Blur (GCUL)
  • Sir Elton John (RAM)
  • Linton Kwesi Johnson (GCUL)
  • Judge Jules – trance DJ, BBC Radio 1 (LSE)
  • Dame Felicity Lott – soprano (RHUL & RAM)
  • ブライアン・メイ – Queen (ICL)
  • Brian Molko – Placebo (GCUL)
  • Michael Nyman – composer (KCL & RAM)
  • Kele Okereke – Bloc Party (KCL)
  • Denise Orme – music hall singer (RAM)
  • Mat Osman – Suede (LSE)
  • Sir Simon Rattle – conductor (RAM)
  • Sir Arthur Sullivan – one half of Gilbert and Sullivan (RAM)
  • Howard Talbot – composer and conductor (KCL)
  • Jody Talbot – composer (RHUL)
  • Jeffrey Tate - conductor (KCL)
  • Adnan Sami (KCL)
  • Gilli Smyth – musician who performed with Gong amongst others (KCL)
  • KT Tunstall – singer-songwriter (RHUL)
  • Dame Eva Turner – opera singer (RAM)
  • Maxim Vengerov – violinist (RAM)
  • Sir Henry Wood – conductor (RAM)
  • Dido (singer) – singer and songwriter (BBK)
  • イルマ – pianist (KCL)
  • Justin Hayward Young - lead singer of The Vaccines (KCL)


  • Pegaret Anthony (KCL)
  • ベルント・ベーア (GCUL)
  • Vanessa Bell (KCL)
  • Albert Bruce-Joy (KCL)
  • Joseph Crawhall III (KCL)
  • Ian Davenport (GCUL)
  • Grenville Davey (GCUL)
  • Tristram Ellis (KCL)
  • Peter Henry Emerson (KCL)
  • Tracey Emin (GCUL)
  • Anya Gallaccio (GCUL)
  • Cyril Wiseman Herbert (KCL)
  • Damien Hirst (GCUL)
  • Gary Hume (GCUL)
  • Michael Landy (GCUL)
  • Sarah Lucas (GCUL)
  • Wendy McMurdo (GCUL)
  • Ross McNicol (KCL)
  • Steve McQueen (GCUL)
  • Cathy de Monchaux (GCUL)
  • Ronald Moody (KCL)
  • Richard Mosse (KCL)
  • Robyn O'Neil (KCL)
  • Simon Patterson (GCUL)
  • Mary Quant – fashion designer (GCUL)
  • Bridget Riley (GCUL)
  • Mark Wallinger (GCUL)
  • Sophia Wellbeloved (KCL)
  • Gillian Wearing (GCUL)
  • Catherine Yass (GCUL)


  • Rakesh Aggarwal (KCL)
  • Sir David Arculus – Chairman of the Board O2 (LBS)
  • Delphine Arnault – billionaire French businesswoman (LSE)
  • Walter Owen Bentley – founder of Bentley Motors (KCL)
  • Kumar Mangalam Birla – Chairman of Aditya Birla Group (LBS)
  • Michael Cowpland – founder of Corel (ICL)
  • Isabel dos Santos – Africa's richest woman and its first female billionaire (KCL)
  • Clara Furse – Chief Executive of the London Stock Exchange (LSE)
  • Calouste Gulbenkian – Armenian oil magnate (KCL)
  • Sir Richard Greenbury – former Chairman and Chief Executive of Marks & Spencer (LBS)
  • Stelios Haji-Ioannou – founder of EasyGroup (LSE)
  • Klaus Heymann – entrepreneur & founder of Naxos Records (KCL)
  • Omar Ishrak - Chairman & CEO of Medtronic (KCL)
  • Huw Jenkins – CEO of UBS Investment Bank (LBS)
  • Sir Ronald Norman (KCL)
  • Sir Edward Packard (KCL)
  • Moez Kassam – Founder of Anson Group (LBS)
  • Spiro Latsis – billionaire (LSE)
  • Charles Lee – Former chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (LSE)
  • Sir Deryck Maughan – CEO and Chairman of Salomon Brothers (KCL)
  • Eric Nicoli – CEO of EMI (KCL)
  • Jorma Ollila – Former CEO of Nokia (LSE)
  • Gary Tanaka (founder of Amerindo)(ICL)
  • David E. Potter (founder and Chairman of Psion, Chairman of Symbian) (ICL)
  • Danny Lui (founder of Lenovo) (ICL)
  • Sir Ralph Robins (CEO of Rolls-Royce) (ICL)
  • Sir Alliott Verdon Roe (KCL)
  • Chew Choon Seng (CEO of Singapore Airlines) (ICL)
  • David Rockefeller – American billionaire and business tycoon (LSE)
  • Iain Conn (Group Managing Director of BP) (ICL)
  • Derek Pannell (CEO of Noranda) (ICL)
  • Tim Pryce – CEO of Terra Firma Capital Partners (KCL)
  • David Sullivan – media magnate, football club owner and pornographer (QMUL)
  • Colin Dyer (CEO of Jones Lang LaSalle) (ICL)
  • Maurice Saatchi – founder of Saatchi and Saatchi (LSE)
  • Leslie Hudson (CEO of DOV Pharmaceutical) (ICL)
  • Janet Lang (Business Administration)
  • Winston Wong (businessman) (ICL)
  • Sir Richard Sykes – chairman of GlaxoSmithKline (KCL)
  • Keith Duckworth (Founder of Cosworth Engineering) (ICL)
  • Michael Birch (Founder of Bebo) (ICL)
  • Chris Delay, Mark Morris and Thomas Arundel, who formed game developer Introversion Software (ICL)
  • Koh Boon Hwee (Chairman of DBS Bank, Singapore)(ICL)
  • George Soros – financial speculator and philanthropist (LSE)
  • Stephen Bernard Streater – founder of Eidos (KCL)
  • Sir David Tang - businessman and founder of Shanghai Tang fashion chain (KCL)
  • Tony Wheeler – founder of Lonely Planet (LBS)
  • Flint McGlaughlin – American academic and business leader, founder of MECLABS (HEY)
  • Naveen Selvadurai - co-founder of Foursquare (KCL)



  • Ali Ansari (KCL)
  • Ram Sharan Sharma eminent Historian of Ancient India
  • Sir Raymond Beazley (KCL)
  • Antony Beevor (BBK)
  • Matthew Bennett (KCL)
  • Brian Bond (KCL)
  • Asa Briggs, Baron Briggs (ULIP)
  • Sir William Laird Clowes (KCL)
  • Sebastian Cox (KCL)
  • Paul Davis (KCL)
  • Richard J. Evans (BBK)
  • Orlando Figes (BBK)
  • Katherine Elizabeth Fleming (KCL)
  • Ian Gooderson (KCL)
  • Andrew Gordon (KCL)
  • Judith Green (KCL)
  • Mark Grimsley (KCL)
  • Eric Grove (KCL)
  • Richard Grunberger (KCL)
  • D. G. E. Hall (KCL)
  • Christopher Harper-Bill (KCL)
  • Eric Hobsbawm (BBK)
  • David Irving (ICL)
  • Robert Knecht (KCL)
  • Amélie Kuhrt (KCL)
  • Andrew Lambert (KCL)
  • Bernard Lewis (SOAS)
  • Desmond Morton (LSE)
  • Percy Newberry (KCL)
  • Peter Paret (KCL)
  • Sir Nikolaus Pevsner (BBK)
  • Ben Pimlott (BBK)
  • David Rohl (UCL)
  • Philip Sabin (KCL)
  • George Albert Wells (BBK)
  • Conrad Russell (UCL)
  • David Cannadine (UL)
  • Arnaldo Momigliano (UCL)
  • Gary Sheffield (KCL)
  • Anne Somerset (KCL)
  • Geoffrey Till (KCL)
  • Colin White (KCL)
  • Donald Wiseman (KCL)


  • Anita Anand (KCL)
  • Ruaridh Arrow (KCL)
  • Martin Bashir (KCL)
  • Cyril Kenneth Bird (KCL)
  • Lisa Brennan-Jobs (KCL)
  • Sana Bucha (KCL)
  • Daniel Ford (KCL)
  • Edward Greenspon (LSE)
  • Sydney Jacobson, Baron Jacobson (KCL)
  • Ellie Harrison (KCL)
  • Charles Franklin Hildebrand (United States)
  • Bernard Levin (LSE)
  • Michael Lewis (LSE)
  • Sophie Long (KCL)
  • Jonathan Maitland (KCL)
  • Ira Mathur (KCL)
  • Hargreaves Parkinson (KCL)
  • Trevor Phillips (ICL)
  • Chapman Pincher (KCL)
  • Richard Sambrook (BBK)
  • Laurie Taylor (BBK)
  • Xiao Qian (SOAS)
  • Claire Rayner (KCL)
  • Tom Rogan (KCL)
  • Roger Royle (KCL)
  • John Sandes (KCL)
  • Nicholas Stuart (KCL)


  • Michael Ashikodi Agbamuche – Nigerian Attorney General (KCL)
  • Salahuddin Ahmad – Attorney General of Bangladesh (LSE)
  • Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed – former Attorney General of Bangladesh (LSE)
  • Dame Geraldine Andrews (KCL)
  • Sir Robin Auld – Lord Justice of Appeal (KCL)
  • Sir Horace Avory – Judge and criminal lawyer (KCL)
  • Sir Harry Dias Bandaranaike – Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon (KCL)
  • Sir Harold Bollers – Chief Justice of Guyana (KCL)
  • Sir Mackenzie Chalmers (KCL)
  • Francis Chang-Sam – Seychellois Attorney General (KCL)
  • Dame Bobbie Cheema-Grubb – High Court Judge (KCL)
  • Sir Fielding Clarke – Chief Justice of Fiji, Hong Kong and Jamaica (KCL)
  • Philippe Couvreur – Registrar at the International Court of Justice (KCL)
  • Albert Venn Dicey – English jurist (ICL)
  • Edmund Davies, Baron Edmund-Davies – Lord Justice of Appeal and Law Lord (KCL)
  • Sir David Foskett – High Court judge (KCL)
  • Sir Cyril Fountain - Chief Justice of The Bahamas (KCL)
  • Chukwunweike Idigbe - Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria (KCL)
  • K. C. Kamalasabayson – Sri Lankan Attorney General (KCL)
  • Neil Kaplan – Judge and arbitrator (KCL)
  • Gilbert Walter King – Judge of the British Supreme Court for China
  • Frances Kirkham – Judge(KCL)
  • Sir Leonard Knowles – Chief Justice of The Bahamas (KCL)
  • Abdul Koroma – Judge of the International Court of Justice (KCL)
  • Sir George Jessel – English jurist (UCL)
  • Mustafa Kamal – former Chief Justice of Bangladesh (LSE)
  • Anthony Kennedy – American Supreme Court justice (LSE)
  • Wayne Martin – Chief Justice of Western Australia (KCL)
  • Trevor Moniz - Bermudan Attorney General (KCL)
  • Thomas Mesereau – American defence attorney (LSE)
  • Shabtai Rosenne – International Law professor
  • Sir David Penry-Davey – High Court judge (KCL)
  • Syed Shah Mohammed Quadri – Judge, Supreme Court of India (1997-2003) (KCL)
  • Patrick Lipton Robinson – Judge of the International Court of Justice (KCL)
  • Ilana Rovner – Judge (KCL)
  • Jenny Rowe – Chief Executive of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (KCL)
  • J. Sarkodee-Addo – Chief Justice of Ghana (KCL)
  • Meir Shamgar – President of the Israel Supreme Court
  • John Taylor – Chief Justice of Lagos (KCL)
  • Sir Skinner Turner – Chief Judge of the British Supreme Court for China
  • Thomas Webb - Judge (KCL)
  • Christopher Weeramantry - Vice-President of the International Court of Justice (KCL)
  • Sir Michael Whitley - Singaporean Attorney General (KCL)


  • William Warren Bartley (LSE)
  • Helen Beebee (KCL)
  • Nick Bostrom (LSE)
  • Harry Brighouse (KCL)
  • Elizabeth Burns (KCL)
  • Nancy Cartwright (LSE)
  • Andrea Christofidou (BBK)
  • Brian Davies (KCL)
  • Daniel Dennett (LSE)
  • Paul Feyerabend (LSE)
  • Raimond Gaita (KCL)
  • Ernest Gellner (LSE)
  • Jonathan Glover (KCL)
  • John Gray (LSE)
  • A. C. Grayling (BBK)
  • C. E. M. Joad (BBK)
  • Peter J. King (BBK)
  • Imre Lakatos (LSE)
  • David Miller (LSE)
  • Alan Musgrave (LSE)
  • Michael Oakeshott (LSE)
  • Sir Karl Popper (LSE)
  • Stathis Psillos (KCL)
  • John Ralston Saul (KCL)
  • Simon Saunders (KCL)
  • Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas (SOAS)
  • Bertrand Russell (LSE)
  • Mark Sainsbury (KCL)
  • Roger Scruton (BBK)
  • Jeremy Shearmur (LSE)
  • Elliott Sober (LSE)
  • Nicla Vassallo (KCL)
  • Sir Ralph Wedgwood, 4th Baronet (KCL)


  • Jo Ankier athlete (KCL)
  • Dina Asher-Smith – Olympic winning athlete (KCL)
  • Louis Attrill – Olympic gold medallist, rowing (ICL)
  • Roger Bannister – first to run the four-minute mile (ICL)
  • Paul Bennett – Olympic gold medal-winning rower (KCL)
  • Simon Dennis – Olympic gold medallist, rowing (ICL)
  • Harry Gem – inventor of lawn tennis (KCL)
  • Hugh Lindsay – English amateur footballer who played for Southampton and appeared in the 1960 Summer Olympics[1]
  • Katherine Grainger – Olympic gold medalist, rowing (KCL)
  • Frances Houghton – Olympic medal-winning rower (KCL)
  • Zoe Lee – Olympic medal-winning rower (KCL)
  • Kieran West – Olympic gold medallist, rowing (KCL)
  • Annie Vernon – Olympic medal-winning rower (KCL)
  • Thomas Hollingdale – Welsh international rugby player (KCL)
  • Adam Khan – racing driver (KCL)
  • Corinna Lawrence - fencer (KCL)
  • Gary Lineker - England footballer and television pundit (KCL)
  • Edward Pegge – Welsh international rugby player (KCL)
  • Leigh Richmond Roose – Welsh international footballer (KCL)
  • Chris Sheasby – England rugby player (KCL)


  • ベアトリス・オブ・ヨーク 英国王女
  • Heber Ackland - Equerry to Queen Elizabeth II (KCL)
  • Thomas Armitage – founder of the RNIB (KCL)
  • Nancy Rothwell – academic (KCL)
  • Devendra Prasad Gupta – academic (KCL)
  • James Barrett (academic) – academic (KCL)
  • Thomas John Barnardo – philanthropist (QMUL)
  • Hedley Bull – International Relations academic (LSE)
  • Alex Comfort – writer of "The Joy of Sex" (UCL)
  • Sir William Coxen, 1st Baronet - Lord Mayor of London (KCL)
  • Satyabrata Rai Chowdhuri – International Relations academic (LSE), (ICwS)
  • Quentin Crisp – writer, actor and raconteur (KCL)
  • Sir Christopher Geidt – Private Secretary to Queen Elizabeth II (KCL)
  • Harry Golombek – chess grandmaster (KCL)
  • Michael Halliday – linguist
  • John Harding, 1st Baron Harding of Petherton – Head of the British Army (KCL)
  • Harold Jenkins (Shakespeare scholar)
  • Reginald Johnston – teacher of Puyi (SOAS)
  • Md. Joynul Abedin – Educationist and Trainer of Bangladesh, awarded with the Prime Minister's Gold Medal as the Best PTI Instructor of the country (IOE)
  • Sir Ivison Macadam – first President of NUS and Director-General of Chatham House (KCL)
  • David Livingstone – explorer (ICL)
  • Linda Norgrove – kidnapped by the Taliban in Afghanistan, and killed in rescue effort
  • Ilich Ramírez Sánchez – criminal and terrorist (LSE)
  • José Graziano da Silva – agronomist, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (ILAS)
  • Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott - Lord Mayor of London (KCL)
  • アンドリュー・メロウ – 認知科学者、大阪工業大学情報科学部准教授



  1. ^ Holley, Duncan; Chalk, Gary (1992). The Alphabet of the Saints. ACL & Polar Publishing. p. 209. ISBN 0-9514862-3-3 


  • University of London student lists