Nowe gatunki ptaków opisane w latach 1990–2009

Wymieniono jedynie nowo opisane (w latach 1990–2009) gatunki ptaków żyjące lub wymarłe w czasach współczesnych (nowożytnych). Ponadto, w szczególności w ostatnim okresie, pojawia się szereg nowych gatunków ptaków będących wynikiem wyodrębnienia z innych gatunków (np. poprzez podniesienie form, traktowanych do niedawna np. jako podgatunki, do rangi gatunków). W literaturze ornitologicznej te nowo wyodrębnione gatunki nazywa się bardzo często splitami. Proces w odwrotnym kierunku zachodzi w o wiele mniejszym nasileniu. Powyższe procesy kształtują liczbę uznawanych gatunków ptaków na świecie.

Artykuł bazuje na Kompletnej liście ptaków świata, jeśli nie zaznaczono inaczej.

Rok 1990

  • lelek kongijski Caprimulgus prigoginei Louette, 1990 (lelkowate Caprimulgidae)
  • mrówkodławik jednobarwny Formicivora littoralis Gonzaga & Pacheco, 1990 (chronkowate Thamnophilidae)[1]
  • mrówkowodzik peruwiański Cercomacra manu Fitzpatrick & Willard, 1990 (chronkowate Thamnophilidae)
  • koszykarz szarobrzuchy Asthenes luizae Vielliard, 1990 (garncarzowate Furnariidae)
  • filipinek białolicy Zosterornis latistriata Gonzales & Kennedy, 1990 (szlarniki Zosteropidae) (początkowo jako Stachyris latistriata w rodzinie Tymaliidae)
  • wikłacz rzeczny Ploceus burnieri Baker,NE & Baker,EM, 1990 (wikłaczowate Ploceidae)


  • Baker, N. E & E. M. Baker. 1990. A new species of weaver from Tanzania. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 110: 51-58.
  • Fitzpatrick, J. W. & D. E. Willard. 1990. Cercomacra manu, a new species of antbird from southwestern Amazonia. Auk, 107 (2): 239-245.
  • Gonzaga, L. P. & J. F. Pacheco. 1990. Two new subspecies of Formicivora serrana (Hellmayr) from southeastern Brazil, and notes on the type locality of Formicivora deluzae Ménétriés. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 110: 187-193.
  • Gonzales, P. C. & R. S. Kennedy. 1990. A new species of Stachyris babbler (Aves: Timaliidae) from the island of Panay, Philippines. Wilson Bull., 102 (3): 367-379.
  • Louette, M. 1990. A new species of nightjar from Zaire. Ibis, 132: 349-353.
  • Vielliard, J. 1990. Uma nova espécie de Asthenes da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Ararajuba, 1: 121-122.

Rok 1991

  • łódkodziób czarnogardły Clytoctantes atrogularis Lanyon, Stotz & Willard, 1991["1990"] (chronkowate Thamnophilidae)
  • wodnik melanezyjski Gallirallus rovianae Diamond, 1991 (chruściele Rallidae)
  • stokóweczka szmaragdowa Nannopsittaca dachilleae O'Neill, Munn & Franke, 1991 (papugowate Psittacidae)
  • sóweczka szara Glaucidium bolivianum König,C, 1991 (puszczykowate Strigidae)
  • sóweczka peruwiańska Glaucidium peruanum König,C, 1991 (puszczykowate Strigidae)
  • dzierzyk somalijski Laniarius liberatus Smith, Arctander, Fjeldså & Amir, 1991 (dzierzbiki Malaconotidae) (ostatnio uznany za synonim Laniarius nigerrimus)
  • skąpoogonek nepalski Pnoepyga immaculata Martens & Eck, 1991 (skąpoogonki Pnoepygidae)
  • chwastówka stepowa Cisticola dorsti Chappuis & Erard, 1991 (chwastówkowate Cisticolidae) (obecnie traktowany jako synonim Cisticola guinea)
  • kormoran alaskański Stictocarbo kenyoni Siegel-Causey, 1991 (kormorany Phalacrocoracidae) (obecnie uważany za synonim kormorana krasnolicego Urile pelagicus)


  • Chappuis, C. & C. Erard. 1991. A new cisticola from west-central Africa. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 111: 59-70.
  • Diamond, J. 1991. A new species of rail from the Solomon Islands and convergent evolution of insular flightlessness. Auk, 108: 461-470.
  • König, C. 1991. Zur Taxonomie und Ökologie der Sperlingskäuze (Glaucidium spp.) des Andenraumes. Ökol. Vögel, 13: 15-76.
  • Lanyon, S. M., D. F. Stotz & D. E. Willard. 1991. Clytoctantes atrogularis, a new species of antbird from western Brazil. Wilson Bull., 102 (4): 571-580 (1990).
  • Martens, J. & S. Eck. 1991. Pnoepyga immaculata n. sp., eine neue bodenbewohnende Timalie aus dem Nepal-Himalaya. J. f. Orn., 132: 179-198.
  • O'Neill, J. P., C. A. Munn & I. Franke J. 1991. Nannopsittaca dachilleae, a new species of parrotlet from eastern Peru. Auk, 108 (2): 225-229.
  • Siegel-Causey, D. 1991. Systematics and biogeography of North Pacific shags, with a description of a new species. Occ. Paps. Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist., 140: 1-17.
  • Smith, E. F. G., P. Arctander, J. Fjeldså & O. G. Amir. 1991. A new species of shrike (Laniidae: Laniarius) from Somalia, verified by DNA sequence data from the only known individual. Ibis, 133: 227-235.

Rok 1992

  • cierniosternik białoczelny Cypseloides storeri Navarro, Peterson, Escalante & Benitez, 1992 (jerzykowate Apodidae)
  • kusaczka stokowa Grallaria kaestneri Stiles, 1992 (kusaczki Myrmotheridae)
  • tyrańczyk żółtolicy Phylloscartes kronei Willis & Oniki, 1992 (muchotyranikowate Pipromorphidae)
  • dziwonia tybetańska Leucosticte sillemi Roselaar, 1992 (łuszczakowate Fringillidae)
  • świstunka syczuańska Phylloscopus sichuanensis Alström, Olsson & Colston, 1992 (świstunki Phylloscopidae) (synonim wcześniej opisanego gatunku – Phylloscopus yunnanensis La Touche, 1922)
  • fałdowron purpurowy Phonygammus aruensis Cracraft, 1992 (cudowronki Paradisaeidae) (obecnie traktowany jako podgatunek fałdowrona trąbiącego Phonygammus keraudrenii)
  • fałdowron lancetopióry Phonygammus diamondi Cracraft, 1992 (cudowronki Paradisaeidae) (obecnie traktowany jako podgatunek fałdowrona trąbiącego Phonygammus keraudrenii)


  • Alström, P., U. Olsson & P. R. Colston. 1992. A new species of Phylloscopus warbler from central China. Ibis, 134 (4): 329-334.
  • Cracraft, J. 1999. The species of the Birds-of-Paradise (Paradisaeidae): Applying the phylogenetic species concept to a complex pattern of diversification. Cladistics, 8: 1-43.
  • Navarro S., A. G., A. T. Peterson, B. P. Escalante P. & H. Benitez D. 1992. Cypseloides storeri, a new species of swift from Mexico. Wilson Bull., 104 (1): 55-64.
  • Roselaar, C. S. 1992. A new species of mountain finch Leucosticte from western Tibet. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 112: 225-231.
  • Stiles, F. G. 1992. A new species of antpitta (Formicariidae: Grallaria) from the eastern Andes of Colombia. Wilson Bull., 104 (3): 389-399.
  • Willis, E. O. & Y. Oniki. 1992. A new Phylloscartes (Tyrannidae) from southeastern Brazil. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 112: 158-165.

Rok 1993


  • Graves, G. R. 1993. Relic of a lost world: A new species of sunangel (Trochilidae: Heliangelus) from "Bogota". Auk, 110: 1-8.
  • Olsson, U., P. Alström & P. R. Colston. 1993. A new species of Phylloscopus warbler from Hainan Island, China. Ibis, 135 (1): 3-7.
  • Remsen, J. V., Jr. 2003. Zoogeography and geographic variation of Atlapetes rufinucha (Aves: Emberizinae), including a distinctive new subspecies, in southern Peru and Bolivia. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 106: 429-435.

Rok 1994


  • Dinesen, L., T. Lehmberg, J. O. Svendsen, L. A. Hansen & J. Fjeldså. 1994. A new genus and species of perdicine bird (Phasianidae, Perdicini) from Tanzania; a relict form with Indo-Malayan affinities. Ibis, 136 (1): 3-11.
  • Lencioni-Neto, F. 1994. Une nouvelle espéce de Chordeiles (Aves, Caprimulgidae) de Bahia (Brésil). Alauda, 62: 241-245.
  • Robbins, M. B., G. H. Rosenberg & F. Sornoza Molina. 1994. A new species of cotinga (Cotingidae: Doliornis) from the Ecuadorian Andes, with comments on plumage sequences in Doliornis and Ampelion. Auk, 111: 1-7.
  • Whitney, B. M. 1994. A new Scytalopus tapaculo (Rhinocryptidae) from Bolivia, with notes on other Bolivian members of the genus and the magellanicus complex. Wilson Bull., 106 (4): 585-614.
  • Cowles, G.S. 1994. A new genus, three new species and two new records of extinct Holocene birds from Réunion Island, Indian Ocean. „GeoBios” 27: 87-93.
  • Mourer-Chauviré, C., R. Bour, F. Moutou & S. Ribes. 1994. Mascarenotus nov. gen. (Aves, Strigiformes), genre endémique éteint des Mascareignes et M. grucheti n. sp., espèce éteinte de La Réunion. „C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris” sér. II 1994, 318: 1699-1706.

Rok 1995

  • sóweczka ciemna Glaucidium parkeri Robbins & Howell, 1995 (puszczykowate Strigidae)
  • lelek etiopski Caprimulgus solala Safford, Ash, Duckworth, Telfer & Zewdie, 1995 (lelkowate Caprimulgidae)
  • mrówkodławik brunatny Stymphalornis acutirostris Bornstein, Reinert & Teixera, 1995 (chronkowate Thamnophilidae)
  • ogończyk bursztynowy Synallaxis whitneyi Pacheco & Gonzaga, 1995 (garncarzowate Furnariidae) (synonim wcześniej opisanego gatunku – Synallaxis cinerea Wied-Neuwied, 1831)
  • tyrańczyk brazylijski Phylloscartes beckeri Gonzaga & Pacheco, 1995 (muchotyranikowate Pipromorphidae)
  • świstunka zielonogrzbieta Phylloscopus emeiensis Alström & Olsson, 1995 (świstunki Phylloscopidae)
  • pełzacz syczuański Certhia tianquanensis Li Gui-yuan, 1995 (pełzaczowate Certhiidae)[4]
  • drwal ciemnouchy Hylexetastes brigidai Cardoso da Silva, Novaes & Oren, 1995 (tęgosterowate Dendrocolaptidae)
  • Puffinus atrodorsalis Shirihai, Sinclair & Colston, 1995 (burzykowate Procellariidae) (obecnie traktowany jako synonim burzyka tropikalnego Puffinus (lherminieri) bailloni).


  • Alström, P. & U. Olsson. 1995. A new species of Phylloscopus warbler from Sichuan Province, China. Ibis, 137: 459-468.
  • Bornschein, M. R., B. L. Reinert & D. M. Teixeira. 1995. Um novo Formicariidae do sul do Brasil (Aves, Passeriformes). Publ. Técnico-Cientifica Inst. Iguaçu de Pesquisa e Preservação Ambiental, 1: 1-18.
  • Gonzaga, L. P. & J. F. Pacheco. 1995. A new species of Phylloscartes (Tyrannidae) from the mountains of southern Bahia, Brazil. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 115: 88-97.
  • Li Gui-yuan. 1995. A new subspecies of Certhia familiaris (Passeriformes: Certhiidae). Acta Zootaxon. Sinica, 20 (3): 373-376.
  • Pacheco, J. F. & L. P. Gonzaga. 1995. A new species of Synallaxis of the ruficapilla/infuscata complex from eastern Brazil (Passeriformes: Furnariidae). Ararajuba, 3: 3-11.
  • Robbins, M. B. & S. N. G. Howell. 1995. A new species of pygmy-owl (Strigidae: Glaucidium) from the eastern Andes. Wilson Bull., 107 (1): 1-6.
  • Safford, R. J., J. S. Ash, J. W. Duckworth, M. G. Telfer & C. Zewdie. 1995. A new species of nightjar from Ethiopia. Ibis, 137 (3): 301-307.
  • Shirihai, H., I. Sinclair & P. R. Colston. 1995. A new species of Puffinus shearwater from the western Indian Ocean. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 115: 75-86.
  • Cardoso da Silva, J. M., F. C. Novaes & D. C. Oren. 1995. A new species of the genus Hylexetastes (Dendrocolaptidae) from eastern Amazonia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 115: 200-206.

Rok 1996


  • Goodman, S. M., O. Langrand & B. M. Whitney. 1996. A new genus and species of passerine from the eastern rain forest of Madagascar. Ibis, 138 (2): 153-159.
  • Liversidge, R. 1996. A new species of pipit in southern Africa. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 116: 211-215.
  • Olson, S.L. & P. Jouventin. 1996. A new species of small flightless duck from Amsterdam Island, southern Indian Ocean (Anatidae: Anas). „Condor” 98(1): 1-9.
  • Pacheco, J. F., B. M. Whitney & L. P. Gonzaga. 1996. A new genus and species of Furnariid (Aves: Furnariidae) from the cocoa-growing region of southeastern Bahia, Brazil. Wilson Bull., 108 (3): 397-433.
  • Peters, D. S. 1996. Hypositta perdita n. sp., eine neue Vogelart aus Madagaskar. Senckenbergiana Biol., 76 (1/2): 7-14.
  • Restall, R. L. 1996. A proposed new species of munia, genus Lonchura (Estrildinae). Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 116: 137-142.
  • Salaman, P. G. W. & F. G. Stiles. 1996. A distinctive new species of vireo (Passeriformes: Vireonidae) from the Western Andes of Colombia. Ibis, 138: 610-619.
  • Stiles, F. G. 1996. A new species of emerald hummingbird (Trochilidae, Chlorostilbon) from the Sierra de Chiribiquete, southeastern Colombia, with a review of the C. mellisugus complex. Wilson Bull., 108 (1): 1-27.

Rok 1997


  • Alviola, P. L., III. 1997. A new species of frogmouth (Podargidae – Caprimulgiformes) from Busuanga Island, Palawan, Philippines. Asia Life Sciences, 6 (1/2): 51-55.
  • Fitzpatrick, J. W. & D. F. Stotz. 1997. A new species of tyrannulet (Phylloscartes) from the Andean foothills of Peru and Bolivia. Ornith. Monogr. 48: 37-44.
  • Goodman, S. M., A. F. A. Hawkins & C. A. Domergue. 1997. A new species of vanga (Vangidae, Calicalicus) from southwestern Madagascar. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 117 (1): 5-10.
  • Graves, G. R. 1997. Colorimetric and morphometric gradients in Colombian populations of Dusky Antbirds (Cercomacra tyrannina), with a description of a new species, Cercomacra parkeri. Ornithol. Monogr., 48: 21-35.
  • Kennedy, R. S., P. C. Gonzales & H. C. Miranda, Jr. 1997. New Aethopyga sunbirds (Aves: Nectariniidae) from the island of Mindanao, Philippines. Auk, 114 (1): 1-10.
  • Krabbe, N. & T. S. Schulenberg. 1997. Species limits and natural history of Scytalopus tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae), with descriptions of the Ecuadorian taxa, including three new species. Ornith. Monogr., 48: 47-88.
  • Maijer, S. & J. Fjeldså. 1997. Description of a new Cranioleuca spinetail from Bolivia and a "leapfrog pattern" of geographic variation in the genus. Ibis, 139: 606-616.
  • Raposo, M. A. 1997. A new species of Arremon (Passeriformes: Emberizidae) from Brazil. Ararajuba, 5 (1): 3-9.
  • Schulenberg, T. S. & T. A. Parker III. 1997. A new species of tyrant-flycatcher (Tyrannidae: Tolmomyias) from the western Amazon basin. Ornith. Monogr., 48: 723-731.

Rok 1998


  • Bornschein, M. R., B. L. Reinert & M. Pichorim. 1998. Descrição, ecologia e conservação de um novo Scytalopus (Rhinocryptidae) do sul do Brasil, com comentários sobre a morfologia da família. Ararajuba, 6 (1): 3-36.
  • Coelho, G. & W. Silva. 1998. A new species of Antilophia (Passeriformes: Pipridae) from Chapada do Araripe, Ceará, Brazil. Ararajuba, 6: 81-84.
  • Lafontaine, R.-M. & N. Moulaert. 1998. Une nouvelle espèce de petit-duc (Otus, Aves) aux Comores: taxonomie et statut de conservation. J. Afr. Zool., 112: 163-169.
  • Lambert, F. R. 1998. A new species of Amaurornis from the Talaud islands, Indonesia, and a review of taxonomy of bush hens occuring from the Philippines to Australasia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 118: 67-82.
  • Lambert, F. R. 1998. A new species of Gymnocrex from the Talaud Islands, Indonesia. Forktail, 13: 1-6.
  • Lambert, F. R. & P. C. Rasmussen. 1998. A new Scops Owl from Sangihe Island, Indonesia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 118 (4): 204-217.
  • Payne, R. B. 1998. A new species of firefinch Lagonosticta from northern Nigeria and its association with the Jos Plateau Indigobird Vidua maryae. Ibis, 140: 368-381.
  • Preleuthner, M. & A. Gamauf. 1998. A possible new subspecies of the Philippine Hawk-Eagle (Spizaëtus philippensis) and its future prospects. J. Raptor Res. 32 (2): 126-135.
  • Rasmussen, P. C. 1998. A new Scops-owl from Great Nicobar Island. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 118 (3): 141-153.
  • Whitney, B. M. & J. Alvarez Alonso. 1998. A new Herpsilochmus antwren (Aves: Thamnophilidae) from northern Amazonian Peru and adjacent Ecuador: the role of edaphic heterogeneity of terra firme forest. Auk, 115 (3): 559-576.

Rok 1999

  • sóweczka ekwadorska Glaucidium nubicola Robbins & Stiles, 1999 (puszczykowate Strigidae)
  • sowica cynobrowa Ninox ios Rasmussen, 1999 (puszczykowate Strigidae)
  • gardlinek brązowogrzbiety Myrmotherula fjeldsaai Krabbe, Isler,ML Isler,PR Whitney, Alvarez & Greenfield, 1999 (chronkowate Thamnophilidae)
  • kusaczka białolica Grallaria ridgelyi Krabbe, Agro, Rice, Jácome, Navarrete & Sornoza, 1999 (kusaczki Myrmotheridae)
  • świstunka zielonolica Seicercus omeiensis Martens, Eck, Päckert & Sun, 1999 (świstunki Phylloscopidae)
  • świstunka gładka Seicercus soror Alström & Olsson, 1999 (świstunki Phylloscopidae)
  • krasnosójkowiec ciemnolicy Garrulax ngoclinhensis Eames, Trai & Cu, 1999 (pekińczyki Leiothrichidae)
  • prążkopiór czarnołbisty Actinodura sodangorum Eames Trai, Cu & Eve, 1999 (pekińczyki Leiothrichidae)
  • afrorudzik żółtogardły Stiphrornis sanghensis Beresford & Cracraft, 1999 (muchołówkowate Muscicapidae) (obecnie traktowany jako podgatunek afrorudzika S. erythrothorax)
  • Dicrurus solomenensis Doughty in Doughty, Day & Plant, 1999 (dziwogony Dicruridae) (obecnie traktowany jako synonim podgatunku dziwogona włochatego Dicrurus bracteatus longirostris)
  • chruścielowiec reunioński Dryolimnas augusti Mourer-Chauviré, Bour, Ribes & Moutou, 1999 (chruściele Rallidae)


  • Alström, P. & U. Olsson. 1999. The Golden-spectacled Warbler: a complex of sibling species, including a previously undescribed species. Ibis, 141 (4): 545-568.
  • Beresford, P. & J. Cracraft. 1999. Speciation in African forest robins (Stiphrornis): Species limits, phylogenetic relationships, and molecular biogeography. Amer. Mus. Novit. 3270: 1-22.
  • Doughty, C., N. Day & A. Plant. 1999. Birds of the Solomons, Vanuatu & New Caledonia.
  • Eames, J. C., Le Trong Trai & Nguyen Cu. 1999. A new species of laughingthrush (Passeriformes: Garrulacinae) from the Western Highlands of Vietnam. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 119 (1): 4-15.
  • Eames, J. C., Le Trong Trai, Nguyen Cu & R. Eve. 1999. New species of barwing Actinodura (Passeriformes: Sylviinae: Timaliini) from the Western Highlands of Vietnam. Ibis, 141 (1): 1-10.
  • Krabbe, N., D. J. Agro, N. H. Rice, M. Jacome, L. Navarrete & F. Sornoza M. 1999. A new species of antpitta (Formicariidae: Grallaria) from the southern Ecuadorian Andes. Auk, 116: 882-890.
  • Krabbe, N., M. L. Isler, P.R. Isler, B. M. Whitney, J. Alvarez A. & P. J. Greenfield. 1999. A new species in the Myrmotherula haematonota superspecies (Aves; Thamnophilidae) from the western Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador and Peru. Wilson Bull., 111 (2): 157-165.
  • Martens, J., S. Eck, M. Päckert & Y.-H. Sun. 1999. The Golden-spectacled Warbler Seicercus burkii – a species swarm (Aves: Passeriformes: Sylviidae) Part 1. Zool. Abdhandl. St. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 50 (18): 281-327.
  • Mourer-Chauviré, C., R. Bour, S. Ribes & F. Moutou. 1999. The Avifauna of Reunion Island (Mascarene Islands) at the Time of the Arrival of the First Europeans. W: Olson, S. L. (ed.), Avian Paleontology at the Close of the 20th Century: Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, Washington, D.C., 4–7 June 1996, s. 1-38. Washington, D.C.
  • Rasmussen, P. C. 1999. A new species of hawk-owl Ninox from North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Wilson Bull., 111 (4): 457-464.
  • Robbins, M. B. & F. G. Stiles. 1999. A new species of pygmy-owl (Strigidae: Glaucidium) from the Pacific slope of the northern Andes. Auk, 116: 305-315.

Rok 2000


  • Coopmans, P. & N. Krabbe. 2000. A new species of flycatcher (Tyrannidae: Myiopagis) from eastern Ecuador and eastern Peru. Wilson Bull., 112 (3): 305-312.
  • O'Neill, J. P., D. F. Lane, A. W. Kratter, A. P. Capparella & C. F. Joo. 2000. A striking new species of barbet (Capitoninae: Capito) from the eastern Andes of Peru. Auk, 117 (3): 569-577.
  • Rasmussen, P. C., P. D. Round, E. C. Dickinson & F. G. Rozendaal. 2000. A new bush-warbler (Sylviidae, Bradypterus) from Taiwan. Auk, 117 (2): 279-289.
  • Whitney, B.M. & J.F. Pacheco in Whitney, B.M. & J.F. Pacheco, D. R.C. Buzzetti & R. Parrini, 2000. Systematic revision and biogeography of the Herpsilochmus pileatus complex, with description of a new species from northeastern Brazil. Auk, 117: 869-891.
  • Young, J.R., C.E. Braun, S.J. Oyler-McCance, T.W. Quinn & J.W. Hupp. 2000. A new species of sage-grouse (Phasianidae: Centrocercus) from Southwestern Colorado. Wilson Bull., 112 (4): 445-453.
  • Zheng G., Song Jie, Zhang Z., Zhang Y. & Guo D. 2000. A new species of flycatcher (Ficedula) from China (Aves: Passeriformes: Muscicapidae). J. Beijing Normal Univ., (Nat. Sci.), 36 (3): 405- 409.

Rok 2001


  • Cuervo, A.M., P.G.W. Salaman, T.M. Donegan & J.M. Ochoa. 2001. New species of piha (Cotingidae: Lipaugus) from the Cordillera Central of Colombia. Ibis, 143 (3): 353-368.
  • Duckworth,J.W., Alstrom, Davidson,P., Evans,T.D., Poole,C.M., Setha,T. & Timmins,R.J. 2001. A new species of wagtail from the lower Mekong basin. -- Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 121 (3):152-182.
  • Eames, J.C. & C. Eames. 2001. A new species of Laughingthrush (Passeriformes: Garrulacinae) from the Central Highlands of Vietnam.Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 121 (1): 10-23.
  • Imber, M.J. & J.D. Tennyson. 2001. A new petrel species (Procellariidae) from the south-west Pacific. Emu, 101: 123-127.
  • Johnson, N. K. & Jones, R. E. 2001. A new species of tody-tyrant (Tyrannidae: Poecilotriccus) from northern Peru. Auk, 118: 334-341.
  • Kennedy, R.S., Fisher, T.H., Harrap, S.C.B., Diesmos, A.S.C. & A.S. Manamtam, 2001. A new species of woodcock (Aves: Scolopacidae) from the Philippines and a re-evaluation of other Asian/Papuasian woodcock. Forktail, 17: 1-12.
  • Lowther, P. E. 2001. New name for the Bolivian Blackbird. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 121: 280-281 (280) nom. nov. for Oreopsar bolivianus Sclater, 1939.
  • Zimmer, K. J., Whittaker, A. & Oren, D. C. 2001. A cryptic new species of flycatcher (Tyrannidae: Suiriri) from the cerrado region of central South America. Auk, 118: 56-78.

Rok 2002

  • barwinka gołogłowa Pionopsitta aurantiocephala Gaban-Lima, Raposo & Höfling, 2002 (papugowate Psittacidae)[7]
  • rudosterka kreskowana Pyrrhura snethlageae Joseph & Bates, w Joseph, 2002 (papugowate Psittacidae) (obecnie traktowany jako podgatunek rudosterki amazońskiej Pyrrhura amazonum)
  • rudosterka falista Pyrrhura peruviana Hocking, Blake & Joseph, w Joseph, 2002 (papugowate Psittacidae) (obecnie traktowany jako podgatunek rudosterki różowogłowej Pyrrhura roseifrons)
  • sowica szarolica Ninox sumbaensis Olsen, Wink, Sauer-Gürth & Trost, 2002 (puszczykowate Strigidae)
  • łaziec wielkodzioby Xiphocolaptes carajaensis Cardoso da Silva, Novaes & Oren, 2002 (tęgosterowate Dendrocolaptidae) (obecnie traktowany jako podgatunek łaźca kreskowanego Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus)
  • białobrzeżek peruwiański Percnostola arenarum Isler,ML Alvarez, Isler,PR & Whitney, 2002 (chronkowate Thamnophilidae)
  • świergotek rdzawouchy Anthus pseudosimilis Liversidge & Voelker, 2002 (pliszkowate Motacillidae)
  • zaroślak inkaski Atlapetes melanopsis Valqui, Thomas & Fjeldså, 2002 (trznadlowate Emberizidae)[8]


  • Gaban-Lima, R., M. A. Raposo & E. Höfling. 2002. Description of a new species of Pionopsitta (Aves: Psittacidae) endemic to Brazil. Auk, 119, 815-819.
  • Isler, M.L., J. Alvarez A., P.R. Ilser & B.M. Whitney. 2001. A new species of Percnostola antbird (Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae) from Amazonian Peru, and an analysis of species limits within Percnostola rufifrons. Wilson Bull., 113: 164-176.
  • Joseph, L. 2002. Geographical variation, taxonomy and distribution of some Amazonian Pyrrhura parakeets. Orn. Neotrop. 13, 337-363.
  • Liversidge, R. & G. Voelker. 2002. The Kimberley Pipit: a new African species. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 122 (2): 93-109.
  • Olsen, J., M. Wink, H. Sauer-Gürth & S. Trost, 2002. A new Ninox owl from Sumba, Indonesia. Emu, 102: 223-231.
  • Cardoso da Silva, J. M., F. C. Novaes & D. C. Oren. 2002. Differentiation of Xiphocolaptes (Dendrocolaptidae) across the river Xingu, Brazilian Amazonia: recognition of a new phylogenetic species and biogeographic implications. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 122, 185-194.
  • Valqui, T. & J. Fjeldså. 1999. New brush-finch Atlapetes from Peru. Ibis, 141: 194-198.
  • Valqui, T. & J. Fjeldså. 2002. Atlapetes melanopsis nom. nov. for the Black-faced Brush-Finch. Ibis, 144 (2): 347.

Rok 2003


  • Lentino, M. & R. Restall. 2003. A new species of Amaurospiza blue seedeater from Venezuela. Auk, 120: 600-606.
  • Salaman, P., P. Coopmans, T. M. Donegan, M. Mulligan, A. Cortés, S. L. Hilty & L. A. Ortega. 2003. A new species of wood-wren (Troglodytidae: Henicorhina) from the Western Andes of Colombia. Orn. Colombiana 1, 4-21.
  • Tennyson, A. J. D., R. L. Palma, H. A. Robertson, T. H. Worthy & B. J. Gill. 2003. A new species of kiwi (Aves, Apterygiformes) from Okarito, New Zealand. Rec. Auckland Mus. 40, 55-64.
  • Cardoso da Silva, J. M., G. Coelho & L. P. Gonzaga. 2002. Discovered on the brink of extinction: a new species of Pygmy-Owl (Strigidae: Glaucidium) from Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil. Ararajuba 10, 123-130.
  • Whittaker, A. 2003. A new species of forest-falcon (Falconidae: Micrastur) from southeastern Amazonia and the Atlantic rainforests of Brazil. Wilson Bull., 114 (2002), 421-445.

Rok 2004


  • Allen, D., C. Oliveros, C. Española, G. Broad & J. C. T. Gonzalez. 2004. A new species of Gallirallus from Calayan island, Philippines. Forktail 20, 1-7.
  • Beresford, P., J. Fjeldså & J. Kiure. 2004. A new species of akalat (Sheppardia) narrowly endemic in the Eastern Arc of Tanzania. Auk, 121: 23-34.
  • Indrawan, M. & S. Somadikarta. 2004. A new hawk-owl from the Togian Islands, Gulf of Tomini central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 124, 160-171.
  • Roselaar, C. S. & J. P. Michels. 2004. Systematic notes on Asian birds. 48. Nomenclatural chaos untangled, resulting in the naming of the formally undescribed Cacatua species from the Tanimbar Islands, Indonesia (Psittaciformes: Cacatuidae). Zool. Verhand., Leiden, 350, 183-196.
  • Sangster, G. & F. G. Rozendaal. 2004. Systematic notes on Asian birds. 41. Territorial songs and species-level taxonomy of nightjars of the Caprimulgus macrurus complex, with the description of a new species. Zool. Verhandel. 350, 7-45.
  • Warakagoda, D. H. & P. C. Rasmussen. 2004. A new species of scops-owl from Sri Lanka. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 124, 85-105.
  • Whitney, B. M., D. C. Oren & R. T. Brumfield. 2004. A new species of Thamnophilus antshrike Aves: Thamnophilidae) from the Serra do Divisor, Acre, Brazil. Auk, 121: 1031-1039.

Rok 2005


  • Cuervo, A. M., C. D. Cadena, N. Krabbe & L. M. Renjifo. 2005. Scytalopus stilesi, a new species of tapaculo (Rhinocryptidae) from the Cordillera Central of Colombia. Auk, 122: 445-463.
  • König, C. & F. Weick. 2005. Ein neuer Sperlingskauz (Aves: Strigidae) aus Südostbrasilien. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk., Ser. A, 688, 1-12.
  • Krabbe, N., P. Salaman, A. Cortés, A. Quevedo, L. A. Ortega & C. D. Cadena. 2005. A new species of Scytalopus tapaculo from the upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 125, 93-108.
  • Mauricio, G. N. 2005. Taxonomy of southern populations in the Scytalopus speluncae group, with description of a new species and remarks on the systematics and biogeography of the complex (Passeriformes: Rhinocryptidae). Ararajuba 13, 7-28.
  • Rappole, J. H., S. C. Renner, Nay Myo Shwe & P. R. Sweet. 2005. A new species of scimitar-babbler (Timaliidae: Jabouilleia) from the sub-Himalayan region of Myanmar. Auk, 122: 1064-1069.
  • Silveira, L. F., F. C. T. de Lima & E. Höfling. 2005. A new species of Aratinga parakeet (Psittaciformes: Psittacidae) from Brazil, with taxonomic remarks on the Aratinga solstitialis complex. Auk, 122: 292-305.
  • Whitney, B. M. & Alvarez Alonso, J. 2005. A new species of gnatcatcher from the white-sand forests of northern Amazonian Peru with revision of the Polioptila guianensis complex. Wilson Bull., 117, 113-127.

Rok 2006


  • Arndt, T. 2006. A revision of the Aratinga mitrata complex, with the description of one new species, two new subspecies and species-level status of Aratinga alticola. J. Orn. 147, 73-86.
  • Athreya, R. 2006. A new species of Liocichla (Aves: Timaliidae) from Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian Birds 2, 82-94.
  • Fjeldså, J., R. C. K. Bowie & J. Kiure. 2006. The forest batis, Batis mixta, is two species: description of a new, narrowly distributed Batis species in the Eastern Arc biodiversity hotspot. J. Orn. 147, 578-590.
  • LeCroy, M. & F. K. Barker. 2006. A new species of Bush-Warbler from Bougainville Island and a monophyletic origin for southwest Pacific Cettia. Amer. Mus. Novit. 3511, 1-20.
  • Olson, S.L. & D.B. Wingate. 2006. A new species of night-heron (Ardeidae: Nyctanassa) from Quaternary deposits on Bermuda. „Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.” 119(2): 326-337.
  • Raposo, M. A., R. Stopiglia, V. Loskot & G. M. Kirwan. 2006. The correct use of the name Scytalopus speluncae (Ménétriés, 1835), and the description of a new species of Brazilian tapaculo (Aves: Passeriformes: Rhinocryptidae). Zootaxa 1271, 37-56.
  • Steadman, D.W. 2006. A New Species of Extinct Parrot (Psittacidae: Eclectus) from Tonga and Vanuatu, South Pacific. „Pac. Sci.” 60(1): 137-145.
  • Tello, J. G.; J. F. Degner, J. M. Bates & D. E. Willard. 2006. A new species of hanging-parrot (Aves: Psittacidae: Loriculus) from Camiguin Island, Philippines. Fieldiana Zool. 106, 49-57.
  • Weick, F. 2006. Owls (Strigiformes). Annotated and Illustrated Checklist. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. xxxiv + 350 pp.

Rok 2007


  • Beehler, B. M., D. M. Prawiradilaga, Y. de Fretes & N. Kemp. 2007. A new species of smoky honeyeater (Meliphagidea: Melipotes) from western New Guinea. Auk, 124: 1000-1009.
  • Bornschein, M. R., G. N. Maurocio, R. Belmonte-Lopes, H. Mata & S. L. Bonatto. 2007. Diamantina Tapaculo, a new Scytalopus endemic to the Chapada Diamantina, northeastern Brazil (Passeriformes: Rhinocryptidae). Rev. Brasil. Orn. 15: 151-174.
  • Cortés-Diago, A., L. A. Ortega, L. Mazariegos-Hurtado & A.-A. Weller. 2007. A new species of Eriocnemis (Trochilidae) from southwest Colombia. Orn. Neotrop. 18, 161-170.
  • Donegan, T.M. 2007. A new species of brush finch (Emberizidae: Atlapetes) from the northern Central Andes of Colombia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 127, 255-268.
  • Gonzaga, L. P., A. M. P. Carvalhaes & D. R. C. Buzzetti. 2007. A new species of Formicivora antwren from the Chapada Diamantina, eastern Brazil (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae). Zootaxa 1473, 25-44.
  • Lane, D. F., G. P. Servat, T. Valqui H. & F. R. Lambert. 2007. A distinctive new species of tyrant flycatcher (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae: Cnipodectes) from southeastern Peru. Auk, 124: 762-772.
  • Straneck, R. 2007. Una nueva especie de Serpophaga (Aves: Tyrannidae). Revista FAVE Ciencias Veterinarias 6 (1-2): 31-42.

Rok 2008

  • myszołów bermudzki Bermuteo avivorus Olson, 2008 (jastrzębiowate Accipitridae)
  • wikłacz reunioński Foudia delloni Cheke & Hume, 2008 (wikłaczowate Ploceidae)
  • szlarnik maskowy Zosterops somadikartai Indrawan, Rasmussen & Sunarto, 2008 (szlarniki Zosteropidae)
  • oliwiarek szarolicy Phyllomyias weedeni Herzog, Kessler & Balderrama, 2008 (tyrankowate Tyrannidae)
  • cierniodziób chiński Stachyris nonggangensis Fang & Aiwu, 2008 (tymaliowate Timaliidae)
  • afrorudzik oliwkowy Stiphrornis pyrrholaemus Schmidt,BK & Angehr, 2008 (w: Schmidt, Foster, Angehr, Durrant & Fleischer) (muchołówkowate Muscicapidae) (obecnie traktowany jako podgatunek afrorudzika S. erythrothorax)
  • rudosterka długoogonowa Pyrrhura parvifrons Arndt, 2008 (papugowate Psittacidae) (obecnie traktowana jako podgatunek rudosterki różowogłowej P. roseifrons)
  • szlarnik długodzioby Zosterops gibbsi Dutson, 2008 (szlarniki Zosteropidae)
  • nawałnik azorski Oceanodroma monteiroi Bolton, Smith, Gomez-Diaz, Friesen, Medeiros, Bried, Roscales & Furness, 2008 (nawałniki Hydrobatidae)
  • świstunka turniowa Phylloscopus occisinensis Martens, Sun & Päckert, 2008 (świstunki Phylloscopidae)


  • Olson, S.L. 2008. A new genus and species of buteonine hawk from Quaternary deposits in Bermuda (Aves: Accipitridae). „Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.” 121(1): 130-141.
  • Cheke, A.S. & J.P. Hume. 2008. Lost Land of the Dodo: and ecological history of Mauritius, Réunion and Rodrigues. Yale University Press.
  • Arndt, T. 2008. Anmerkungen zu einigen Pyrrhura – Formen mit der Beschreibung einer neuen Art und zweier neuer Unterarten. Papageien 8: 278-286.
  • Bolton, M., Smith, A.L., Gómez-Díaz, E., Friesen, V.L., Medeiros, R., Bried, J., Roscales, J.L. & Furness, R.W. 2008. Monteiro's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma monteiroi: a new species from the Azores. Ibis 150: 717-727.
  • Dutson, G. 2008. A new species of White-eye Zosterops and notes on other birds from Vanikoro, Solomon Islands. Ibis 150: 698–706.
  • Fang, Z. & J. Aiwu. 2008. A New Species of Babbler (Timaliidae: Stachyris) from the Sino-Vietnamese Border Region of China. Auk, 125 (2): 420–424.
  • Herzog, S.K., M. Kessler & J.A. Balderama. 2008. A new species of tyrannulet (Tyrannidae: Phyllomyias) from Andean foothills in northwest Bolivia and adjacent Peru. Auk, 125: 265-276.
  • Indrawan, M., P.C. Rasmussen & Sunarto. 2008. A New White-Eye Zosterops from the Togian Islands, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 120 (1): 1–9.
  • Martens, J., Sun, Yue-Hua & M. Päckert. 2008. Intraspecific differentiation of Sino-Himalayan bush-dwelling Phylloscopus leaf warblers, with description of two new taxa. (P. fuscatus, P. fuligiventer, P. affinis, P. armandii, P. subaffinis). Verterbrate Zoology 58 (2): 233-265.
  • Schmidt, B.K., J.T. Foster, G.R. Angehr, K.L. Durrant & R.C. Fleischer. 2008. A new species of African Forest Robin from Gabon (Passeriformes: Muscicapidae: Stiphrornis). Zootaxa 1850: 27–42.

Rok 2009

  • krzyżodziób wyżynny Loxia sinesciuris Benkman, 2009 (w: Benkman, Smith, Keenan, Parchman & Santisteban) (łuszczakowate Fringillidae)
  • świstunka indochińska Phylloscopus calciatilis Alström, Davidson, Duckworth, J. C. Eames, Le, Nguyen, Olsson, Robson & Timmins, 2009 (świstunki Phylloscopidae)
  • bilbil łysy Pycnonotus hualon Woxvold, Duckworth,JW & Timmins, 2009 (bilbile Pycnonotidae)
  • rudzielak miombowy Scepomycter rubehoensis Bowie, Fjeldsa & Kiure, 2009 (chwastówki Cisticolidae)
  • ogończyk rzeczny Synallaxis beverlyae (garncarzowate Furnariidae)
  • widłogonek ciemnogłowy Thalurania nigricapilla Valdés-Velásquez & Schuchmann, 2009 (kolibrowate Trochilidae) (obecnie traktowany jako synonim widłogonka modrobrzuchego Thalurania colombica subtropicalis)


  • Benkman, C. W., J. W. Smith, P. C. Keenan, T. L. Parchman & L. Santisteban. 2009. A new species of Red Crossbill (Fringillidae: Loxia) from Idaho. The Condor, Vol. 111, No. 1: 169­-176.
  • P. Alström, P. Davidson, J. W. Duckworth, J. C. Eames, T. T. Le, C. Nguyen, U. Olsson, C. Robson & R. Timmins. Description of a new species of Phylloscopus warbler from Vietnam and Laos. „Ibis”. 152, 2009. 
  • A.I. Woxvold, J. W. Duckworth & R. J. Timmins.. An unusual new bulbul (Passeriformes: Pycnonotidae) from the limestone karst of Lao PDR. „Forktail”. 29, 2009. 
  • R.C.K. Bowie, J. Fjeldsa & J. Kiure. Multilocus molecular DNA variation in Winifred's Warbler Scepomycter winifredae suggests cryptic speciation and the existence of a threatened species in the Rubeho-Ukaguru Mountains of Tanzania. „Ibis”. 251. 
  • S.L. Hilty & D. Ascanio. A New Species of Spinetail (Furnariidae: Synallaxis) from the Río Orinoco of Venezuela. „The Auk”, 2009. 
  • Valdés-Velásquez, A. & K.L. Schuchmann. 2009. A new species of hummingbird (Thalurania; Trochilidae, Trochilinae) from the western Colombian Andes. „Orn. Anz.” 48: 143-149.

Zobacz też


  1. takson opisany jako Formicivora serrana littoralis, lecz obecnie powszechnie traktowany jako odrębny gatunek
  2. takson opisany jako Atlapetes rufinucha terborghi, lecz obecnie powszechnie traktowany jako odrębny gatunek
  3. takson opisany jako Chordeiles vielliardi, lecz obecnie umieszczany w rodzaju Nyctiprogne
  4. takson opisany jako Certhia familiaris tianquanensis, lecz obecnie traktowany jako osobny gatunek
  5. takson opisany jako Spizaetus philippinsis (sic!) pinskeri, lecz ostatnio podniesiony został do rangi gatunku
  6. David Burni, Ben Hoare, Joseph DiCostanzo, BirdLife International (mapy wyst.), Phil Benstead i inni: Encyklopedia Ptaki. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN Warszawa, 2009 ISBN 978-83-01-15733-3.
  7. takson pierwotnie opisany jako Pionopsitta aurantiocephala, lecz obecnie umieszczany w rodzaju Gypopsitta
  8. nowa nazwa dla Atlapetes melanops Valqui & Fjeldså, 1999 – nazwa już wcześniej zajęta
  9. nowa nazwa dla Cacatua goffini (Finsch, 1863)