Ljubomir Lucjuk

Ljubomir Lucjuk
Biografske informacije
Rođenje9. 7. 1953. (1953-07-09) (dob: 71)[1]
Kingston, Ontario
Zanimanjeakademik, književnik
Znamenita djela

Ljubomir Lucjuk (Kingston, 1953.), kanadski akademik i autor knjiga i članaka iz područja političke geografije i ukrajinske povijesti. Trenutno je redoviti profesor na Kraljevskom vojnom koledžu Kanade.[1]


Lucjuk je rođen i odrastao u Kingstonu u Ontariju.[2] Stekao je dvije diplome na Sveučilištu Queen's, počasni B.Sc.[α 1] (1976) i M.A.[α 2] (1979) te je završio doktorat (1984) u Edmontonu na Sveučilištu u Alberti.[1][2] Imao je postdoktorske stipendije na Sveučilištu Toronto i Sveučilištu Queen's.[1]

Od 1990. do 1992. radio je kao profesor geografskog odjela Sveučilištu Queen's. Od 1993. vodio je istraživački rad Ukrajinsko-kanadske udruge građana.

Od 2013. do aprila 2016. radio kao honorarni član Kanadskog odbora za uvjetni otpust[α 3].

Trenutno je redoviti profesor političke geografije na odsjeku za političke znanosti i ekonomiju na Kraljevskom vojnom koledžu Kanade[α 4] u Kingstonu.[1][2] Bio je dobitnik brojnih nagrada i stipendija.


  • Ukrainians in the Making: Their Kingston Story (1980)
  • A Delicate and Difficult Question: Documents in the History of Ukrainians in Canada, 1899–1962 (1986)
  • Anglo-American Perspectives on the Ukrainian Question, 1938–1951 (1987)
  • The Foreign Office and the Famine: British Documents on Ukraine and the Great Famine of 1932–1933 (1988)
  • A Time for Atonement: Canada's First National Internment Operations, 1914–1920 (1988)
  • Creating a Landscape: A Geography of Ukrainians in Canada (1989)
  • Canada's Ukrainians: Negotiating an Identity (1991)
  • Righting an Injustice: The Debate over Redress for Canada's First National Internment Operations (1994)
  • Searching for Place: Ukrainian Displaced Persons, Canada and the Migration of Memory (2000)
  • In Fear of the Barbed Wire Fence: Canada's First National Internment Operations and the Ukrainian Canadians, 1914–1920 (2001)
  • Not worthy : Walter Duranty's Pulitzer Prize and the New York Times (2004)
  • Their Just War: Images of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (2007)
  • Holodomor: Reflections on the Great Famine of 1932–1933 in Soviet Ukraine (2008)
  • The Holy See and the Holodomor: Documents from the Vatican Secret Archives on the Great Famine of 1932–1933 in Soviet Ukraine (2011)
  • Jews, Ukrainians, and the Euromaidan (2014)
  • Famines in European Economic History: The last great European famines reconsidered (2015)
  • Operation Payback: Soviet Disinformation and Alleged Nazi War Criminals in North America (2022)
  • Enemy Archives: Soviet Counterinsurgency Operations and the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement (2023)


  • Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Spoljašne veze

  • (en) „Lubomyr Luciuk”. Ukrainian Canadian Congress. Pristupljeno 10. 3. 2023. 


  1. Bachelor of Science Degree (B.Sc.)
  2. lat. Magister Artium, eng. Master of Arts Degree.
  3. eng. Parole Board of Canada ili fr. Commission des libérations conditionnelles du Canada.
  4. Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC)


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 (en) „Member Profile: Lubomyr Luciuk”. The Writers Union. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2016-03-04. Pristupljeno 10. 3. 2023. 
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 (en) Myron B. Kuropas (3. 8. 2003). „Honoring Lubomyr Luciuk: giving credit where credit is due”. The Ukrainian Weekly LXXI (31): str. 7. 


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