Louise Nevelson

Louise Nevelson
Louise Nevelson sa unukom Neith Nevelson, cca. 1965
Biografske informacije
RođenjeLeah Berliawsky
(1899-08-23)23. 8. 1899.
Perislav, Poltavska gubernija, Украјина
Smrt17. 4. 1988. (dob: 88)
New York
Profesionalne informacije
ObrazovanjeArt Students League of New York
American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medals
Nagrada kreativnih umjetnosti Univerziteta Brandeis za kiparstvo
počasna diploma Harvard University
počasna diploma Rutgers University
National Institute of Arts and Letters
National Medal of Arts
Skowhegan Medal for Sculpture[1]
  • Hans Hofmann
    Diego Rivera
    Max Ernst
    André Masson
    Alexander Calder[2]
    Pablo Picasso[3]
  • Mark di Suvero
    Willem De Kooning
    Lee Bontecou[2]

Louise Nevelson (23. august 1899 – 17. april 1988) bila je američka kiparica poznata po monumentalnim monokromnim drvenim skulpturama. Rođena je u Украјини, a s porodicoom je početkom 20. vijeka emigrirala u SAD. Tamo je u školi naučila engleski, dok je kod kuće koristila maternji jidiš. Zahvaljujući udaji za bogatog muža se mogla posvetiti studiju umjetnosti, te je 1941. imala prvu samostalnu izložbu. Bila je učenica Hansa Hofmanna i Chaima Grossa, te je eksperimentirala s ranom konceptualnom umjetnošću koristeći pronađene predmete. Poznata je po tome što je nosila živopisnu odjeću i divovske lažne trepavice, zbog čega su je proglasili "Prvom damom kiparstva".

Njena unuka Neith Nevelson je također istaknuta likovna umjetnica.


  1. „Louise Nevelson papers, circa 1903–1979”. Archives of American Art. Smithsonian Institution. Pristupljeno 16. VIII 2011. 
  2. 2,0 2,1 „Louise Nevelson”. Artists. The Art Story. 2011. Pristupljeno 19. VIII 2011. 
  3. Seaman, Donna (2008). „The Empress of in-between: A Portrait of Louise Nevelson.”. TriQuarterly 9 (31): 280. Pristupljeno 2011-08-19. (potrebna pretplata)


  • Rapaport, Brooke Kamin. The Sculpture of Louise Nevelson: Constructing a Legend. New York: Jewish Museum of New York (2007). ISBN 0-300-12172-5
  • Busch, Julia M. A Decade of Sculpture: the New Media in the 1960s. Philadelphia: The Art Alliance Press (1974). ISBN 0-87982-007-1
  • Celant, Germano. Louise Nevelson. New York: Skira (2011). ISBN 88-572-0445-6
  • Friedman, Martin. Nevelson: Wood Sculptures, An Exhibition Organized by Walker Art Center. Boston: E.P. Dutton (1973). ISBN 0-525-47367-X
  • Guerrero, Pedro. Louise Nevelson: Atmospheres and Environments. Clarkson N. Potter (1988). ISBN 0-517-54054-1
  • Herskovic, Marika. American Abstract Expressionism of the 1950s, An Illustrated Survey. New York: New York School Press (2004). ISBN 0-9677994-1-4
  • Hobbs, Robert C. "Louise Nevelson: A Place That Is an Essence". Woman's Art Journal. 1. 1 (1980): 39–43.
  • Lisle, Laurie. Louise Nevelson: A Passionate Life. Bloomington: IUniverse (2001). ISBN 0-595-19069-3
  • MacKown, Diane. Dawns and Dusks: Taped Conversations With Diana MacKown. Encore Editions (1980). ISBN 0-684-15895-7
  • Wilson, Laurie. Louise Nevelson: Iconography and Sources. New York: Garland Pub. (1981). ISBN 0-8240-3946-7

Vanjske veze

  • Nevelson on Wikiversity
  • Louise Nevelson Foundation
  • Louise Nevelson: The Artist and the Legend Arhivirano 2011-08-14 na Wayback Machine-u
  • "The Sculpture of Louise Nevelson: Constructing a Legend" Exhibition (2007) Arhivirano 2009-07-20 na Portuguese Web Archive-u at The Jewish Museum (New York): online timeline, art and audio "Knowing Nevelson" panel discussion