Sixty Glorious Years

14. 10. 1938 (1938-10-14)
Trajanje95 min.Zemlja Ujedinjeno KraljevstvoJezikengleski

Sixty Glorious Years (sh. Šezdeset slavnih godina) je britanski historijski film snimljen 1938. godine, poznat kao jedno od prvih cjelovečernjih ostvarenja britanske kinematografije u boji. Predstavlja remake, odnosno nastavak crno-bijelog filma Victoria the Great snimljenog prethodne godine. U njemu Anna Neagle ponavlja ulogu kraljice Viktorije, a radnja prikazuje najvažnije događaje njene duge vladavine. Poticaj za snimanje je dao veliki uspjeh prethodnog filma, odnosno zarada koja je omogućila da se raskošne scene historijske rekonstrukcije ponovno snime u boji.


  • Anna Neagle ... Kraljica Victoria
  • Anton Walbrook ... Princ Albert
  • C. Aubrey Smith ... Vojvoda od Wellingtona
  • Walter Rilla ... Princ Ernst
  • Charles Carson ... Sir Robert Peel
  • Felix Aylmer ... Lord Palmerston
  • Lewis Casson ... Lord John Russell
  • Pamela Standish ... Kraljevska princeza
  • Gordon McLeod ... John Brown
  • Henry Hallett ... Joseph Chamberlain
  • Wyndham Goldie ... Arthur Balfour
  • Malcolm Keen ... William E. Gladstone
  • Frederick Leister ... Herbert H. Asquith
  • Derrick De Marney ... Benjamin Disraeli
  • Joyce Bland ... Florence Nightingale
  • Frank Cellier ... Lord Derby
  • Harvey Braban ... Lord Salisbury
  • Aubrey Dexter ... Princ od Walesa
  • Stuart Robertson ... Mr. Anson
  • Olaf Olsen ... Prince Fredrick
  • Marie Wright ... Maggie
  • Laidman Browne ... Gen. Gordon
  • Greta Schröder ... Baronin Lehzen

Vanjske veze

  • Sixty Glorious Years na sajtu IMDb
  • Sixty Glorious Years dostupan kao besplatni download na Internet Archive
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Filmovi koje je režirao Herbert Wilcox
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  • Decameron Nights (1924)
  • Nell Gwyn (1926)
  • London (1926)
  • Mumsie (1927)
  • Tip Toes (1927)
  • Madame Pompadour (1927)
  • The Only Way (1927)
  • Dawn (1928)
  • The Bondman (1929)
  • The Woman in White (1929)
  • The Loves of Robert Burns (1930)
  • The Chance of a Night Time (1931)
  • Carnival (1931)
  • The Blue Danube (1932)
  • Goodnight, Vienna (1932)
  • Money Means Nothing (1932)
  • The King's Cup (1933)
  • The Little Damozel (1933)
  • Bitter Sweet (1933)
  • Yes, Mr Brown (1933)
  • The Queen's Affair (1934)
  • Nell Gwyn (1934)
  • Peg of Old Drury (1935)
  • Three Maxims (1936)
  • London Melody (1937)
  • Limelight (1937)
  • Victoria the Great (1937)
  • Sixty Glorious Years (1938)
  • This'll Make You Whistle (1938)
  • Nurse Edith Cavell (1939)
  • Irene (1940)
  • No, No, Nanette (1940)
  • Sunny (1941)
  • They Flew Alone (1942)
  • Forever and a Day (1943)
  • Yellow Canary (1943)
  • I Live in Grosvenor Square (1945)
  • Piccadilly Incident (1946)
  • The Courtneys of Curzon Street (1947)
  • Spring in Park Lane (1948)
  • Elizabeth of Ladymead (1948)
  • Maytime in Mayfair (1949)
  • Odette (1950)
  • Into the Blue (1950)
  • The Lady with the Lamp (1951)
  • Derby Day (1952)
  • Trent's Last Case (1952)
  • Laughing Anne (1953)
  • Trouble in the Glen (1954)
  • Lilacs in the Spring (1954)
  • King's Rhapsody (1955)
  • My Teenage Daughter (1956)
  • These Dangerous Years (1957)
  • The Man Who Wouldn't Talk (1958)
  • Wonderful Things! (1958)
  • The Lady Is a Square (1959)
  • The Heart of a Man (1959)